/*############################################################################## FUNNNELWEB COPYRIGHT ==================== FunnelWeb is a literate-programming macro preprocessor. Copyright (C) 1992 Ross N. Williams. Ross N. Williams ross@spam.adelaide.edu.au 16 Lerwick Avenue, Hazelwood Park 5066, Australia. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of Version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See Version 2 of the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of Version 2 of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, you can FTP the license from prep.ai.mit.edu/pub/gnu/COPYING-2 or write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. Section 2a of the license requires that all changes to this file be recorded prominently in this file. Please record all changes here. Programmers: RNW Ross N. Williams ross@spam.adelaide.edu.au ABC Anthony B. Coates coates@physics.uq.edu.au Changes: 07-May-1992 RNW Program prepared for release under GNU GPL V2. 16-Sep-1993 ABC Changed all constants *_MAX to *_FWMAX to avoid conflict with some standard UNIX constants. 20-Jul-1995 ABC Modified program name to reflect release of FunnelWeb 3.01AC. 08-Aug-1995 ABC Modified program name to reflect release of FunnelWeb 3.02AC. 10-Aug-1995 ABC Modified program name to reflect release of FunnelWeb 3.03AC. 16-Aug-1995 ABC Added support for batch mode (no interaction with user) via `+Qb' command switch. 16-Aug-1995 ABC Modified program name to reflect release of FunnelWeb 3.04AC. 19-Sep-1995 ABC Modified program name to reflect release of FunnelWeb 3.05AC. ##############################################################################*/ /******************************************************************************/ /* HELP.C */ /******************************************************************************/ /* */ /* REPRESENTING MESSAGES AS C CODE */ /* =============================== */ /* Experience has shown that it is much more reliable to code text messages */ /* into a program than to expect the program to track down text files */ /* containing the messages at run time. Worthwhile for smallish files (such */ /* as these help messages) at least. For this reason, most the messages in */ /* this module are represented by code (e.g. as in printf statements). */ /* */ /* The only exception is the 18K Gnu license message which is a bit too big */ /* to be done by hand. It has been moved to the help_gnu module. */ /* */ /******************************************************************************/ #include #include "style.h" #include "as.h" #include "help.h" #include "help_gnu.h" #include "misc.h" #include "option.h" /******************************************************************************/ /* This module contains many many output statements that call an output */ /* function. To neaten up all these calls, we define a global variable to */ /* hold a pointer to the function and simple macro to write output using */ /* the function. */ LOCVAR void (*pf) P_((char *)); #define WX(STR) (*pf)(STR) /******************************************************************************/ LOCAL void hel_men P_((void)); LOCAL void hel_men () { WX("\n"); WX("FunnelWeb Help Messages\n"); WX("-----------------------\n"); WX("Introduction - Introduction to FunnelWeb.\n"); WX("DOcumentation - How to obtain FunnelWeb documentation.\n"); WX("Options - Command line options.\n"); WX("DEfoptions - Default command line options.\n"); WX("COMmands - Interactive commands.\n"); WX("Registration - How to register as an \"official\" FunnelWeb user.\n"); WX("Support - How you can help support FunnelWeb development.\n"); WX("COPyright - Copyright notice.\n"); WX("License - The license under which this software is distributed (long).\n"); WX("Nowarranty - Extract from the GNU license concerning lack of warranty.\n"); WX("DIstribution - Extract from the GNU license concerning distribution.