TeXt Plus Professional

Hello user!

   In order to install TPP you only have to double-click the  'Install'-icon.
Due  to the fact that working with TPP and much more with TeX is not sensible
without an harddisk, a script to install  TPP  on  disks  was  not  provided.
Before  you  start to install TPP, make sure you already have installed ARexx
and PasTeX, i. e. the directories 'REXX:' and 'TeX' exist.

If this is an update from 4.00 to 4.10, you can use the install script, too.
'*.Config' and '*.parse' are not overwritten. The format of the '*.Config'-files
has changed. So, please, use the new ones and modify them instead of the old ones,
if you want to make any changes to the configuration. Anyway, old configuration-files
still can be read.

   Owing to fit on the disk TPP  has  been  packed.  Please,
reassure yourself, that you have at least 1.5 MB harddisk space.

The hard- and software requirements for TPP in cooperation with PasTeX are:

� Amiga OS 2.04 or higher
� at least 2 MB RAM
� at least 10 MB harddisk space
� PasTeX 1.3 or higher (incl. the macro package NICETeX)
� LaTeX (25th March 1992) (All needed files are part of this distribution).

   I decided not to inform all  registered  users  on  the  release  of  this
version. Instead of this all users already registered for 4.00 can get a free
update  by  sending me either a disk and a self addressed stamped envelope or
DM 5/$5/�3 in cash. Refer to the docs on how  to  update  from  2.xx/3.xx  to

   If you want to get informed about updates, send me  your  e-mail  address.
If  you  do not have one, you have to consult Amiga magazines in order to get
informed about the contents of the latest Fish-disks.

Read the history file to find out what is new since 4.00.

Enjoy TeXt Plus Professional!

    Martin Steppler

PasTeX ist � by Georg Hessmann
You can order PasTeX from:

Karl Skibinski
Steinbrunn 9
8399 Dommelstadl

or via ftp:

ftp.uni-passau.de           /pub/amiga/tex/PasTeX13
LHA is � by Stefan Boberg
The registered version of LHA can be ordered from:

Stefan Boberg
Rydsv�gen  242 A:25
S-58251 Link�ping
ARexx is � by William Hawes
and is part of Amiga OS 2.xx