%% Copyright (C) 2008-2009 by:
%% Josef Kleber
%% <josef.kleber@gmx.de>
%% This file may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of
%% the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 of this license
%% or (at your option) any later version.  The latest version of this
%% license is in:
%%    http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
%% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX version
%% 2003/12/01 or later.
%% This work has the LPPL maintenance status "author-maintained".
%% This Current Maintainer of this work is Josef Kleber.
%% This work consists of all files listed in manifest.txt.
\ProvidesPackage{pdfcomment}[2009/11/10 pdfcomment.sty v1.5b - Josef Kleber (C) 2008-2009]%
% default values for global package options
\gdef\pc@goptd@color{0 0 1}%
\gdef\pc@goptd@fontcolor{0.0 0.0 0.0}%
\gdef\pc@goptd@dashstyle{3 3}%
\gdef\pc@goptd@icolor{1 1 0}%
\gdef\pc@goptd@line{50 50 300 600}%
% values for global package options
% values for local command options
\newcommand{\lpcname}{List of pdfcomments}%
\gdef\pc@lpc@format{\pc@lopt@author\ - \pc@lopt@subject}%
% define global style option avatar for setting a predefined set of options (Avatar)
{% thanks to Ulrike Fischer Msg-Id: <rba0oaiflbjf.dlg@nililand.de>
    \PackageWarning{pdfcomment}{Unknown avatar #1\MessageBreak%
                                skip assignment}%
    \edef\pc@gopt@loadavatar{\noexpand\setkeys{pdfcomment.sty}{\csname pc@avatar@#1\endcsname}}%
% define global style option style for setting a predefined set of options (Style)
    \PackageWarning{pdfcomment}{Unknown style #1\MessageBreak%
                                skip assignment}%
    \edef\pc@gopt@loadstyle{\noexpand\setkeys{pdfcomment.sty}{\csname pc@style@#1\endcsname}}%
% define global style option subject for setting the subject of pdf annotations
% define global style option color for setting the color of pdf annotations
% define global style option author for setting the author of pdf annotations
% define global command option deadline for setting a deadline in the pdf annotations
% define global style option icon for setting the icon of pdf annotations
% define global style option open for setting the open status (true,false) of pdf annotations
% define global style option hspace for setting the space after the pdf annotations
% define global style option voffset for setting the vertical offset of the pdf annotations
% define global style option hoffset for setting the horizontal offset of the pdf annotations
% define global style option width for setting the width of the pdf annotations
% define global style option height for setting the height of the pdf annotations
% define global style option depth for setting the depth of the pdf annotations
% define global style option opacity for setting the opacity of the pdf annotations
% define global style option markup for setting the markup type of the pdf markup annotations
% define global style option font for setting the font of the pdf freetext annotations
% define global style option fontsize for setting the fontsize of the pdf freetext annotations
% define global style option fontcolor for setting the font color of the pdf freetext annotations
% define global style option justification for setting the justification of the pdf freetext annotations
% define global style option borderstyle for setting the borderstyle of the pdf annotations
% define global style option dashstyle for setting the dashstyle of the pdf annotations
% define global style option linewidth for setting the linewidth of the pdf annotations
% define global style option bse for setting the border style effect of the pdf annotations
% define global style option bsei for setting the border style effect intensity of the pdf annotations
% define global style option type for setting the type of the pdf annotations
    \gdef\pc@gopt@type{/IT /FreeTextCallout}%
    \gdef\pc@gopt@type{/IT /FreeTextTypewriter}%
% define global style option lineend for setting the line end of the callout line of the pdf freetext annotations
% define global style option linebegin for setting the line ends pdf line annotations
% define global style option icolor for setting the "inner" color of the pdf annotations
% define global style option caption for setting the caption type of the pdf line annotations
% define global style option line for setting the line coordinates of the pdf line annotations
% define global style option captionhoffset for setting the caption hoffset of the pdf line annotations
% define global style option captionvoffset for setting the caption voffset of the pdf line annotations
% define global style option linesep for setting the linesep of the pdf sideline annotations
% define global style option dvipdfmx for setting the output driver in DVI mode
  \expandafter\global\csname pc@gopt@dvipdfmx#1\endcsname%
% define global style option final for setting the output mode to final
% define global style option draft for setting the output mode to final
% define local style option avatar for setting a predefined set of options (Avatar)
    \PackageWarning{pdfcomment}{Unknown avatar #1\MessageBreak%
                                skip assignment}%
    \edef\pc@lopt@loadavatar{\noexpand\setkeys{pdfcomment}{\csname pc@avatar@#1\endcsname}}%
% define local style option style for setting a predefined set of options (Style)
    \PackageWarning{pdfcomment}{Unknown style #1\MessageBreak%
                                skip assignment}%
    \edef\pc@lopt@loadstyle{\noexpand\setkeys{pdfcomment}{\csname pc@style@#1\endcsname}}%
% define local command option subject for setting the subject of pdf annotations
% define local command option color for setting the color of pdf annotations
% define local command option author for setting the author of pdf annotations
% define local command option deadline for setting a deadline in the pdf annotations
% define local command option icon for setting the icon of pdf annotations
% define local command option open for setting the open status (true,false) of pdf annotations
% define local command option hspace for setting the space after the pdf annotations
% define local style option voffset for setting the vertical offset of the pdf annotations
% define local style option hoffset for setting the horizontal offset of the pdf annotations
