% \iffalse meta-comment
% Copyright (C) 2005-9 by Ulrich M. Schwarz
% This file may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of
% the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3a or, at your
% option, any later version. The latest version of this license is in
% http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
% \fi
%\usepackage{bera}% much smaller pdf now.
%% Test document: finding and complaining about obsolete macros.
\RequirePackage[l2tabu, orthodox, experimental]{nag}[2007/12/21]
%% some usual culprits
\usepackage{times, a4wide, epsfig, palatino}
%% some fancy packages
\usepackage{subfig, topcapt, caption, hyperref}
\typeout{Next: no complaint because frontmatter is not defined}
  \typeout{FAILURE! I shouldn't know frontmatter!}
\typeout{Next: no complaing about label outside float not preceded by caption}
\typeout{Next: it and bf complaints}
{\it italics {\bf not bold italics}}

\typeout{Next: not-an-env complaints}
    Large and sans.

\typeout{Next: center in float complaint}
    Center in float.
  \caption{\label{fig}Figs and dates.}

\typeout{Next: no complaints: manually fake caption}
    I have a caption, you just can't see it.

\typeout{Next: no complaing about label outside float not preceded by caption}
\section{More Tests}\label{sec:tests2}

\typeout{Next: put-label-after-caption complaint}
  \label{coconut}\caption{Preceded, not followed, by label.}

\typeout{Next: no-caption complaint}
    No caption, even a fake one.
    But too big, this should get bottom-of-page warning.

\typeout{Next: no complaint about subfloat and topcapt}
\typeout{also: complaint about it in caption.}
  \subfloat{\label{sf:1}Subfig number~\ref{sf:1}  with label.}
  \subfloat[\label{sf:17}Strange subfig]{Subfig~\ref{sf:17} with label elsewhere.}
  \caption{Figure: \it's a sin!}

  \topcaption{A topcaption.}
  \subfloat{\label{sf:2}Subfig~\ref{sf:2} with label, but no caption.}

\typeout{Next: no robustness issues}

\typeout{Shouldn't cause trouble to have dollars in headings.}
\section{Maths tests, like if $1+1=2$}

\typeout{Next: three complaints in total concerning $$ and eqnarray}

A \TeX-style displayed equation:
$$ 1+1=2 $$

Not an equation at all:
$ $ 1+1=2 $ $

An in line equation:

Two inline equations, double dollar is dollar dollar in resticted
horizontal mode (onlyamsmath gets this wrong):

An eqnarray:
1+1 &=& 2

A bracket-style equation:

A starred eqnarray:
1+1 &=& 2

A double-dollar in a hbox:

\typeout{Next: appendix complaints}
    It's a center environment.
\typeout{Next: no over complaint, centerline complaint, no frac complaint}
  Over etc. warning removed for compatibility with \LaTeX\ without amsmath.

  \centerline{Furthermore, $4\over 2=2$.}
  $\frac 42$
\typeout{Next: unmatched endflushright}
This is not flushright, in spite of a endflushright coming up.
\typeout{Next: unclosed center}
{\center Smack in the middle, but center used as a switch\par}
\typeout{Next: mismatched endflushright}

Another endflushright, this is brace-mismatched and otherwise totally
unsuited for closing the center command above.

