TANGLE change file for Tops-20
Copyright (C) 1983 by David Fuchs.  All rights are reserved.

@x Tell WEAVE to print only the changes:
\pageno=\contentspagenumber \advance\pageno by 1
\pageno=\contentspagenumber \advance\pageno by 1
\def\title{TANGLE changes for Tops-20}

@x TOPS-20's banner:
@d banner=='This is TANGLE, Version 2.8'
@d banner=='This is TANGLE, Tops-20 Version 2.8'

@x Identify input vs. output files for correct version number handling:
program TANGLE(@!web_file,@!change_file,@!Pascal_file,@!pool);
program TANGLE(@!web_file:-,@!change_file:-,@!Pascal_file:+,@!pool:+);

@x Extra capacity:
@d ww=2 {we multiply the byte capacity by approximately this amount}
@d zz=3 {we multiply the token capacity by approximately this amount}
@d ww=3 {we multiply the byte capacity by approximately this amount}
@d zz=4 {we multiply the token capacity by approximately this amount}