\n"); WX("MOdification - Read this message if you intend to modify FunnelWeb.\n"); WX("Versions - A list of existing versions of FunnelWeb.\n"); WX("Acknowledge - Thanks to people who helped with FunnelWeb development.\n"); WX("MEnu - The message you are reading (the default help message).\n"); WX("\n"); WX("To display a message, give its (optionally abbreviated) name in a help command.\n"); WX("To capture a message to a file, add +J to the fw command. Examples:\n"); WX("\n"); WX(" fw +Hintroduction +Jintro.txt -- From the operating system level.\n"); WX(" help introduction -- From FunnelWeb interactive mode.\n"); } /******************************************************************************/ LOCAL void hel_int P_((void)); LOCAL void hel_int () { WX("\n"); WX("FunnelWeb Introduction\n"); WX("----------------------\n"); WX("Welcome to FunnelWeb, a literate-programming macro preprocessor.\n"); WX("\n"); WX("Traditional computer programs are primarily written for computers and consist\n"); WX("of code laced with comments. In contrast, literate programs are primarily\n"); WX("written for humans and consist of comments laced with code. While simple, the\n"); WX("effect of this inversion can be so profound as to change one's whole approach\n"); WX("to programming. The literate programmer focuses on conveying meaning to other\n"); WX("intelligent beings rather than merely convincing the computer to behave in a\n"); WX("particular way. It is the difference between performing and exposing a magic\n"); WX("trick.\n"); WX("\n"); WX("FunnelWeb is a production-quality literate-programming tool that emphasises\n"); WX("simplicity and reliability. It provides a macro facility, and assists in the\n"); WX("production of typeset documentation. FunnelWeb runs on most popular machines\n"); WX("(Sun, VAX, Mac, PC) and its highly portable source code in C is freely\n"); WX("available under a GNU license.\n"); WX("\n"); WX("To get started with FunnelWeb, obtain a printed copy of the \"FunnelWeb User's\n"); WX("Manual\" (see the \"DOCUMENTATION\" help message). Read the introduction and work\n"); WX("through the tutorial. The manual contains an overview of FunnelWeb, an\n"); WX("introductory tutorial, and a comprehensive reference manual. Try it!\n"); } /******************************************************************************/ LOCAL void hel_opt P_((void)); LOCAL void hel_opt () { WX("\n"); WX("FunnelWeb Command Line Options\n"); WX("------------------------------\n"); WX("Options are of the form (\"+\" | \"=\" | \"-\") [].\n"); WX("+ turns on an option. - turns it off. = doesn't affect it's onoffedness.\n"); WX("The case (e.g. upper or lower) of does not matter.\n"); WX(" is usually a filename or directory, but sometimes a number.\n"); WX("Convention: f=filename, n=decimal number, h=help message name.\n"); WX("\n"); WX("Example: fw sloth +L +Jaardvark.xxx +W80 -Q =Twalrus.tex\n"); WX("\n"); WX("Action options: (choose at least one when you invoke FunnelWeb from the OS).\n"); WX("If you choose more than one, they will be executed in the order given here.\n"); WX(" +Xf Execute specified Funnelweb script.\n"); WX(" +Ff Process specified input file.\n"); WX(" +Hh Display specified help message.\n"); WX(" +K Invoke FunnelWeb's interative mode.\n"); WX("\n"); WX("Other options:\n"); WX(" +B1 Diagnostic: Dump image of input file to listing file.\n"); WX(" +B2 Diagnostic: Dump scanner's line list to listing file.\n"); WX(" +B3 Diagnostic: Dump scanner's token list to listing file.\n"); WX(" +B4 Diagnostic: Dump parser's macro table to listing file.\n"); WX(" +B5 Diagnostic: Dump parser's document list to listing file.\n"); WX(" +B6 Diagnostic: Dump time breakdown report to listing file.\n"); WX(" +B7 Diagnostic: Suppress non-deterministic output.\n"); WX(" +Cn Number of lines of context around diagnostics in listing file.\n"); WX(" +D Delete each output file identical to its previous version.