\typeout{Next: a warning that is not uppercased.}
\MakeUppercase{\it's a sin!}

\typeout{Next: another warning about it in a caption, in the LoF this time.}
\AtEndDocument{\typeout{You should get 24 warnings and one info in the log.}}
% \CharacterTable
% {Upper-case \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z
% Lower-case \a\b\c\d\e\f\g\h\i\j\k\l\m\n\o\p\q\r\s\t\u\v\w\x\y\z
% Digits \0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9
% Exclamation \! Double quote \" Hash (number) \#
% Dollar \$ Percent \% Ampersand \&
% Acute accent \' Left paren \( Right paren \)
% Asterisk \* Plus \+ Comma \,
% Minus \- Point \. Solidus \/
% Colon \: Semicolon \; Less than \<
% Equals \= Greater than \> Question mark \?
% Commercial at \@ Left bracket \[ Backslash \\
% Right bracket \] Circumflex \^ Underscore \_
% Grave accent \` Left brace \{ Vertical bar \|
% Right brace \} Tilde \~}
%\changes{0.1}{2005/03/29}{First official version.}
%\changes{0.2}{2005/05/08}{Rephrased umlaut.sty warning, suggested by
%Patrick Happel.}
%\changes{0.2}{2005/05/08}{Added abort.nag, suggested by Michael Zedler}
%\changes{0.3}{2005/07/07}{New ifdefined that won't relax the commands}
%\changes{0.4}{2006/04/19}{Handling command vs. environment; bugfixes}
% \changes{0.5}{2006/07/08}{Handle the case that somebody else relaxes
% the ver@-commands. Stack-based NotASwitch.}
%\changes{0.55}{2007/03/31}{Some spaces crept in in 0.5}
%\title{The \pkg{nag} package\ignorespaces%
%      \thanks{This document corresponds to \pkg{nag}~\fileversion,
%        dated~\filedate. Other versions can be found at http://absatzen.de/}} 
%    \author{Ulrich Michael Schwarz\ignorespaces%
%      \thanks{\texttt{ulmi@absatzen.de}}}
%    \maketitle
% \begin{abstract}
%   Old habits die hard. All the same, there are commands, classes and
%   packages which are outdated and superseded. \pkg{nag} provides
%   routines to warn the user about the use of those. As an example, we
%   provide an extension that detects many of the ``sins'' described in
%   \pkg{l2tabu}.
% \end{abstract}
% \tableofcontents
% \section{User-side considerations.}
% \subsection{Installation.}
% Process \texttt{nag.ins} with \LaTeX\ to obtain some files:
% \texttt{nag.sty} and \texttt{nag-l2tabu.cfg} et al. must go to a place where
% \LaTeX\ will find them, like the local TEXMF tree. (If all else fails and
% you need it to work \emph{right now}, having them in the same
% directory as the \LaTeX\ file you want to use them on may work under
% many circumstances.) You can, as usual, run \LaTeX\ on
% \texttt{nag.dtx} to obtain this documentation, including the
% implemenation docs. (This is recommended if you plan to extend
% \pkg{nag} to handle your own packages.) \texttt{nagdemo.tex} is
% a horrible document that will show you many of the warnings that
% \pkg{nag} can generate. 
% \subsection{Usage.}
% Add the following to the beginning your main document (Comments and
% |\listfiles| can be safely left before it, though):
% \begin{verbatim}
%   \RequirePackage[l2tabu, orthodox]{nag}\end{verbatim}
% This will check for many common mistakes, and give some hints on what
% to use instead. However, you should always refer to l2tabu for a more
% detailed explanation of the whats and whys: it gives more information
% than can be possibly pressed into two lines of error message.
% Orthodox checks for pitfalls that are not technically incorrect. If
% you know what you're doing, omit orthodox.
% \subsection{Known bugs}
% currently none.
% \subsection{\texttt{nag-l2tabu.cfg}}
% In a nutshell, \texttt{nag-l2tabu.cfg} detects the following:
% \begin{itemize}  
% \item Usage of the 2.09-style font commands |\it|, |\bf|, |\rm|,
% |\sc|, |\sl|, |\tt| and |\cal|.
% \item Usage of |\centerline|.
% \item Usage of the outdated packages \pkg{epsfig}, \pkg{psfig},
% \pkg{epsf}, \pkg{doublespace}, \pkg{fancyheadings}, \pkg{scrpage},
% \pkg{umlaut}, \pkg{isolatin}, \pkg{isolatin1}, \pkg{t1enc},
% \pkg{caption2}, \pkg{psfonts}, \pkg{mathptm}, \pkg{times},
% \pkg{palatino}, \pkg{mathpple}, \pkg{euler} and \pkg{utopia}, and of
% the outdated class \pkg{scrlttr}.
% \item Figures and tables without caption (this is not technically
%      in l2tabu, but the people who have floats without captions tend
%      to ask ``Why is \LaTeX\ moving my pictures away from where I
%      put them?''), labels within floats
% that do not reference the caption, and usage of the center
% environment within floats.
% It is beyond the possibilities of this package to detect things like
% use of \TeX\ assignment syntax, or direct change of paper
% parameters, or reliable detection of user-issued |\sloppy|. 
% eqnarray is handled as of 0.60alpha4, and there is code for \$\$ in
% experimental since 0.60alpha4, which has been moved to l2tabu in 0.60.
% {\bfseries\label{disclaimer} Be warned, that this package will possibly balk at
% legitimate use, and not find illegitimate use in all cases. It is a
% tool, not a replacement for study of \pkg{l2tabu}.}
% \iffalse
% \fi
%    \begin{macrocode}
             [2008/01/27 v2.1alpha1 l2tabu rules for nag.sty (ulmi)]
%% The sins.
%% Section numbers refer to l2tabuen 1.7 revised/enlarged dated 2004OCT24
%% \S 1.1
\ObsoletePackage{a4wide}{the \lq a4paper\rq\space class option}
\ObsoletePackage{a4}{the \lq a4paper\rq\space class option}
%% \S 1.2--1.5 cannot reasonably be checked programmatically
%% \S 1.6 
%    \end{macrocode}
% Hacking galore ahead! We will make the dollar active. Since unlike
% \pkg{onlyamsmath}, we do not change the user's command to \LaTeX\ or
% \pkg{amsmath} commands, we need to store the old double dollar
% sequence as well as the single dollar.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% This is used to hide our redefinition in unprotected expanding
% context. This should not happen: you are expected to \emph{always}
% use protected means of expansion in \LaTeX, but fecal matter
% happens. See below for a good trick to distinguish expansion from
% executing context.
%    \begin{macrocode}

