% MetaUML, a MetaPost library for typesetting exquisite UML diagrams. % Copyright (C) 2005 Ovidiu Gheorghies % % This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or % modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License % as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 % of the License, or (at your option) any later version. % % This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software % Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. if known _metauml_base_mp: expandafter endinput fi; _metauml_base_mp:=1; input util_log; vardef markPoint(text p)(text color) = draw p withpen pencircle scaled 1 withcolor color; enddef; vardef drawLine(text pA)(text pB)(text base) = draw pA--pB; enddef; vardef drawArrow(text pA)(text pB)(text base) = numeric dx, dy; dx = xpart(pB - pA); dy = ypart(pB - pA); numeric alfa; alfa = angle(dx, dy); pair pC, pD; pC := (0, base/2); pC := pC rotated (alfa) shifted pA; pD := (0, base/2); pD := pD rotated (180+alfa) shifted pA; %fill pA--pC--pB--pD--cycle withcolor .8white; draw pA--pB; draw pB--pC; draw pB--pD; enddef; vardef drawTriangle(text pA)(text pB)(text base) = numeric dx, dy; dx = xpart(pB - pA); dy = ypart(pB - pA); numeric alfa; alfa = angle(dx, dy); pair pC, pD; pC := (0, base/2); pC := pC rotated (alfa) shifted pA; pD := (0, base/2); pD := pD rotated (180+alfa) shifted pA; fill pA--pC--pB--pD--cycle withcolor white; draw pA--pC;% withcolor red; draw pA--pD;% withcolor green; draw pB--pC;% withcolor blue; draw pB--pD; enddef; vardef drawDiamond(text pA)(text pB)(text height) = numeric dx, dy; dx = xpart(pB - pA); dy = ypart(pB - pA); numeric alfa; alfa = angle(dx, dy); numeric width; width = _length(pA)(pB); path diamond; diamond = (0,0)--(width/2, height/2)--(width, 0)--(width/2, -height/2)--cycle; fill diamond rotated alfa shifted pA withcolor white; draw diamond rotated alfa shifted pA; enddef; vardef drawDiamondBlack(text pA)(text pB)(text height) = numeric dx, dy; dx = xpart(pB - pA); dy = ypart(pB - pA); numeric alfa; alfa = angle(dx, dy); numeric width; width = _length(pA)(pB); path diamond; diamond = (0,0)--(width/2, height/2)--(width, 0)--(width/2, -height/2)--cycle; fill diamond rotated alfa shifted pA; enddef; vardef drawCrossedCircle(text pA)(text pB)(text height) = numeric dx, dy; dx = xpart(pB - pA); dy = ypart(pB - pA); numeric alfa; alfa = angle(dx, dy); numeric width; width = _length(pA)(pB); pair pC, pD; pC := (width/2, height/2 + 1); pC := pC rotated (alfa) shifted pA; pD := (width/2, -height/2 - 1); pD := pD rotated (alfa) shifted pA; fill pA..pB..pA -- cycle withcolor white; draw pA -- pB; draw pC -- pD; draw pA .. pB .. pA; enddef; vardef drawLine(expr my_path) = draw my_path; enddef; vardef drawLineDashed(expr my_path) = draw my_path dashed evenly; enddef; vardef drawNothing(text pA)(text pB)(text base) = enddef; def shorterLineEndPoint(text pA)(text pB)(text delta) = (xpart(pA) + _dx(pA)(pB)*(1 - delta/_length(pA)(pB)), ypart(pA) + _dy(pA)(pB) * (1 - delta/_length(pA)(pB)) ) enddef;