% define local style option width for setting the width of the pdf annotations
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option width in command \pdfcomment ignored!}%
% define local style option height for setting the height of the pdf annotations
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option height in command \pdfcomment ignored!}%
% define local style option depth for setting the depth of the pdf annotations
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option depth in command \pdfcomment ignored!}%
% define local style option opacity for setting the opacity of the pdf annotations
% define local style option font for setting the font of the pdf freetext annotations
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option font in command \pdfcomment ignored!}%
% define local style option fontsize for setting the fontsize of the pdf freetext annotations
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option fontsize in command \pdfcomment ignored!}%
% define local style option fontcolor for setting the font color of the pdf freetext annotations
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option fontcolor in command \pdfcomment ignored!}%
% define local style option justification for setting the justification of the pdf freetext annotations
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option justification in command \pdfcomment ignored!}%
% define local style option borderstyle for setting the borderstyle of the pdf annotations
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option borderstyle in command \pdfcomment ignored!}%
% define local style option dashstyle for setting the dashstyle of the pdf annotations
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option dashstyle in command \pdfcomment ignored!}%
% define local style option linewidth for setting the linewidth of the pdf annotations
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option linewidth in command \pdfcomment ignored!}%
% define local style option bse for setting the border style effect of the pdf annotations
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option bse in command \pdfcomment ignored!}%
% define local style option bsei for setting the border style effect intensity of the pdf annotations
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option bsei in command \pdfcomment ignored!}%
% define local style option type for setting the type of the pdf freetext annotations
    \gdef\pc@lopt@type{/IT /FreeTextCallout}%
    \gdef\pc@lopt@type{/IT /FreeTextTypewriter}%
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option type in command \pdfcomment ignored!}%
% define local style option lineend for setting the line end of the callout line of the pdf freetext annotations
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option lineend in command \pdfcomment ignored!}%
% define local style option linebegin for setting the line ends of the pdf line annotations
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option linebegin in command \pdfcomment ignored!}%
% define local style option icolor for setting the "inner" color of the pdf annotations
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option icolor in command \pdfcomment ignored!}%
% define local style option markup for setting the markup type of the pdf markup annotations
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option markup in command \pdfcomment ignored!}%
% define local style option caption for setting the caption type of the pdf line annotations
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option caption in command \pdfcomment ignored!}%
% define local style option line for setting the line coordinates of the pdf line annotations
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option line in command \pdfcomment ignored!}%
% define local style option captionhoffset for setting the caption hoffset of the pdf line annotations
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option captionhoffset in command \pdfcomment ignored!}%
% define local style option captionvoffset for setting the caption voffset of the pdf line annotations
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option captionvoffset in command \pdfcomment ignored!}%
% define local style option linesep for setting the linesep of the pdf sideline annotations
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option linesep in command \pdfcomment ignored!}%
% define local style option avatar for setting a predefined set of options (Avatar)
    \PackageWarning{pdfcomment}{Unknown avatar #1\MessageBreak%
                                skip assignment}%
    \edef\pc@lopt@loadavatar{\noexpand\setkeys{pdfmargincomment}{\csname pc@avatar@#1\endcsname}}%
% define local style option style for setting a predefined set of options (Style)
    \PackageWarning{pdfcomment}{Unknown style #1\MessageBreak%
                                skip assignment}%
    \edef\pc@lopt@loadstyle{\noexpand\setkeys{pdfmargincomment}{\csname pc@style@#1\endcsname}}%
% define local command option subject for setting the subject of pdf annotations
% define local command option color for setting the color of pdf annotations
% define local command option author for setting the author of pdf annotations
% define local command option deadline for setting a deadline in the pdf annotations
% define local command option icon for setting the icon of pdf annotations
% define local command option open for setting the open status (true,false) of pdf annotations
% define local command option hspace for setting the space after the pdf annotations
% define local style option voffset for setting the vertical offset of the pdf annotations
% define local style option hoffset for setting the horizontal offset of the pdf annotations
% define local style option width for setting the width of the pdf annotations
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option width in command \pdfmargincomment ignored!}%
% define local style option height for setting the height of the pdf annotations
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option height in command \pdfmargincomment ignored!}%
% define local style option depth for setting the depth of the pdf annotations