    %% in TeX context, do tricky stuff.
    {%% in inner mode, $$ is an empty formula, so no testing wanted.
      {%% normal case: looks like typesetting
        %% protect against strictly expanding context
        %% like TeX' \message: the first expanding voodoo will expand,
        %% removing the rest, inserting \relax\relax$ instead. This is
        %% not totally transparent, but \let\relax\relax is as close
        %% to a no-op as we can get.
      {%% some other case, hide ourselves
    %% in pdf context, just be a math shift. This creates the "math
    %% shift not allowed" warnings we all love.
%    \end{macrocode}
% If the user doesn't load \pkg{hyperref}, we have to fake its
% \cmd{\texorpdfstring} command. Note that this will break any package that
% is foolish enough to detect \pkg{hyperref} by testing for
% definedness of \cmd{\texorpdfstring}.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% Now, the proper testing. (Yes, the above is just the
% technicalities.) We use the kernel's \cmd{\@ifnextchar} to look for
% a possible second dollar. Note however, this would allow skipping of
% spaces between them, and \$\_\$ is not a displayed equation start in
% \TeX. We work around this by re\cmd{\let}ting \cmd{\@sptoken} to
% something that cannot legally appear in the source.
%    \begin{macrocode}
    \let\@sptoken\nag@quark% prevent skipping of spaces
      % we already warned upon entering.
        \nag@doubledollar...\nag@doubledollar\space is obsolete.\MessageBreak
        Use \string\[...\string\] et al. instead}%
  % we do the assignment here, which means any package that redefines
  % \$ as well will silently disable us. This is a feature.
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \changes{0.61alpha6}{2008/01/27}{Compatibility w/ VCS packages, pgf}
%% new in 2.1alpha1: more compat testing. Version control keywords are dollar-delimited.
%% all five implementations get it wrong.
%    \begin{macrocode}
    % this redefinition is functionally equivalent,
    % but does not share actual code.
      \catcode`\_ =\active
      \catcode`\$=3 % this line added for compatibility.
      \csname RCS_get_argument\endcsname
    \PackageInfo{nag}{rcs.sty hack applied}%
    \g@addto@macro\@svnBeginRead{\catcode`\$ 3 }%
    \PackageInfo{nag}{svninfo.sty hack applied}%
    \PackageInfo{nag}{svn.sty is broken: disabling dollar check}%
    \catcode`\$ 3
    \PackageInfo{nag}{rcsinfo.sty is broken: disabling dollar check}%
    \catcode`\$ 3
    \PackageInfo{nag}{pgf.sty is broken: disabling dollar check}%
    \catcode`\$ 3

%% \S 1.7 cannot reasonably be checked programmatically
%% \S 1.8 \sloppy is called by parbox, among others, and would
%% give many spurious warnings.
%% \S 2.1.1
\ObsoleteCS[an old LaTeX 2.09 command]{bf}
           {\protect\bfseries\space or \protect\textbf}
\ObsoleteCS[an old LaTeX 2.09 command]{it}
           {\protect\itshape\space or \protect\textit}
\ObsoleteCS[an old LaTeX 2.09 command]{rm}
           {\protect\rmfamily\space or \protect\textrm}
\ObsoleteCS[an old LaTeX 2.09 command]{sc}
           {\protect\scshape\space or \protect\textsc}
\ObsoleteCS[an old LaTeX 2.09 command]{sf}
           {\protect\sffamily\space or \protect\textsf}
\ObsoleteCS[an old LaTeX 2.09 command]{sl}
           {\protect\slshape\space or \protect\textsl}
\ObsoleteCS[an old LaTeX 2.09 command]{tt}
           {\protect\ttfamily\space or \protect\texttt}
\ObsoleteCS[an old LaTeX 2.09 command]{cal}
           {\protect\mathcal}% Hmm, this is not in l2tabu?
%% \S 2.1.2
%% Gone with 1.8 because this never worked for the kernel \frac anyway.
%% \ObsoleteCS[TeX]{over}{\protect\frac}
%% \ObsoleteCS[TeX]{choose}{\protect\frac\space or amsmath's \protect\binom}
%% \S 2.1.3
\ObsoleteCS[TeX]{centerline}{\protect\centering\space or center environment}
%% \S 2.2.1
\ObsoleteClass{scrlettr}{the scrlttr2 package}
%% \S 2.2.2
\ObsoletePackage{epsf}{the graphicx package}
\ObsoletePackage{psfig}{the graphicx package}
\ObsoletePackage[deprecated]{epsfig}{the graphicx package directly}
%% \S 2.2.3
\ObsoletePackage{doublespace}{the setspace package}
%% \S 2.2.4
\ObsoletePackage{fancyheadings}{the fancyhdr or scrpage2 packages}
\ObsoletePackage{scrpage}{the scrpage2 package}
%% \S 2.2.5
\ObsoletePackage{isolatin}{the inputenc package with option latin1}
\ObsoletePackage{umlaut}{the inputenc package with suitable option
  (latin1, utf8 ...)}
\ObsoletePackage{isolatin1}{the inputenc package with option latin1}
%% \S 2.2.6
\ObsoletePackage{t1enc}{the fontenc package with option T1}
%% \S 2.2.7 we don't check for bst yet.
%% (This is in l2tabu 1.8)
\ObsoletePackage{caption2}{the caption package v3.0 or later}
%% \S 2.3.1-3
                {the mathptmx, helvet (option scaled=.9), courier packages}
                {the mathptmx, helvet (option scaled=.9), courier packages}
                {the mathptmx package}
%% \S 2.3.4-5
                {the mathpazo, helvet (option scaled=.95), courier packages}
\ObsoletePackage{mathpple}{the mathpazo package}
%% \S 2.3.6 can't be checked
%% \S 2.3.7
\ObsoletePackage{euler}{the eulervm package}
\ObsoletePackage{utopia}{the fourier package}
%% \S 3.1
% \changes{0.60}{2007/03/31}{alternate center-in-float check, doesn't
% take up as many macro names}
    \nag@warn{\lq center\rq\space environment in \@captype.\MessageBreak
	      Maybe you want \protect\centering\space instead}%
%% The latter two are used by KOMA-Script, the last by hypcap.
% \changes{0.53}{2007/03/21}{hypcap support. (H.G.Krauth\"auser)}
% \changes{0.53}{2007/03/21}{topcapt support.}

