Download and extract (build on June 24 2005, about 100kb) using your favorite packageing tool. The archive will be extracted into the directory './ite'. Maintainer of the iTe distribution need to download (build on June 24 2005, about 100kb) instead.
Note that there may be a more recent (beta) release, including bug reports and workarounds.
If necessary, install all required tools on your system.
You must point Emacs to some resources required by iTe. This is done in the initialization file .emacs for Gnu-Emacs or .xemacs/init.el for XEmacs, which are both located in your home directory. To this initialization file, merge the following lines and edit ite-load-path:
;; The path to the ite-lisp library. (setq ite-load-path "~/ite/lib/ite.el") ;; Preload iTe (autoload 'ite ite-load-path "Start the interactive TeX editor" t)
Normally it is not required to customize iTe. Customization allows you to control
To customize iTe, you have to edit the configuration file ite.conf in the iTe installation directory.
For the expert user: You can have any list of configuration files in any location. To achieve this, set the variable ite-config-files to this list, for example
;; List of configuration files for iTe. (setq ite-config-files (list "~/ite/ite.conf" "~/ite/private.conf"))
The default behaviour is to read the file ite.conf in the iTe installation directory.
At this stage you can test the installation:
The TEX installation will have to find the files ite.tex and ite.sty in iTe's tex-directory. We recommend that you copy these files to a directory which is already searched by TeX. This could be /usr/share/doc/.TeX or ~/.TeX on a Unix platform. The environment variable TEXINPUTS lists all directories that are searched.
Alternatively, but not recommended, you can make TeX search in an additional location, such as in the installation directory of iTe. To do so, you will have to modify the TEXINPUTS environment variable or use a tool provided by the TeX distribution of your choice. For example, if you are using MiKTeX, you can use its Options-tool to add the library. Select the Roots tab and add the path to the iTe-distribution to the list of TEXMF root directories. Then refresh the file name database and exit the utility.