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option depth in command \pdfmargincomment ignored!}%
% define local style option opacity for setting the opacity of the pdf annotations
% define local style option font for setting the font of the pdf freetext annotations
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option font in command \pdfmargincomment ignored!}%
% define local style option fontsize for setting the fontsize of the pdf freetext annotations
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option fontsize in command \pdfmargincomment ignored!}%
% define local style option fontcolor for setting the font color of the pdf freetext annotations
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option fontcolor in command \pdfmargincomment ignored!}%
% define local style option justification for setting the justification of the pdf freetext annotations
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option justification in command \pdfmargincomment ignored!}%
% define local style option borderstyle for setting the borderstyle of the pdf annotations
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option borderstyle in command \pdfmargincomment ignored!}%
% define local style option dashstyle for setting the dashstyle of the pdf annotations
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option dashstyle in command \pdfmargincomment ignored!}%
% define local style option linewidth for setting the linewidth of the pdf annotations
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option linewidth in command \pdfmargincomment ignored!}%
% define local style option bse for setting the border style effect of the pdf annotations
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option bse in command \pdfmargincomment ignored!}%
% define local style option bsei for setting the border style effect intensity of the pdf annotations
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option bsei in command \pdfmargincomment ignored!}%
% define local style option type for setting the type of the pdf freetext annotations
    \gdef\pc@lopt@type{/IT /FreeTextCallout}%
    \gdef\pc@lopt@type{/IT /FreeTextTypewriter}%
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option type in command \pdfmargincomment ignored!}%
% define local style option lineend for setting the line end of the callout line of the pdf freetext annotations
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option lineend in command \pdfmargincomment ignored!}%
% define local style option linebegin for setting the line ends of the pdf line annotations
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option linebegin in command \pdfmargincomment ignored!}%
% define local style option icolor for setting the "inner" color of the pdf annotations
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option icolor in command \pdfmargincomment ignored!}%
% define local style option markup for setting the markup type of the pdf markup annotations
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option margin in command \pdfmargincomment ignored!}%
% define local style option caption for setting the caption type of the pdf line annotations
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option caption in command \pdfmargincomment ignored!}%
% define local style option line for setting the line coordinates of the pdf line annotations
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option line in command \pdfmargincomment ignored!}%
% define local style option captionhoffset for setting the caption hoffset of the pdf line annotations
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option captionhoffset in command \pdfmargincomment ignored!}%
% define local style option captionvoffset for setting the caption voffset of the pdf line annotations
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option captionvoffset in command \pdfmargincomment ignored!}%
% define local style option linesep for setting the linesep of the pdf sideline annotations
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option lineseo in command \pdfmargincomment ignored!}%
% define local style option avatar for setting a predefined set of options (Avatar)
    \PackageWarning{pdfcomment}{Unknown avatar #1\MessageBreak%
                                skip assignment}%
    \edef\pc@lopt@loadavatar{\noexpand\setkeys{pdffreetextcomment}{\csname pc@avatar@#1\endcsname}}%
% define local style option style for setting a predefined set of options (Style)
    \PackageWarning{pdfcomment}{Unknown style #1\MessageBreak%
                                skip assignment}%
    \edef\pc@lopt@loadstyle{\noexpand\setkeys{pdffreetextcomment}{\csname pc@style@#1\endcsname}}%
% define local command option subject for setting the subject of pdf annotations
% define local command option color for setting the color of pdf annotations
% define local command option author for setting the author of pdf annotations
% define local command option deadline for setting a deadline in the pdf annotations
% define local command option icon for setting the icon of pdf annotations
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option icon in command \pdffreetextcomment ignored!}%
% define local command option open for setting the open status (true,false) of pdf annotations
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option open in command \pdffreetextcomment ignored!}%
% define local command option hspace for setting the space after the pdf annotations
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option open in command \pdffreetextcomment ignored!}%
% define local style option voffset for setting the vertical offset of the pdf annotations
% define local style option hoffset for setting the horizontal offset of the pdf annotations
% define local style option width for setting the width of the pdf annotations
% define local style option height for setting the height of the pdf annotations
% define local style option depth for setting the depth of the pdf annotations
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option depth in command \pdffreetextcomment ignored!}%
% define local style option opacity for setting the opacity of the pdf annotations
% define local style option font for setting the font of the pdf freetext annotations