%% \S 3.2
%% In the same vein:
%% \S 3.3
%% It's more trouble than it's worth to have another warning for
%% align*, since it passes through align.
\ObsoleteEnv{eqnarray}{amsmath's align}
%% \S 3.4 -- nothing to be done --
%    \end{macrocode}
% \iffalse
% \fi
% \subsection{\texttt{nag-orthodox.cfg}}
% \texttt{nag-orthodox.cfg} warns about usage that is not technically
% incorrect, but will mostly do things an unwary user may not expect.
% This includes in particular the usage of font size and style switches
% as environments (line spacing will be off if the environment does not
% contain a trailing \string\par, spurious spaces might occur since the
% switches don't \string\ignorespaces), and, conversely, the usage of
% center etc. environments as unclosed switches. (Detection of the
% latter might still be somewhat brittle.)
% \iffalse
% \fi
%    \begin{macrocode}
             [2006/04/19 v1.8 strict rules for nag.sty (ulmi)]
%    \end{macrocode}
% \subsection{\texttt{nag-abort.cfg}}
% Requesting this nag file will turn all complaints into errors.
% \iffalse
%    \begin{macrocode}
             [2007/11/10 v0.2 treat complaints as errors (ulmi)]
%    \end{macrocode}
% Functionality that needs more testing.
%    \begin{macrocode}
             [2009/07/04 v0.62alpha2 experimental additions to nag (ulmi)]
%    \end{macrocode}
% Check if a float that may be positioned b is actually small
% enough for bottomfraction etc.
%    \changes{0.62alpha1}{2008/03/19}{Bigger warning if all float positions fail}
%    \changes{0.62alpha2}{2009/07/04}{Fix for marginpar etc which don't have fps}
%    \begin{macrocode}
  % #1 is size fraction of textheight,
  % #2 is position to say in warning.
  \ifdim \ht\@currbox>#1\textheight
    \@tempdima -#1\textheight
    \advance \@tempdima \ht\@currbox
    \PackageInfo{nag}{Float too large for #2 by \the\@tempdima}%
    % note we do not truncate.
    % also, it's too late to add "p" now.
% \@currbox is current float box,
% \@fps is the current list of float specifiers.
  \ifdim \ht\@currbox>\textheight
    \@tempdima -\textheight
    \advance \@tempdima \ht\@currbox
    \@latex@warning {Float too large for page by \the\@tempdima}%
    \ht\@currbox \textheight
  %% the preceding is the original check.
  \@xa\@xa\@xa\@tfor\@xa\@xa\@xa\nag@fltsz@tmp\@xa\@xa\@xa:\@xa\@xa\@xa=\csname @fps\endcsname\do{%
    \if\nag@fltsz@tmp !
      \if\nag@fltsz@tmp t
          {\nag@onefloatsizecheck{\topfraction}{top of page}}%
        \if\nag@fltsz@tmp b
            {\nag@onefloatsizecheck{\bottomfraction}{bottom of page}}%
          \if\nag@fltsz@tmp p
      \nag@warn{All float specifiers `\@fps' won't work}%
%    \end{macrocode}
% More experimental code: warning about files that were
% requested but not there. The really important one would
% be a check for include (this is just a typeout in the kernel?!).
% But as it is, we get warnings that point out missing ToC, LoF etc.
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \typeout{No file #1.}
  \@latex@warning{File `#1' not found}
  %{The file `#1' was requested but not found }
  \protected@edef\nag@nofile{File `#1' requested, but not found}%
  \typeout{No file #1.}
  \@latex@warning{File `#1' not found}
  {The file `#1' was requested but not found }
  \edef\nag@nofile{File `#1' requested, but not found}%
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \section{Author-side considerations and implementation.}
%    If you are a package or class author and want to extend the range
%    of \pkg{nag} (or prevent \pkg{nag} from criticizing
%    your macros), please see the description below, in
%    sections~\ref{sec:obsol-cmds} and following. It is
%    probably wise to group new rules in a seperate nag file:
%    users can request nag files by passing their name as a package
%    parameter, as shown above for the example of l2tabu.
%    \subsection{Low-level tools.}
%    Identify ourselves.
%    \begin{macrocode}
\ProvidesPackage{nag}[2009/07/30 0.62 warning about old commands (ulmi)]
%    \end{macrocode}
%    First of all, two counters we need. The first is used to
%    generate running numbers for replacement macros, the latter is
%    stepped for each complaint we have, so that the user gets a
%    frighteningly high number, showing how sinful he or she is.
%    \changes{0.61alpha1}{2007/11/10}{roman counter (external file issue)}
%    \changes{0.61alpha4}{2008/01/01}{sin counter should not be saved by include}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \begin{macro}{\nag@prepend}
%     |\nag@prepend|\marg{cs}\marg{something}:
%     Prepend \meta{something} to the macro definition of |\|\meta{cs}.
%     In reality, we do call indirection: save old macro away,
%     redefine macro to do the something, call old macro.
%     (With thanks to Juergen Goebel, Heiko Oberdiek and Rolf Niepraschk
%     (\pkg{savesym}))
%    From $0.60\alpha_2$ on, nag is more robust about not defining
%    commands that are not there. Now, they're not even relaxed.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \changes{0.51}{2006/10/21}{bugfix}
%    Don't define the macro if it's not there. This confuses caption,
%    which loads ragged2e AtBeginDocument, at which point, RaggedLeft
%    et al. were already defined by us.
%    \changes{0.52}{2007/02/25}{info}
%    \changes{0.60alpha2}{2007/04/08}{don't even relax unknown
%    commands (J.Sommer)}
