MTPK: Make Tex PK font ---------------------- (Februari 1996) The MTPK package provides the following programs: mtpk - an automatic PK font generator pkfonts - a mtpk front-end for generating missing fonts from a given DVI file Both programs are written in ANSI C. Mtpk.c uses the POSIX directory functions. To test and install the programs: 1) Testing - adapt the configuration file ./mtpk.unx to your TeX defaults. Read the manual pages mtpk(1) and mtpk(5) for the details. - `make -f Makefile.unx test' (`make -f Makefile.unx RANLIB=touch test' on SYS5) (`make -f Makefile.unx CC=gcc EXTRA=-DNOSTRERROR test' on SunOS4.1.3) The test is succeeded if the PK font ./putro8r.329pk is created properly. The test expects the new version of ps2pk in your PATH. - Test if mtpk works with METAFONT (check the value of MFINPUTS in ./mtpk.unx) by trying to make cmr10.331pk ./mtpk -v cmr10 331 300 [ optional: - Test gsftopk if you want to use this program (check gsfontmap in ./mtpk.unx) and try ./mtpk ptmr0 331 300 ] 2) Installation - public cache considerations PK fonts need to be stored in a directory that is shared between users in a safe way. A neat solution is to create the pseudo-user `pkcache' (/bin/false shell) and to give write permission to this user in the cache root directories. Another solution is to create a public read/write cache. But this is unsafe. * create the pseudo-user pkcache (or something else) * make the root directories of the cache r/w for this user * do the `make install' (later on) as superuser. - PostScript resource database In order to locate fonts, AFM files and encoding vectors mtpk needs to know what files to read. For this purpose it needs a PS resource database (PSres.upr on UNIX). If your UNIX system already provides his own Display PostScript (DPS) database then you can best use that in combination with mtpk. Unfortunately the version of makepsres(1) from Adobe currently does not support PFB type1 fonts (binary MSDOS format) and TeX encoding name conventions (files ending on .enc). In ../PSres I have provided mkpsres, an enhanced makepsres, that can handle these cases (see ../PSres/INSTALL). Unfortunately dvips currently does not use the PS resource database to find its resources (non-resident type1 fonts and encoding vectors). You have to put them in a directory that is in the DVIPSHEADERS search path. To prevent floating around multiple copies of resources you can make symbolic links to the original places. * make a PSres.upr database. For example ($TEXMF stands for the TeX root): mkpsres $(TEXMF)/fonts/type1faces $(TEXMF)/dvips If mkpsres discovers multiple occurences of the same resource you get a warning. Because the database is in ASCI you can edit it to fix this problem. * put PSres.upr on some place ($(TEXMF)/dvips/PSres.upr ?) - install mtpk and pkfonts Change the path for MTPKCFG in the Makefile to its final destination BEFORE installing. Adapt the definitions in mtpk.cfg to its final values. Do now a `make install' (superuser?) and `make'. - check mtpk (for example) mtpk ptmr0 332 300 (ps2pk) mtpk cmr10 332 300 (METAFONT) - recompile your DVI drivers (dvips and xdvi) so that they will use mtpk automatically. You can also use pkfonts to generate PK fonts from a DVI file. Add \usepackage{times} to a copy of sample2e.tex and make all missing PK fonts with: pkfonts sample2e[.dvi] Good luck! --Piet Februari 1996