README: About the Portuguese dictionary.

The file in attachement to this document is a Portuguese dictionary
for TeX which has been designed to be used in a Macintosh with

The Portuguese dictionary was built by the LabEL team (CAUTL �
IST).  It is a part of a larger set of computational linguistic
resources that are being developed at LabEL, which include
large-coverage electronic dictionaries and grammars to be used in the
automatic processing of European Portuguese.

      Centro de Autom�tica da UTL - IST
      Av. Rovisco Pais
      1049-001 Lisboa, Portugal

The dictionary was generated by:
    Nuno J. Mamede
    Av. Rovisco Pais
    1049-001 Lisboa, Portugal

This dictionary is free use and distribution, except for commercial
uses.  In a reasonable and modest correspondence, we ask its users
not to change its name, since this unaltered document will always
be enclosed with the dictionary.

Installing the Portuguese Dictionary

- If you want Excalibur to recognise the dictionary as soon as the
  program is launched, keep the dictionary in the main Excalibur
  folder if possible.  If that's not convenient, keep it anywhere you
  like, but put an alias for it in the main Excalibur folder.

- If you want Excalibur to activate the dictionary automatically when
  the program is launched, first choose the dictionary on the
  Dictionary menu. Then choose Preferences from the Options menu check
  the checkbox called "Load currently active dictionaries", and click
  "Save Now".

Version history
The original Portuguese Dictionary (version 02) contains about a
million inflected word forms with their grammatical attributes, and
has been used for some years now in natural language processing
operations. The present version is an adaptation for Excalibur of the
original dictionary.

If you detect any mistake or any missing words, please let us know at
the above e-mail addresses. Your suggestions will be taken into
account in future improved versions of the dictionary.