%    \dots but \emph{do} log a message.
%    \changes{0.61alpha1}{2007/11/10}{Extra indirection of warnings
%    for robustness (uppercasing/LoF issues)}
%    \changes{0.61alpha2}{2007/11/26}{Creep under existing robust cover}
%    \begin{macrocode}
    % if it doesn't exist, don't do anything.
      Command \@backslashchar#1\space not defined, skipping amendment%
    \nag@ifundefined{#1 }{%
      %  Command \@backslashchar#1\space appears robust\MessageBreak
      %  Modifying `\@backslashchar#1\space' instead.
    \csname nag@@#1@\thenag@c\@xa\endcsname
    \csname #1\nag@maybespace\endcsname
    \@xa\DeclareRobustCommand\csname nag@@warning@\thenag@c\@xa\endcsname{%
    \@xa\nag@pr@p@nd\csname #1\nag@maybespace\@xa\endcsname
    \csname nag@@#1@\thenag@c\@xa\endcsname
    \csname nag@@warning@\thenag@c\@xa\endcsname
%    \end{macrocode}
% Fun with scoping: one might think we can get away with a (non-local)
% |\advance\c@nag@c 1\relax| here. This would lead to less hashtable
% usage. Problem: if a nag@@foo@17 macro ever escapes its scope, it
% might be bound to something else entirely. This might occur with
% some of the fancier table packages which use external files?
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\nag@warn}
%    All complaints to the user run through one of these two macros,
%    with or without source line.
%    \changes{0.61alpha1}{2007/11/10}{Made robust.}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \subsection{Obsoletifying commands.}\label{sec:obsol-cmds} 
%    (No, I do not think that is a proper word either.)
%    \begin{macro}{\ObsoleteCS}
%    Usage: |\ObsoleteCS|\oarg{reason}\marg{CS}\marg{suggestions}
%    Mark |\|\meta{CS} as obsolete. \meta{reason} defaults to
%    obsolete. When the macro is used anyway, the following
%    warning is logged:
%    \noindent|Command \|\meta{CS}| is |\meta{reason}|. Use |\meta{suggestions}| instead.|
%    \begin{macrocode}
	Command \@backslashchar#2 is #1.
	Use #3 instead}%
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\ObsoleteEnv}
%    \changes{0.60alpha4}{2007/04/23}{There was no ObsoleteEnv?!}
%    \begin{macrocode}
	Environment #2 is #1.
	Use #3 instead}%
%    \end{macrocode}
%     \end{macro}
%    \subsection{Obsoletifying packages and classes.}
%    Checking for packages and classes is done by looking for
%    |ver@foo.sty|, which holds the version information that is also
%    displayed by |\listfiles|. This means that we're out of luck if
%    fontenc ever becomes obsolete, because that won't be detected.
%    First, define a macro to check if a control sequence is defined.
%    Unlike |\@ifundefined|, this will not define the control sequence
%    to |\relax|, but the arguments will be executed in a group. For
%    our purposes, this doesn't matter, because we only give a warning
%    (and |\addtocounter| already is |\global|).
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    Just because we can, use $\epsilon$\TeX' |\ifcsname| if we can. This
%    bootstrapping gives me a big grin\dots Note we add an extra group
%    for compatibility with the non-$\epsilon$ case.
%    \changes{0.52}{2007/02/25}{made eTeX-ifcsname more robust}
%    \begin{macrocode}
      % assume it won't be there.
      \ifcsname #1\endcsname 
    % It still might be relax from some other test. Thanks to J\"org
    % Sommer for finding this bug.
      \expandafter\ifx\csname #1\endcsname\relax
        % it's there after all
%    \end{macrocode}
%    This way of escaping the grouping gives me an even
%    bigger grin.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \begin{macro}{\ObsoletePackage}
%    Usage: |\ObsoletePackage|\oarg{reason}\marg{package}\marg{%
%    alternative}. Mark \meta{package} as obsolete. \meta{reason} defaults
%    to obsolete. If the \meta{package} is used anyway, at the end of
%    the compilation, the following warning will be displayed:
%    \noindent|Package |\meta{package}| is |\meta{reason}|. Use |
%    \meta{alternative}| instead.|
%    \begin{macrocode}
% |\@clsextension| is onlypreamble, for some reason.
      Package #2 is #1.\MessageBreak
      Use #3 instead}%
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \end{macro}
%    \begin{macro}{\ObsoleteClass}
%    Usage: |\ObsoleteClass|\oarg{reason}\marg{class}\marg{%
%    alternative}. Mark \meta{class} as obsolete. \meta{reason} defaults
%    to obsolete. If the \meta{class} is used anyway, at the end of
%    the compilation, the following warning will be displayed:
%    \noindent|Class |\meta{class}| is |\meta{reason}|. Use |
%    \meta{alternative}| instead.|
%    \begin{macrocode}
% |\@clsextension| is onlypreamble, for some reason.
      Class #2 is #1.\MessageBreak
      Use #3 instead}%
%    \end{macrocode} 
%    \end{macro}
%    \subsection{Common float errors and no-nos.}
%    We do the following: 
%    \begin{itemize}
%      \item check for presence of a caption 
%      \item check for absence of the center environment
%      \item check that a label comes only after a caption 
%    \end{itemize}
%    First of all, we define two ifs to memorize whether we have a
%    label and/or a caption in the float already. Package writers may
%    want to set these manually behind \pkg{nag}'s back. In this
%    way, they can suppress possible warnings if they know what
%    they're doing -- we only check at the end of the float
