Welcome to the UNIX distribution of abc2mtex Version 1.6.1 To run abc2mtex on a UNIX machine you will need TeX, MusicTeX, an ANSI C compiler and access to a postscript printer. Happily most UNIX machines should have a C compiler and are likely, especially in educational establishments, to have TeX/LaTeX already installed (if not, it can be obtained from CTAN - the Complete TeX Archive Network - see below). MusicTeX (and/or its young cousin MusiXTeX) can also be obtained from CTAN. INSTALLATION ============ abc2mtex ======== Download the file abc2mtex1.6.1.tar.gz then type: cat abc2mtex1.6.1.tar.gz | gunzip | tar xvf - To install all the software just enter "make install". This creates the executable files "abc2mtex", "sort_in" and "search". To do this by hand (if, for example, you don't have the make facility) enter cc -o abc2mtex fields.c abc.c tex.c index.c cc -o sort_in sort_in.c index.c cc -o search search.c abc.c tex.c index.c A PostScript version of the usrguide is included in the distribution, but you can recompile it by running "latex usrguide.tex" twice (you will need MusicTeX installed to do this). MusicTeX ======== The version of MusicTeX that I have is 5.18 from the file musictex-518.tar.gz available at various ftp sites (see below). Download it and type: cat musictex-518.tar.gz | gunzip | tar xvf - To set this up with TeX version 3.1415 on UNIX machines you should set the following environment variables:- setenv TEXFONTS :<musictex_directory> setenv TEXINPUTS :<musictex_directory> setenv MFINPUTS :<musictex_directory> where <musictex_directory> is the full pathname of the directory that MusicTeX are stored in. There is a comprehensive manual, musicdoc.ps, that comes with MusicTeX but if you have problems setting up MusicTeX or modifying it for your own use, don't mail me - I'm no expert. Instead there is a mailing list which you can subscribe to by sending an email to mutex-request@gmd.de Addresses ========= If you have a WWW browser you can find CTAN at ftp://ftp.dante.de/tex-archive ftp://ftp.shsu.edu/tex-archive ftp://ftp.tex.ac.uk/tex-archive From there MusicTeX is in "macros/musictex", MusiXTeX is in "macros/musixtex" and abc2mtex is in "support/abc2mtex". abc2mtex and related files can also be found at the Ceolas archive in http://celtic.stanford.edu/pub/tunes The abc home page, with a list of all abc packages (including translators for abc->PostScript, abc<->MIDI and abc->Windows95), lists of web accessible collections of abc tunes, and the web wide abc index can be found at http://www.gre.ac.uk/~c.walshaw/abc If you have ftp access then just use the addresses above (e.g. to use anonymous ftp to "ftp://a.b.c/x/y/z" (or "http://a.b.c/x/y/z" in most cases), type "ftp a.b.c", enter "anonymous" at the login prompt, your email address at the password prompt, and then "cd /x/y/z"). Chris Walshaw C.Walshaw@gre.ac.uk