% define local style option fontsize for setting the fontsize of the pdf freetext annotations
% define local style option fontcolor for setting the font color of the pdf freetext annotations
% define local style option justification for setting the justification of the pdf freetext annotations
% define local style option borderstyle for setting the borderstyle of the pdf annotations
% define local style option dashstyle for setting the dashstyle of the pdf annotations
% define local style option linewidth for setting the linewidth of the pdf annotations
% define local style option bse for setting the border style effect of the pdf annotations
% define local style option bsei for setting the border style effect intensity of the pdf annotations
% define local style option type for setting the type of the pdf freetext annotations
    \gdef\pc@lopt@type{/IT /FreeTextCallout}%
    \gdef\pc@lopt@type{/IT /FreeTextTypewriter}%
% define local style option lineend for setting the line end of the callout line of the pdf freetext annotations
% define local style option linebegin for setting the line ends of the pdf line annotations
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option linebegin in command \pdffreetextcomment ignored!}%
% define local style option icolor for setting the "inner" color of the pdf annotations
% define local style option markup for setting the markup type of the pdf markup annotations
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option markup in command \pdffreetextcomment ignored!}%
% define local style option caption for setting the caption type of the pdf line annotations
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option caption in command \pdffreetextcomment ignored!}%
% define local style option line for setting the line coordinates of the pdf line annotations
% define local style option captionhoffset for setting the caption hoffset of the pdf line annotations
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option captionhoffset in command \pdffreetextcomment ignored!}%
% define local style option captionvoffset for setting the caption voffset of the pdf line annotations
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option captionvoffset in command \pdffreetextcomment ignored!}%
% define local style option linesep for setting the linesep of the pdf sideline annotations
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option linesep in command \pdffreetextcomment ignored!}%
% define local style option avatar for setting a predefined set of options (Avatar)
    \PackageWarning{pdfcomment}{Unknown avatar #1\MessageBreak%
                                skip assignment}%
    \edef\pc@lopt@loadavatar{\noexpand\setkeys{pdfmarkupcomment}{\csname pc@avatar@#1\endcsname}}%
% define local style option style for setting a predefined set of options (Style)
    \PackageWarning{pdfcomment}{Unknown style #1\MessageBreak%
                                skip assignment}%
    \edef\pc@lopt@loadstyle{\noexpand\setkeys{pdfmarkupcomment}{\csname pc@style@#1\endcsname}}%
% define local command option subject for setting the subject of pdf annotations
% define local command option color for setting the color of pdf annotations
% define local command option author for setting the author of pdf annotations
% define local command option deadline for setting a deadline in the pdf annotations
% define local command option icon for setting the icon of pdf annotations
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option icon in command \pdfmarkupcomment ignored!}%
% define local command option open for setting the open status (true,false) of pdf annotations
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option open in command \pdfmarkupcomment ignored!}%
% define local command option hspace for setting the space after the pdf annotations
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option hspace in command \pdfmarkupcomment ignored!}%
% define local style option voffset for setting the vertical offset of the pdf annotations
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option voffset in command \pdfmarkupcomment ignored!}%
% define local style option hoffset for setting the horizontal offset of the pdf annotations
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option hoffset in command \pdfmarkupcomment ignored!}%
% define local style option width for setting the width of the pdf annotations
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option width in command \pdfmarkupcomment ignored!}%
% define local style option height for setting the height of the pdf annotations
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option height in command \pdfmarkupcomment ignored!}%
% define local style option depth for setting the depth of the pdf annotations
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option depth in command \pdfmarkupcomment ignored!}%
% define local style option opacity for setting the opacity of the pdf annotations
% define local style option font for setting the font of the pdf freetext annotations
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option font in command \pdfmarkupcomment ignored!}%
% define local style option fontsize for setting the fontsize of the pdf freetext annotations
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option fontsize in command \pdfmarkupcomment ignored!}%
% define local style option fontcolor for setting the font color of the pdf freetext annotations
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option fontcolor in command \pdfmarkupcomment ignored!}%
% define local style option justification for setting the justification of the pdf freetext annotations
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option justification in command \pdfmarkupcomment ignored!}%
% define local style option borderstyle for setting the borderstyle of the pdf annotations
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option borderstyle in command \pdfmarkupcomment ignored!}%
% define local style option dashstyle for setting the dashstyle of the pdf annotations
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option dashstyle in command \pdfmarkupcomment ignored!}%
% define local style option linewidth for setting the linewidth of the pdf annotations
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option linewidth in command \pdfmarkupcomment ignored!}%