%    environment, which gives them plenty of time to call 
%    |\csname nag@haslabeltrue\endcsname| et al. 
%    (Thanks to Markus Kohm for pointing out this need.)
%    We initialize |\nag@hascaption| to be true because since 0.60,
%    |\label| always checks if it's after a caption, even outside of
%    floats.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    Now, to the work proper: as of 0.60, it is sufficient to set the
%    label and caption flags to false. |\endcenter| now always checks
%    if it is inside a float (looking at |\@captype|). The label and
%    caption commands are amended only once. This should be
%    sufficient: captions are not handled by letting |\caption| to the
%    proper command upon float entry, so we assume nobody redefines
%    |\caption| at runtime, or they provide more entries to
%    |\nag@captions|. Similar for |\label|, and we do not care about
%    the flag setting outside of floats.
%    \begin{macrocode}
	  {#1 with no \protect\caption}%
    % labels outside floats shouldn't complain:
    % (we do this always because it needs to be global)
%    \end{macrocode}
%    Add checks to all macros named by |\nag@labels|
%    and |\nag@captions|, respectively.    
%    \changes{0.3}{2005/07/07}{Fixed missing globals}
%    Scoping of presence-of-caption information:
%    \changes{0.4}{2006/04/19}{bugfix}
%    Well, maybe I should do it the way the kernel does, which means
%    a label is just as local as |\refstepcounter|'s |\@currentlabel|
%    information as of v0.4. I think we can leave captions global.
%    \changes{0.60}{2007/03/31}{Captions/Labels now done only once, and not every time
%    we enter a float}
%    \changes{0.60}{2007/03/31}{@preamblecmds}
%    Big old hack: we do this at |\@preamblecmds|-time, which is after
%    |\AtBeginDocument|, since hyperref loads nameref ABD, and nameref
%    steps all over label. \emph{Note:} We cannot use |\nag@prepend|
%    for this, since it would break the pkgindoc package, which nobody
%    has ever heard of, but it's in the kernel and relies on certain
%    tokens being present in the expansion of |\@preamblecmds|. Now,
%    you pretty much cannot get any later than this.
%    \emph{Note:} we cannot exchange the order of the for loops here:
%    if a cs generates both a label and a caption, it shouldn't get
%    complained about.
%    \begin{macrocode}
  \nag@warn{\protect\label\space in float, but not after
%    \end{macrocode}
%    Define the lists of commands that are floats, generate labels,
%    and generate captions, respectively. We don't start with defined
%    floats (that is for nag-l2tabu.cfg to set up). Since v0.52, we handle
%    an empty name, so the lists may be empty. Also, no labels and
%    captions are provided by default since v0.52. This has been moved
%    to nag-l2tabu.cfg. 
%    See also
%    |\NagDeclareFloat|, which is the user-level wrapper for new
%    floats. Since there are no packages to define new 
%    caption or label commands on an user level, there is no wrapper
%    for those.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    We call the above for each float environment named via
%    |\nag@floats|:
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    but only after all other packages get their chance to add to the
%    list:
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%     At the very end, we will display a running total of complaints.
%    \begin{macrocode}
    \PackageWarningNoLine{nag}{\arabic{nag@sins} complaints
      in total}%
    \typeout{No complaints by nag.}%
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \section{Switch vs. Environment}
%    People often use switches as environments and vice versa. This is
%    dangerous in because it tends to \emph{almost} work.
%    (Consider font size commands in particular, but also |\centering|
%    vs. |center| environment.) As usual, ``it's not an error if you
%    know what you're doing''. In particular, it is perfectly valid
%    code to use the |\foo|\dots|\endfoo| syntax. So, |\NotASwitch|
%    needs to trace the calls to |\foo| and see if they match with
%    corresponding |\endfoo|s with its own stack. This might still be
%    brittle. Fortunately, it is currently only needed for
%    nag-orthodox, where it checks for the justification environments.
%    First of all, a helper macro we hinge upon:
%    \changes{0.53}{2007/03/20}{bugfix: more Robustness. (J\"org Sommer)}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    And now, the two variations there are:
%    \begin{macro}{\NotAnEnvironment}
%    Usage:|\NotAnEnvironment|\marg{command}
%    Issue an error if the user calls |\begin{command}| and not
%    |\command| directly.
%    \begin{macrocode}
          There is no environment ``#1''.\MessageBreak
          Maybe you want a grouped \@backslashchar#1
      }{% OK case.
%    \end{macrocode}
%     \end{macro}
%    |\NotASwitch| is a bit more involved:
%    \begin{macro}{\NotASwitch}
%    Usage:|\NotASwitch|\marg{command}
%    Issue an error if the user calls |\command| and not
%    |\begin{command}| and mis-nests calls or doesn't call
%    |\endcommand| at all.
%    \changes{0.54}{2007/03/27}{bugfix: can't get around the token register. (J\"org Sommer)}
%    \begin{macrocode}
% we need to maintain a stack of environments that are used in the
% \foo...\endfoo way.

