Norwegian Dictionary 2.2 for the Excalibur spell-checker This dictionary is assembled by Svein Olav Nyberg <> and Hans Trygve Jensen <> It is not commercial, not shareware, not postcardware, not even freeware, but upgradeware. That means we would appreciate it if you would help upgrade the dictionary with new words, and send it or your new words back to us. This way we can create a very good dictionary together. The current version contains 66.600 words. Upgrades will regularly be sent to the Excalibur distribution. To help you keep track, we will number the versions. This is 2.2. If you find any errors, please include the version number in your feedback. The latest Excalibur version is available from: <> There are several FTP mirrors from where you can download Excalibur and our dictionary: <> <> <> <> Our dictionary is also available from Hans Trygve Jensen's web site: <> Click on the "Wildware" button to go to the download page. Edinburgh and Oslo August 20, 1998 Svein Olav Nyberg and Hans Trygve Jensen _____________ Contributors: Ole Michael Selberg <> Johannes Idso <>