Welcome to the UNIX distribution of abc2mtex Version 1.6.1

To run abc2mtex on a UNIX machine you will need TeX, MusicTeX, an ANSI C
compiler and access to a postscript printer. Happily most UNIX machines
should have a C compiler and are likely, especially in educational
establishments, to have TeX/LaTeX already installed (if not, it can be
obtained from CTAN - the Complete TeX Archive Network - see below).
MusicTeX (and/or its young cousin MusiXTeX) can also be obtained from CTAN.

Download the file abc2mtex1.6.1.tar.gz then type:

cat abc2mtex1.6.1.tar.gz | gunzip | tar xvf -

To install all the software just enter "make install". This
creates the executable files "abc2mtex", "sort_in" and
"search". To do this by hand (if, for example, you don't have
the make facility) enter

cc -o abc2mtex fields.c abc.c tex.c index.c
cc -o sort_in sort_in.c index.c
cc -o search search.c abc.c tex.c index.c

A PostScript version of the usrguide is included in the distribution,
but you can recompile it by running "latex usrguide.tex" twice (you
will need MusicTeX installed to do this).

The version of MusicTeX that I have is 5.18 from the file
musictex-518.tar.gz available at various ftp sites (see below).
Download it and type:

cat musictex-518.tar.gz | gunzip | tar xvf -

To set this up with TeX version 3.1415 on UNIX machines you should set the
following environment variables:-

setenv TEXFONTS  :<musictex_directory>
setenv TEXINPUTS :<musictex_directory>
setenv MFINPUTS  :<musictex_directory>

where <musictex_directory> is the full pathname of the directory that
MusicTeX are stored in.

There is a comprehensive manual, musicdoc.ps, that comes with MusicTeX but
if you have problems setting up MusicTeX or modifying it for your own use,
don't mail me - I'm no expert. Instead there is a mailing list which you can
subscribe to by sending an email to mutex-request@gmd.de

If you have a WWW browser you can find CTAN at
From there MusicTeX is in "macros/musictex", MusiXTeX is in "macros/musixtex"
and abc2mtex is in "support/abc2mtex". abc2mtex and related files can also
be found at the Ceolas archive in
The abc home page, with a list of all abc packages (including translators for
abc->PostScript, abc<->MIDI and abc->Windows95), lists of web accessible
collections of abc tunes, and the web wide abc index can be found at

If you have ftp access then just use the addresses above (e.g. to use
anonymous ftp to "ftp://a.b.c/x/y/z" (or "http://a.b.c/x/y/z" in most cases),
type "ftp a.b.c", enter "anonymous" at the login prompt, your email address at
the password prompt, and then "cd /x/y/z").

	Chris Walshaw