  % push a begin-entry onto the stack. Form is
  % |{\foo{lineno}}| for environment foo.
    \@xa\@nx\csname #1\endcsname
  % extract the first entry.
  \@xa\nag@end@nv\nag@envstack\@nil #1\@nil

\def\nag@end@nv#1#2\@nil #3\@nil{%
  % This was the end-of-stack flag.
  \nag@warn{``\@backslashchar end#3'' without matching
    ``\@backslashchar #3''}
    % We may assume this is a proper entry. See if the begin-token on
    % the stack matches what |\nag@endenv| was passed.
    \@xa\ifx\csname #3\@xa\endcsname\@firstoftwo #1%
      %OK case, just pop the entry.
    % error case
      You cannot close ``\@xa\string\@firstoftwo #1'' on line
      \@secondoftwo #1 with ``\@backslashchar end#3''%
    % leave it on the stack. Some case of misnesting will always cause
    % horrible amounts of follow-up errors. Also, scare them!
%    \end{macrocode}
%    At the end, we complain about all the entries that are still on
%    the stack. 
%    \begin{macrocode}
        command on line
%    \end{macrocode}
%      \end{macro}
% Now, the user-side command is easy.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \section{Compatibility issues}
%    \subsection{The \pkg{caption} package}
%    Axel Sommerfeldt's \pkg{caption} package loads the \pkg{ragged2e}
%    package AtBeginDocument (regardless of whether it is needed).
%    This is too late for us to amend the |\RaggedFoo| commands with
%    |\NotAnEnvironment|. Since v0.51 of \pkg{nag}, they will then be
%    skipped (with information in the log). Earlier versions would
%    fail because by time \pkg{ragged2e} was loaded, the commands were
%    already defined by the amendment process. To make sure the
%    commands \emph{are} amended, load \pkg{ragged2e} explicitly
%    yourself. 
%    \subsection{The \pkg{subfig} package}
%    Starting with v0.52 of \pkg{nag}, we recognize the fact that the
%    |\subfloat| command from Steven D. Cochran's \pkg{subfig} package
%    is a caption-provider for its fourth argument. Earlier versions
%    would flag use of |\label| as inappropriate. The current
%    implementation works with versions close enough to v1.3 of
%    \pkg{subfig}. Since the change is a one-liner, I hope it will be
%    integrated into future versions of \pkg{subfig}.
%    \changes{0.52}{2007/02/25}{twiddle subfig's bowels}
%    \begin{macrocode}
    \PackageInfo{nag}{Attempting subfig hack\@gobble}%
  % of course, i need to touch the single longest definition in
  % subfig.sty, to amend one single command...
  % The definition is taken from subfig.sty 1.3 dated 2005/07/05 by
  % S.D. Chochran, where it is called sf@@@subfloat, and appears here
  % under the conditions of section 6 of the LPPL 1.3. The subfig
  % package is available on a CTAN mirror near you.
    \else\ifdim \lastskip=\z@ \else
    \setbox\@tempboxa \hbox{%
          \ifdim \lastskip=\z@ \else
          \ifx \@empty##3\relax \else
          \hrule width0pt height0pt depth0pt
              \vbox to \FBsuboheight{\FBafil\box\@tempboxa\FBbfil}%
        \ifx \@empty##3\relax \else
          \hrule width0pt height0pt depth0pt
  \expandafter\ifx\csname sf@@@subfloat\endcsname\nag@@original@@sf@@@subfloat
    % yup, that's it.
    \PackageInfo{nag}{OK, equivalent to subfig 1.3, redefining