\n"); WX(" +If Default file specification for include files.\n"); WX(" +Jf Generate journal file. Default file specification.\n"); WX(" +Lf Generate listing file. Default file specification.\n"); WX(" +Of Generate product files. Default file specification.\n"); WX(" +Q Quiet mode. Only really important messages displayed on console.\n"); /* ABC { */ WX(" +Qb Batch mode. No interaction with user via console.\n"); /* } ABC */ WX(" +Tf Generate typesetter file. Default file specification.\n"); WX(" +Sn Send errors to console with specified number of lines of context.\n"); WX(" +Wn Set maximum length of lines in product files.\n"); WX("\n"); WX("If an option appears more than once, the rightmost one dominates.\n"); WX("For more detailed information, refer to the FunnelWeb User's Manual.\n"); WX("For default values refer to the \"DEFOPTIONS\" help message.\n"); } /******************************************************************************/ LOCAL void hel_dop P_((void)); LOCAL void hel_dop () { op_t defop; WX("\n"); WX("FunnelWeb Default Option Settings\n"); WX("---------------------------------\n"); WX("These are the settings FunnelWeb STARTS UP with.\n"); op_ini(&defop); WX("\n"); op_wri(&defop,pf); WX("\n"); WX("See the OPTIONS help message for a brief description of these options.\n"); WX("For more detailed information, refer to the FunnelWeb User's Manual.\n"); } /******************************************************************************/ LOCAL void hel_com P_((void)); LOCAL void hel_com () { WX("\n"); WX("FunnelWeb Interactive Commands\n"); WX("------------------------------\n"); WX(" ! - Comment. Ignores the whole line. \n"); WX(" ABSENT fn - Aborts if specified file exists. \n"); WX(" CODIFY ftext fC - Convert text file into C code to write text. \n"); WX(" COMPARE f1 f2 - Aborts if two files are different. \n"); WX(" DEFINE n \"text\" - Defines $n to translate to text. \n"); WX(" DIFF f1 f2 logf [ABORT] - Writes differences between f1 and f2 to logf.\n"); WX(" - Severe if different and ABORT is present. \n"); WX(" DIFFSUMMARY - Summary of differences done since DIFFZERO. \n"); WX(" DIFFZERO - Zeros differences counters. \n"); WX(" ENEO fn - Establish Non Existence Of file. \n"); WX(" EXECUTE fn - Execute commands in specified file. \n"); WX(" EXISTS fn - Aborts if file does not exist. \n"); WX(" FIXEOLS fn [outf] - Fixes up EOL markers in specified file. \n"); WX(" FW options - Invoke FunnelWeb-proper once. \n"); WX(" HELP [name] - Displays specified help message. \n"); WX(" HERE - Terminates effect of SKIPTO command. \n"); WX(" QUIT - Quits FunnelWeb. \n"); WX(" SET options - Sets options. \n"); WX(" SHOW - Displays currently active options. \n"); WX(" SKIPTO - Ignore commands until HERE command. \n"); WX(" STATUS - Write out status and diagnostic counts. \n"); WX(" STATUS [Sn] [En] [Wn] - Aborts if status is not as specified. \n"); WX(" TOLERATE - Don't abort script if next commmand gens err.\n"); WX(" TRACE ON | OFF - Turns command tracing ON or OFF. \n"); WX(" WRITE \"text\" - Writes specified text to screen and journal. \n"); WX(" WRITEU \"text\" - Same as WRITE but underlines text. \n"); WX("\n"); WX("More detailed information can be found in the FunnelWeb User's Manual.\n"); WX("\n"); WX("Most of these commands were created to support regression testing and\n"); WX("can be ignored by most users. In fact most users will never need to invoke\n"); WX("FunnelWeb's interactive mode at all. If you are just getting started\n"); WX("with FunnelWeb, it's probably best to run FunnelWeb directly from your\n"); WX("command interface and ignore the +K command line option for now.\n"); } /******************************************************************************/ LOCAL void hel_doc P_((void)); LOCAL void hel_doc () { WX("\n"); WX("FunnelWeb Documentation\n"); WX("-----------------------\n"); WX("The following FunnelWeb documentation is available:\n"); WX("\n"); WX(" \"FunnelWeb User's Manual\": Tutorial, Hints, Reference Manual.