Letter M

mess - Multiple Emulator Super System

Website: http://www.mess.org/
License: MAME License
Vendor: RPM Fusion
MESS is an acronym that stands for Multiple Emulator Super System. MESS will
more or less faithfully reproduce computer and console systems on a PC.

MESS emulates the hardware of the systems and sometimes utilizes ROM images to
load programs and games.  Therefore, these systems are NOT simulations, but
the actual emulations of the hardware.


mess-0.145-1.fc17.x86_64 [6.9 MiB] Changelog by Julian Sikorski (2012-02-07):
- Updated to 0.145
- Patched to use system libflac, libjpeg needs more work
- dat2html is no more
- Added floptool to the -tools sub-package

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