      \@backslashchar sf@@@subfloat\@gobble}%
    \else\ifdim \lastskip=\z@ \else
    \setbox\@tempboxa \hbox{%
      %% ulmi: new 2007/02/25: #4 may contain label command
      \csname nag@hascaptiontrue\endcsname
      %% and that was it.
      %% ulmi: new 2007/05/10: #2, #3 may contain label command
      \csname nag@hascaptiontrue\endcsname
      %% and that was it.
          \ifdim \lastskip=\z@ \else
          \ifx \@empty##3\relax \else
          \hrule width0pt height0pt depth0pt
              \vbox to \FBsuboheight{\FBafil\box\@tempboxa\FBbfil}%
        \ifx \@empty##3\relax \else
          \hrule width0pt height0pt depth0pt
        \PackageInfo{nag}{Not redefining sf@@@subfloat, it looks odd\@gobble}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \subsection{The \pkg{float} package}
%    Sorry, there is no way for \pkg{nag} to automatically add new
%    float types to check them for captions. However, since v0.52,
%    there is an user-level command |\NagDeclareFloat| that will do
%    the bookkeeping for you, i.e. after your call to |\newfloat|, you
%    call |\NagDeclareFloat| with the first argument to |\newfloat|.
%    \changes{0.52}{2007/02/25}{Command NagDeclareFloat added}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \subsection{The \pkg{topcapt} package and the \pkg{subfig} package}
%    nagdemo exhibits an error when topcapt and subfig are used
%    together, i.e. \pkg{subfig} thinks the caption has not been
%    stepped already. This is not a bug in \pkg{nag}.
%    \subsection{The \pkg{rotating} package}
%    \pkg{rotating} uses \cmd{\centerline} to place rotated floats. As
%    far as I can see, the usage is legitimate there, and using
%    \cmd{\centering} instead would change behaviour when the float's
%    dimension are larger than the text body. (Currently, the height
%    of the figure may exceed \cmd{\textwidth} without warning.) If this
%    bothers you, go read the warning on p.~\pageref{disclaimer} again.
%    \subsection{Version control packages}
%    Common version control systems like rcs, cvs, svn insert their keywords
%    between dollar signs. Packages that parse these keywords define their
%    commands and usually assume catcode 3, which is not true if either
%    \pkg{onlyamsmath} or \pkg{nag} is loaded. Special handling is
%    introduced for \pkg{rcs} and \pkg{svninfo}. In case of \pkg{rcsinfo},
%    \pkg{svn} and \pkg{pgf} (yes, it's got internal VC handling that fails
%    when \cmd{\pgfuselibrary} is used outside the preamble -- thanks to 
%    Ralf Th\"ole for spotting this one), dollar checking is disabled.
%    \section{Loading extensions}
%    Finally, we deal with package options.
%    This is simple: just try to input appropriate nag files.
%    \changes{0.4}{2006/04/19}{config file names changed to free extension}
%    \begin{macrocode}
      Loaded nag-\CurrentOption.cfg
        Loaded old-style config file \CurrentOption.nag.\MessageBreak
        Consider renaming the file to nag-\CurrentOption.cfg
      \PackageWarningNoLine{nag}{Required ruleset
        \CurrentOption, and it wasn't there}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \PrintChanges
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