\n"); WX(" \"FunnelWeb Hacker's Manual\": Notes on Design and Implementation.\n"); WX("\n"); WX("Everyone involved with FunnelWeb should read the User's Manual.\n"); WX("It contains everything you need to learn how to use FunnelWeb.\n"); WX("\n"); WX("The Hacker's Manual is for those who want to install, modify, fix,\n"); WX("fiddle with, and generally hack the FunnelWeb C source code.\n"); WX("\n"); WX("Both of these manuals are shipped with the FunnelWeb distribution\n"); WX("kit, and should be available on your machine in the form of LaTeX text\n"); WX("files. If you cannot find them, you can obtain them by FTP from:\n"); WX("\n"); WX(" Machine : sirius.itd.adelaide.edu.au [IP=].\n"); WX(" Directory: ~pub/funnelweb/ (or a directory of similar name).\n"); WX("\n"); } /******************************************************************************/ LOCAL void hel_reg P_((void)); LOCAL void hel_reg () { WX("FunnelWeb Registration\n"); WX("----------------------\n"); WX("If you install or use FunnelWeb, please fill in and return this form:\n"); WX("\n"); WX(" +----------------------FunnelWeb Registration Form----------------------+\n"); WX(" | 1. Date: |\n"); WX(" | 2. Title and name: |\n"); WX(" | 3. Internet email address: |\n"); WX(" | 4. Snail mail address: |\n"); WX(" | 5. Work phone number (country,area,number): |\n"); WX(" | 6. Which category of FunnelWeb user best describes you? |\n"); WX(" | Latent - Installed FunnelWeb, but don't intend to use it. |\n"); WX(" | Beginner - Haven't used FunnelWeb much yet; have an open mind. |\n"); WX(" | Casual - Use FunnelWeb occasionally. |\n"); WX(" | Convert - Use FunnelWeb to do most programming. |\n"); WX(" | Fanatic - FunnelWeb has become a way of life. |\n"); WX(" | 7. What changes or new features would you like to see in FunnelWeb? |\n"); WX(" | 8. Do you want to be kept informed of new FunnelWeb developments? |\n"); WX(" | 9. Email this form to \"ross@spam.adelaide.edu.au\", OR snail mail to |\n"); WX(" | Ross Williams, 16 Lerwick Avenue, Hazelwood Park 5066, Australia. |\n"); WX(" +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+\n"); WX("To write this form to a file, use \"fw +hreg +jregform.txt\".\n"); WX("You may wish to make a contribution when you register. See SUPPORT.\n"); } /******************************************************************************/ LOCAL void hel_cop P_((void)); LOCAL void hel_cop () { WX("\n"); WX("FunnelWeb Copyright\n"); WX("-------------------\n"); WX("Copyright (C) 1992 Ross Williams.\n"); WX("\n"); WX("However, FunnelWeb has been released by the author and copyright owner Ross\n"); WX("Williams (ross@spam.adelaide.edu.au) under Version 2 of the GNU General Public\n"); WX("License published by the Free Software Foundation. This means that you can\n"); WX("redistribute FunnelWeb and/or modify it under the terms of the license.\n"); WX("\n"); WX("Note: This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the\n"); WX("implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.\n"); WX("\n"); WX("The following help messages provide further information:\n"); WX("\n"); WX(" License - The license under which this software is distributed (long).\n"); WX(" DIstribution - Extract from the GNU license concerning distribution.\n"); WX(" Nowarranty - Extract from the GNU license concerning lack of warranty.\n"); WX(" MOdification - Read this message if you intend to modify FunnelWeb.\n"); WX(" Registration - How to register as an \"official\" FunnelWeb user.\n"); WX("\n"); } /******************************************************************************/ LOCAL void hel_now P_((void)); LOCAL void hel_now () { WX("\n"); WX("FunnelWeb Comes With No Warranty\n"); WX("--------------------------------\n"); WX("Here is an extract from the GNU General Public License Version 2, under which\n"); WX("FunnelWeb is distributed. See help message \"LICENSE\" for the full license.