% define local style option bse for setting the border style effect of the pdf annotations
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option bse in command \pdfmarkupcomment ignored!}%
% define local style option bsei for setting the border style effect intensity of the pdf annotations
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option bsei in command \pdfmarkupcomment ignored!}%
% define local style option type for setting the type of the pdf freetext annotations
    \gdef\pc@lopt@type{/IT /FreeTextCallout}%
    \gdef\pc@lopt@type{/IT /FreeTextTypewriter}%
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option type in command \pdfmarkupcomment ignored!}%
% define local style option lineend for setting the line end of the callout line of the pdf freetext annotations
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option lineend in command \pdfmarkupcomment ignored!}%
% define local style option linebegin for setting the line ends of the pdf line annotations
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option linebegin in command \pdfmarkupcomment ignored!}%
% define local style option icolor for setting the "inner" color of the pdf annotations
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option icolor in command \pdfmarkupcomment ignored!}%
% define local style option markup for setting the markup type of the pdf markup annotations
% define local style option caption for setting the caption type of the pdf line annotations
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option caption in command \pdfmarkupcomment ignored!}%
% define local style option line for setting the line coordinates of the pdf line annotations
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option line in command \pdfmarkupcomment ignored!}%
% define local style option captionhoffset for setting the caption hoffset of the pdf line annotations
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option captionhoffset in command \pdfmarkupcomment ignored!}%
% define local style option captionvoffset for setting the caption voffset of the pdf line annotations
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option captionvoffset in command \pdfmarkupcomment ignored!}%
% define local style option linesep for setting the linesep of the pdf sideline annotations
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option linesep in command \pdfmarkupcomment ignored!}%
% define local style option avatar for setting a predefined set of options (Avatar)
    \PackageWarning{pdfcomment}{Unknown avatar #1\MessageBreak%
                                skip assignment}%
    \edef\pc@lopt@loadavatar{\noexpand\setkeys{pdfsquarecomment}{\csname pc@avatar@#1\endcsname}}%
% define local style option style for setting a predefined set of options (Style)
    \PackageWarning{pdfcomment}{Unknown style #1\MessageBreak%
                                skip assignment}%
    \edef\pc@lopt@loadstyle{\noexpand\setkeys{pdfsquarecomment}{\csname pc@style@#1\endcsname}}%
% define local command option subject for setting the subject of pdf annotations
% define local command option color for setting the color of pdf annotations
% define local command option author for setting the author of pdf annotations
% define local command option deadline for setting a deadline in the pdf annotations
% define local command option icon for setting the icon of pdf annotations
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option icon in command \pdfsquarecomment ignored!}%
% define local command option open for setting the open status (true,false) of pdf annotations
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option open in command \pdfsquarecomment ignored!}%
% define local command option hspace for setting the space after the pdf annotations
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option hspace in command \pdfsquarecomment ignored!}%
% define local style option voffset for setting the vertical offset of the pdf annotations
% define local style option hoffset for setting the horizontal offset of the pdf annotations
% define local style option width for setting the width of the pdf annotations
% define local style option height for setting the height of the pdf annotations
% define local style option depth for setting the depth of the pdf annotations
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option depth in command \pdfsquarecomment ignored!}%
% define local style option opacity for setting the opacity of the pdf annotations
% define local style option font for setting the font of the pdf freetext annotations
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option font in command \pdfsquarecomment ignored!}%
% define local style option fontsize for setting the fontsize of the pdf freetext annotations
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option fontsize in command \pdfsquarecomment ignored!}%
% define local style option fontcolor for setting the font color of the pdf freetext annotations
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option fontcolor in command \pdfsquarecomment ignored!}%
% define local style option justification for setting the justification of the pdf freetext annotations
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option justification in command \pdfsquarecomment ignored!}%
% define local style option borderstyle for setting the borderstyle of the pdf annotations
% define local style option dashstyle for setting the dashstyle of the pdf annotations
% define local style option linewidth for setting the linewidth of the pdf annotations
% define local style option bse for setting the border style effect of the pdf annotations
% define local style option bsei for setting the border style effect intensity of the pdf annotations
% define local style option type for setting the type of the pdf freetext annotations
    \gdef\pc@lopt@type{/IT /FreeTextCallout}%
    \gdef\pc@lopt@type{/IT /FreeTextTypewriter}%
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option type in command \pdfsquarecomment ignored!}%
% define local style option lineend for setting the line end of the callout line of the pdf freetext annotations
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option lineend in command \pdfsquarecomment ignored!}%
