
openclonk - Fast-paced 2d genre mix

Website: http://www.openclonk.org/
License: ISC and CC-BY-SA
Vendor: RPM Fusion
Clonk is a multiplayer-action-tactics-skill game. It is often referred to as
a mixture of The Settlers and Worms. In a simple 2D ant-farm style landscape,
the player controls his crew of Clonks, small but robust humanoid beings.
The game encourages free play but the normal goal is to either exploit
valuable resources from the earth by building a mine or fight each other on
an arena-like map.


openclonk-6.0-1.fc22.armv7hl [2.1 MiB] Changelog by Martin Gansser (2015-03-16):
- Update to 6.0
- correct %license tag
- cleanup spec file

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-1.el6