\n"); WX("\n"); WX(" 11. BECAUSE THE PROGRAM IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY\n"); WX(" FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN\n"); WX(" OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES\n"); WX(" PROVIDE THE PROGRAM \"AS IS\" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED\n"); WX(" OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF\n"); WX(" MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS\n"); WX(" TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE\n"); WX(" PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING,\n"); WX(" REPAIR OR CORRECTION.\n"); WX("\n"); WX(" 12. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING\n"); WX(" WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR\n"); WX(" REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES,\n"); WX(" INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING\n"); WX(" OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED\n"); WX(" TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY\n"); WX(" YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER\n"); WX(" PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE\n"); WX(" POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES.\n"); } /******************************************************************************/ LOCAL void hel_dis P_((void)); LOCAL void hel_dis () { WX("\n"); WX("FunnelWeb Distribution\n"); WX("----------------------\n"); WX("The following is an extract from the GNU General Public License Version 2,\n"); WX("under which FunnelWeb is distributed.\n"); WX("\n"); WX(" 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's\n"); WX(" source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you\n"); WX(" conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate\n"); WX(" copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the\n"); WX(" notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;\n"); WX(" and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License\n"); WX(" along with the Program.\n"); WX("\n"); WX(" You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and\n"); WX(" you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.\n"); WX("\n"); WX("The license also allows you other freedoms. For more information refer\n"); WX("to the full text of the license in the help message \"LICENSE\".\n"); } /******************************************************************************/ LOCAL void hel_ack P_((void)); LOCAL void hel_ack () { WX("\n"); WX("FunnelWeb Acknowledgements\n"); WX("--------------------------\n"); WX("The following people assisted with the preparation of FunnelWeb V3.0.\n"); WX("\n"); WX("Many thanks go to DAVID HULSE (dave@cs.adelaide.edu.au) who translated the 1986\n"); WX("version of FunnelWeb (V1) written in Ada into a public domain C version (V2).\n"); WX("The C code written by David formed the basis of V3 of FunnelWeb, but was\n"); WX("entirely rewritten during the intensive refinement and feature-injection\n"); WX("period leading up to this release (V3 is about 3 times the size of V2).\n"); WX("\n"); WX("Thanks go to SIMON HACKETT (simon@internode.com.au) of Internode Systems\n"); WX("Pty Ltd for the use of his Sun, Mac, and PC, for assistance in porting\n"); WX("FunnelWeb to the Sun and PC, and for helpful discussions.\n"); WX("\n"); WX("Thanks go to JEREMY BEGG (jeremy@vsm.com.au) of VSM Software Services\n"); WX("for the use of his VAX, and for assistance with the VMS-specific code.\n"); WX("\n"); WX("Ross Williams (ross@spam.adelaide.edu.au), 12 May 1992.