% define local style option linebegin for setting the line ends of the pdf line annotations
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option linebegin in command \pdfsquarecomment ignored!}%
% define local style option icolor for setting the "inner" color of the pdf annotations
% define local style option markup for setting the markup type of the pdf markup annotations
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option markup in command \pdfsquarecomment ignored!}%
% define local style option caption for setting the caption type of the pdf line annotations
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option caption in command \pdfsquarecomment ignored!}%
% define local style option line for setting the line coordinates of the pdf line annotations
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option line in command \pdfsquarecomment ignored!}%
% define local style option captionhoffset for setting the caption hoffset of the pdf line annotations
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option captionhoffset in command \pdfsquarecomment ignored!}%
% define local style option captionvoffset for setting the caption voffset of the pdf line annotations
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option captionvoffset in command \pdfsquarecomment ignored!}%
% define local style option linesep for setting the linesep of the pdf sideline annotations
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option linesep in command \pdfsquarecomment ignored!}%
% define local style option avatar for setting a predefined set of options (Avatar)
    \PackageWarning{pdfcomment}{Unknown avatar #1\MessageBreak%
                                skip assignment}%
    \edef\pc@lopt@loadavatar{\noexpand\setkeys{pdfcirclecomment}{\csname pc@avatar@#1\endcsname}}%
% define local style option style for setting a predefined set of options (Style)
    \PackageWarning{pdfcomment}{Unknown style #1\MessageBreak%
                                skip assignment}%
    \edef\pc@lopt@loadstyle{\noexpand\setkeys{pdfcirclecomment}{\csname pc@style@#1\endcsname}}%
% define local command option subject for setting the subject of pdf annotations
% define local command option color for setting the color of pdf annotations
% define local command option author for setting the author of pdf annotations
% define local command option deadline for setting a deadline in the pdf annotations
% define local command option icon for setting the icon of pdf annotations
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option icon in command \pdfcirclecomment ignored!}%
% define local command option open for setting the open status (true,false) of pdf annotations
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option open in command \pdfcirclecomment ignored!}%
% define local command option hspace for setting the space after the pdf annotations
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option hspace in command \pdfcirclecomment ignored!}%
% define local style option voffset for setting the vertical offset of the pdf annotations
% define local style option hoffset for setting the horizontal offset of the pdf annotations
% define local style option width for setting the width of the pdf annotations
% define local style option height for setting the height of the pdf annotations
% define local style option depth for setting the depth of the pdf annotations
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option depth in command \pdfcirclecomment ignored!}%
% define local style option opacity for setting the opacity of the pdf annotations
% define local style option font for setting the font of the pdf freetext annotations
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option font in command \pdfcirclecomment ignored!}%
% define local style option fontsize for setting the fontsize of the pdf freetext annotations
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% define local style option fontcolor for setting the font color of the pdf freetext annotations
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% define local style option justification for setting the justification of the pdf freetext annotations
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option justification in command \pdfcirclecomment ignored!}%
% define local style option borderstyle for setting the borderstyle of the pdf annotations
% define local style option dashstyle for setting the dashstyle of the pdf annotations
% define local style option linewidth for setting the linewidth of the pdf annotations
% define local style option bse for setting the border style effect of the pdf annotations
% define local style option bsei for setting the border style effect intensity of the pdf annotations
% define local style option type for setting the type of the pdf freetext annotations
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% define local style option lineend for setting the line end of the callout line of the pdf freetext annotations
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% define local style option linebegin for setting the line ends of the pdf line annotations
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% define local style option icolor for setting the "inner" color of the pdf annotations
% define local style option markup for setting the markup type of the pdf markup annotations
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% define local style option caption for setting the caption type of the pdf line annotations
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% define local style option line for setting the line coordinates of the pdf line annotations
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% define local style option captionhoffset for setting the caption hoffset of the pdf line annotations
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% define local style option captionvoffset for setting the caption voffset of the pdf line annotations
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% define local style option linesep for setting the linesep of the pdf sideline annotations
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% define local style option avatar for setting a predefined set of options (Avatar)
