
\ProvidesClass{tufte-book}[2009/12/11 v3.5.0 Tufte-book class]

% Declare we're tufte-book
\newcommand{\@tufte@class}{book}% the base LaTeX class (defaults to the article/handout style)
\newcommand{\@tufte@pkgname}{tufte-book}% the name of the package (defaults to tufte-handout)

% Load the common style elements

% Set up any book-specific stuff now

% The front matter in Tufte's /Beautiful Evidence/ contains everything up
% to the opening page of Chapter 1.  The running heads, when they appear,
% contain only the (arabic) page number in the outside corner.
%\newif\if@mainmatter \@mainmattertrue

% The main matter in Tufte's /Beautiful Evidence/ doesn't restart the page
% numbering---it continues where it left off in the front matter.
    {% two-side
      \fancyhead[LE]{\thepage\quad\smallcaps{\newlinetospace{\plaintitle}}}% book title
      \fancyhead[RO]{\smallcaps{\newlinetospace{\leftmark}}\quad\thepage}% chapter title
    {% one-side
      \fancyhead[RE,RO]{\smallcaps{\newlinetospace{\plaintitle}}\quad\thepage}% book title

% The back matter contains appendices, indices, glossaries, endnotes,
% biliographies, list of contributors, illustration credits, etc.

% Only show the chapter titles in the table of contents

% If there is a `tufte-book-local.sty' file, load it.

   \TufteInfoNL{Loading tufte-book-local.tex}}

% End of file