\n"); } /******************************************************************************/ LOCAL void hel_ver P_((void)); LOCAL void hel_ver () { WX("\n"); WX("FunnelWeb Versions\n"); WX("------------------\n"); WX("FunnelWeb was created in 1986 and was used extensively by Ross Williams\n"); WX("(ross@spam.adelaide.edu.au) for three years. However, Version 1.0 was written\n"); WX("in Ada and was not very portable (it was fairly VAX/VMS specific). David Hulse\n"); WX("(dave@cs.adelaide.edu.au) took the first step towards a release by translating\n"); WX("the Ada code into C. Ross Williams then extensively reworked the C code, making\n"); WX("it robust and portable, adding new features, and polishing it to its current\n"); WX("form.\n"); WX("\n"); WX("Vers Lang Created Released Author Copyright Licensing \n"); WX("---- ---- ------- -------- -------------- ------------- --------- \n"); WX("V1.0 Ada 1986 Never Ross Williams Ross Williams \n"); WX("V2.0 C 1989 Never David Hulse Public domain No restriction.\n"); WX("V3.0 C 1992 May-1992 Ross Williams Ross Williams GNU release. \n"); WX("V3.0AC C 1994 Sep-1994 A.B.Coates RW and ABC GNU release. \n"); WX("V3.01AC C 1995 Never A.B.Coates RW and ABC GNU release. \n"); WX("V3.02AC C 1995 Never A.B.Coates RW and ABC GNU release. \n"); WX("V3.03AC C 1995 Never A.B.Coates RW and ABC GNU release. \n"); WX("V3.04AC C 1995 Never A.B.Coates RW and ABC GNU release. \n"); WX("V3.05AC C 1995 Oct-1995 A.B.Coates RW and ABC GNU release. \n"); WX("\n"); WX("This is FunnelWeb Version 3.05AC. Unless otherwise specified, all references\n"); WX("in this release to \"FunnelWeb\" refer either to the abstract identity\n"); WX("of FunnelWeb, or to this version, FunnelWeb Version 3.05AC.\n"); } /******************************************************************************/ LOCAL void hel_sup P_((void)); LOCAL void hel_sup () { WX("\n"); WX("FunnelWeb Support\n"); WX("-----------------\n"); WX("FunnelWeb is released \"as is\" under a GNU license, and no formal support\n"); WX("is available. You have the right to make changes to FunnelWeb and to use\n"); WX("the modified versions created by random programmers. However, this is\n"); WX("discouraged (see the MODIFICATION help message).\n"); WX("\n"); WX("In fact the support that is most needed is your financial support for the\n"); WX("FunnelWeb developers! It has taken MONTHS of full-time UNPAID work to bring\n"); WX("FunnelWeb to you in its current form. I don't want to inconvenience users\n"); WX("who install FunnelWeb, play with it, and then hardly ever use it. If you are\n"); WX("in this category, please register, but don't bother contributing. However,\n"); WX("if you find that FunnelWeb has become a useful programming tool, a contribution\n"); WX("of some positive multiple of US$50 would be appreciated.\n"); WX("\n"); WX("To make a contribution, send payment with a completed registration form\n"); WX("(see the REGISTRATION help message) to:\n"); WX("\n"); WX(" Renaissance Software Pty Ltd\n"); WX(" Email: ross@spam.adelaide.edu.au\n"); WX(" Snail: 16 Lerwick Avenue, Hazelwood Park 5066, Australia.\n"); WX("\n"); WX("Payment can be by personal or bank cheque to any bank in the world or by\n"); WX("Visa or Mastercard. Please give the card name, number, expiry date, and\n"); WX("the amount to be paid in US dollars. All contributions will be appreciated\n"); WX("and will encourage further FunnelWeb development. However, no undertaking\n"); WX("is made whatsoever about how the money will be used.\n"); WX("\n"); WX("Ross Williams (ross@spam.adelaide.edu.au), 12 May 1992.\n"); } /******************************************************************************/ LOCAL void hel_mod P_((void)); LOCAL void hel_mod () { WX("\n"); WX("FunnelWeb Modifications\n"); WX("-----------------------\n"); WX("FunnelWeb is distributed under a GNU license, and you are free to modify the\n"); WX("source code and distribute modified copies (see the help message LICENSE).\n"); WX("However, there are good reasons why you should avoid doing this.\n"); WX("\n"); WX(" 1) If you distribute modified versions of FunnelWeb, you run the risk of\n"); WX(" creating a version that will diverge from the \"official\" version of\n"); WX(" FunnelWeb which I intend to maintain.