    \PackageWarning{pdfcomment}{Unknown avatar #1\MessageBreak%
                                skip assignment}%
    \edef\pc@lopt@loadavatar{\noexpand\setkeys{pdflinecomment}{\csname pc@avatar@#1\endcsname}}%
% define local style option style for setting a predefined set of options (Style)
    \PackageWarning{pdfcomment}{Unknown style #1\MessageBreak%
                                skip assignment}%
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% define local command option subject for setting the subject of pdf annotations
% define local command option color for setting the color of pdf annotations
% define local command option author for setting the author of pdf annotations
% define local command option deadline for setting a deadline in the pdf annotations
% define local command option icon for setting the icon of pdf annotations
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% define local command option open for setting the open status (true,false) of pdf annotations
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% define local command option hspace for setting the space after the pdf annotations
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% define local style option voffset for setting the vertical offset of the pdf annotations
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% define local style option hoffset for setting the horizontal offset of the pdf annotations
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% define local style option width for setting the width of the pdf annotations
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% define local style option height for setting the height of the pdf annotations
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option height in command \pdflinecomment ignored!}%
% define local style option depth for setting the depth of the pdf annotations
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option depth in command \pdflinecomment ignored!}%
% define local style option opacity for setting the opacity of the pdf annotations
% define local style option font for setting the font of the pdf freetext annotations
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option font in command \pdflinecomment ignored!}%
% define local style option fontsize for setting the fontsize of the pdf freetext annotations
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% define local style option fontcolor for setting the font color of the pdf freetext annotations
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option fontcolor in command \pdflinecomment ignored!}%
% define local style option justification for setting the justification of the pdf freetext annotations
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option justification in command \pdflinecomment ignored!}%
% define local style option borderstyle for setting the borderstyle of the pdf annotations
% define local style option dashstyle for setting the dashstyle of the pdf annotations
% define local style option linewidth for setting the linewidth of the pdf annotations
% define local style option bse for setting the border style effect of the pdf annotations
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option bse in command \pdflinecomment ignored!}%
% define local style option bsei for setting the border style effect intensity of the pdf annotations
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option bsei in command \pdflinecomment ignored!}%
% define local style option type for setting the type of the pdf freetext annotations
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% define local style option lineend for setting the line end of the callout line of the pdf freetext annotations
% define local style option linebegin for setting the line ends of the pdf line annotations
% define local style option icolor for setting the "inner" color of the pdf annotations
% define local style option markup for setting the markup type of the pdf markup annotations
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option markup in command \pdflinecomment ignored!}%
% define local style option caption for setting the caption type of the pdf line annotations
% define local style option line for setting the line coordinates of the pdf line annotations
% define local style option captionhoffset for setting the caption hoffset of the pdf line annotations
% define local style option captionvoffset for setting the caption voffset of the pdf line annotations
% define local style option linesep for setting the linesep of the pdf sideline annotations
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% define local style option avatar for setting a predefined set of options (Avatar)
    \PackageWarning{pdfcomment}{Unknown avatar #1\MessageBreak%
                                skip assignment}%
    \edef\pc@lopt@loadavatar{\noexpand\setkeys{pdfsidelinecomment}{\csname pc@avatar@#1\endcsname}}%
% define local style option style for setting a predefined set of options (Style)
    \PackageWarning{pdfcomment}{Unknown style #1\MessageBreak%
                                skip assignment}%
    \edef\pc@lopt@loadstyle{\noexpand\setkeys{pdfsidelinecomment}{\csname pc@style@#1\endcsname}}%
% define local command option subject for setting the subject of pdf annotations
% define local command option color for setting the color of pdf annotations
% define local command option author for setting the author of pdf annotations
% define local command option deadline for setting a deadline in the pdf annotations
% define local command option icon for setting the icon of pdf annotations
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option icon in command \pdfsidelinecomment ignored!}%
% define local command option open for setting the open status (true,false) of pdf annotations
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option open in command \pdfsidelinecomment ignored!}%
% define local command option hspace for setting the space after the pdf annotations
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% define local style option voffset for setting the vertical offset of the pdf annotations
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% define local style option hoffset for setting the horizontal offset of the pdf annotations
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option hoffset in command \pdfsidelinecomment ignored!}%
% define local style option width for setting the width of the pdf annotations
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% define local style option height for setting the height of the pdf annotations
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% define local style option depth for setting the depth of the pdf annotations
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% define local style option opacity for setting the opacity of the pdf annotations
% define local style option font for setting the font of the pdf freetext annotations
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option font in command \pdfsidelinecomment ignored!}%
% define local style option fontsize for setting the fontsize of the pdf freetext annotations
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% define local style option fontcolor for setting the font color of the pdf freetext annotations
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% define local style option justification for setting the justification of the pdf freetext annotations
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option justification in command \pdfsidelinecomment ignored!}%
% define local style option borderstyle for setting the borderstyle of the pdf annotations
% define local style option dashstyle for setting the dashstyle of the pdf annotations
% define local style option linewidth for setting the linewidth of the pdf annotations
% define local style option bse for setting the border style effect of the pdf annotations
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option bse in command \pdfsidelinecomment ignored!}%
% define local style option bsei for setting the border style effect intensity of the pdf annotations
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option bsei in command \pdfsidelinecomment ignored!}%
% define local style option type for setting the type of the pdf freetext annotations
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% define local style option lineend for setting the line end of the callout line of the pdf freetext annotations
% define local style option linebegin for setting the line ends of the pdf line annotations
% define local style option icolor for setting the "inner" color of the pdf annotations
% define local style option markup for setting the markup type of the pdf markup annotations
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option markup in command \pdfsidelinecomment ignored!}%
% define local style option caption for setting the caption type of the pdf line annotations
% define local style option line for setting the line coordinates of the pdf line annotations
  \PackageInfo{pdfcomment.sty}{Setting of option line in command \pdfsidelinecomment ignored!}%
% define local style option captionhoffset for setting the caption hoffset of the pdf line annotations
% define local style option captionvoffset for setting the caption voffset of the pdf line annotations
% define local style option linesep for setting the linesep of the pdf sideline annotations
% define cammand option liststyle for \listofpdfcomments
% define cammand option heading for \listofpdfcomments
%hyperref setup
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  \expandafter\ifx\csname XeTeXrevision\endcsname\relax%
% Using the options draft, final and dvipdfmx in \pdfcommentsetup makes absolutely no sense!
% Therefore, they are switched off at "\AtBeginDocument" 
% and a warning is issued by xkeyval.sty, if used.
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                    /Subtype /Text%
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                /Subtype /FreeText%
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            %create dimensions of annotation
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    % typeset square annotation (see: PDF Reference)
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    % typeset circle annotation (see: PDF Reference)
      \vbox to 0pt%
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        \vbox to 0pt%
          \hbox to 0pt%
            \special{pdf: ann \pc@pdfannotopt%
                /Subtype /Circle\space%
        \vbox to 0pt%
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  %create options for \pdfannot
    % typeset line annotation (see: PDF Reference)
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      % two too much
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% reset global options
  % Change global options if specified
% define predefined set of options (Avatar)
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% define predefined set of options (Style)
  \expandafter\gdef\csname pc@style@#1\endcsname{#2}%
% define predefined set of liststyles
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                                in command setliststyle\MessageBreak%
                                Using liststyle AuthorSubject instead!}%
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\defineliststyle{AuthorSubject}{\pc@lopt@author\ - \pc@lopt@subject}%
\defineliststyle{AuthorSubjectDeadline}{\pc@lopt@author\ - \pc@lopt@subject\ (\pc@lopt@deadline)}%
\defineliststyle{SubjectAuthorComment}{\pc@lopt@subject\ (\pc@lopt@author): \pc@lopt@comment}%
\defineliststyle{SubjectAuthorCommentDeadline}{\pc@lopt@subject\ (\pc@lopt@author): \pc@lopt@comment\ (\pc@lopt@deadline)}%
\defineliststyle{AuthorComment}{\pc@lopt@author: \pc@lopt@comment}%
\defineliststyle{AuthorCommentDeadline}{\pc@lopt@author: \pc@lopt@comment\ (\pc@lopt@deadline)}%
\defineliststyle{SubjectComment}{\pc@lopt@subject: \pc@lopt@comment}%
\defineliststyle{SubjectCommentDeadline}{\pc@lopt@subject: \pc@lopt@comment\ (\pc@lopt@deadline)}%
\defineliststyle{CommentDeadline}{\pc@lopt@comment\ (\pc@lopt@deadline)}%
    \PackageWarning{pdfcomment}{Unknown liststyle \pc@lopt@liststyle\MessageBreak%
                                in command listofpdfcomments\MessageBreak%
                                Using liststyle=AuthorSubject instead!}%
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% thanks to Heiko Oberdiek Msg-Id: <go1hi9$g1s$1@news.belwue.de>
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