\n"); WX("\n"); WX(" 2) If you release a version of FunnelWeb with a changed input language,\n"); WX(" users of your modified version will create source files that will no\n"); WX(" longer work on other versions of FunnelWeb. The result will be chaos.\n"); WX("\n"); WX("For these reasons I request that you do not distribute modified versions of\n"); WX("FunnelWeb, particularly versions with a modified language. However, if you must\n"); WX("distribute a version with a modified language, PLEASE CHANGE ITS NAME (i.e.\n"); WX("from \"FunnelWeb\" to something else). Please also allocate a new file extension\n"); WX("to replace \".fw\" as the extension for source files written in the modified\n"); WX("language. For more information, refer to the FunnelWeb Hacker's Manual.\n"); WX("\n"); WX("Ross Williams (ross@spam.adelaide.edu.au), 12 May 1992.\n"); } /******************************************************************************/ LOCAL bool prefeq P_((char *,char *)); LOCAL bool prefeq (p_pref,p_target) /* Returns TRUE iff string p_pref is a case insensitive prefix of p_target. */ char *p_pref; char *p_target; { char *p,*q; if (strlen(p_pref) > strlen(p_target)) return FALSE; p=p_pref; q=p_target; while (*p != EOS) { if (toupper(*p) != toupper(*q)) return FALSE; p++; q++; } return TRUE; } /******************************************************************************/ EXPORT uword hel_num (p_name) char *p_name; { uword matches = 0; uword messnum; /* We want to be fairly lenient on the user here as the user is trying to */ /* obtain help and will probably get annoyed and give up if it doesn't work, */ /* so we perform case insensitive prefix matching. However, we don't want */ /* to match if the user inputs a prefix that matches two message names. This */ /* means we can't just return when we find a match; we have to see if there */ /* are any others as well. */ if (prefeq(p_name,"MENU" )) {messnum=HL_MEN; matches++;} if (prefeq(p_name,"INTRODUCTION" )) {messnum=HL_INT; matches++;} if (prefeq(p_name,"OPTIONS" )) {messnum=HL_OPT; matches++;} if (prefeq(p_name,"DEFOPTIONS" )) {messnum=HL_DOP; matches++;} if (prefeq(p_name,"COMMANDS" )) {messnum=HL_COM; matches++;} if (prefeq(p_name,"DOCUMENTATION")) {messnum=HL_DOC; matches++;} if (prefeq(p_name,"REGISTRATION" )) {messnum=HL_REG; matches++;} if (prefeq(p_name,"LICENSE" )) {messnum=HL_GNU; matches++;} if (prefeq(p_name,"COPYRIGHT" )) {messnum=HL_COP; matches++;} if (prefeq(p_name,"NOWARRANTY" )) {messnum=HL_NOW; matches++;} if (prefeq(p_name,"DISTRIBUTION" )) {messnum=HL_DIS; matches++;} if (prefeq(p_name,"ACKNOWLEDGE" )) {messnum=HL_ACK; matches++;} if (prefeq(p_name,"VERSIONS" )) {messnum=HL_VER; matches++;} if (prefeq(p_name,"SUPPORT" )) {messnum=HL_SUP; matches++;} if (prefeq(p_name,"MODIFICATION" )) {messnum=HL_MOD; matches++;} if (matches != 1) return HL_ERR; return messnum; } /******************************************************************************/ EXPORT void hel_wri (p_outf,messno) void (*p_outf) P_((char *)); uword messno; { as_cold(1 <= messno, "hel_wri: Message number is zero."); as_cold(messno <= HL_FWMAX, "hel_wri: Message number is greater than HL_FWMAX."); /* Set the global output function pointer. */ pf=p_outf; switch(messno) { case HL_MEN: hel_men(); break; case HL_INT: hel_int(); break; case HL_OPT: hel_opt(); break; case HL_DOP: hel_dop(); break; case HL_COM: hel_com(); break; case HL_DOC: hel_doc(); break; case HL_REG: hel_reg(); break; case HL_GNU: hel_gnu(p_outf); break; /* Calling another module. */ case HL_COP: hel_cop(); break; case HL_NOW: hel_now(); break; case HL_DIS: hel_dis(); break; case HL_ACK: hel_ack(); break; case HL_VER: hel_ver(); break; case HL_SUP: hel_sup(); break; case HL_MOD: hel_mod(); break; default : as_bomb("hel_wri: switch defaulted."); } } /******************************************************************************/ /* End of HELP.C */ /******************************************************************************/