% \iffalse meta-comment
% Copyright (C) 2005 by Paul van Tilburg <paul@luon.net>
% ------------------------------------------------------
% This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
% the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
% (at your option) any later version.
% This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
% GNU General Public License for more details.
% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
% along with this package; if not, write to the Free Software
% Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.%
% \fi
% \iffalse
    [2005/08/26 v0.10 Flag style derivation package]

\usepackage{amsmath, amssymb}



\newcommand{\CR}{\ensuremath{(\forall a, b, c\in A: a\THA b\land a\THA c:%
                             (\exists d\in A:: b\THA d\land c\THA d))}}
\newcommand{\MC}{\ensuremath{(\forall a, b, c\in A: a\OHA b\land a\THA c:%
                             (\exists d\in A:: b\THA d\land c\THA d))}}


% \fi
% \CheckSum{0}
% \CharacterTable
%  {Upper-case    \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z
%   Lower-case    \a\b\c\d\e\f\g\h\i\j\k\l\m\n\o\p\q\r\s\t\u\v\w\x\y\z
%   Digits        \0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9
%   Exclamation   \!     Double quote  \"     Hash (number) \#
%   Dollar        \$     Percent       \%     Ampersand     \&
%   Acute accent  \'     Left paren    \(     Right paren   \)
%   Asterisk      \*     Plus          \+     Comma         \,
%   Minus         \-     Point         \.     Solidus       \/
%   Colon         \:     Semicolon     \;     Less than     \<
%   Equals        \=     Greater than  \>     Question mark \?
%   Commercial at \@     Left bracket  \[     Backslash     \\
%   Right bracket \]     Circumflex    \^     Underscore    \_
%   Grave accent  \`     Left brace    \{     Vertical bar  \|
%   Right brace   \}     Tilde         \~}
% \changes{v0.9f}{2005/02/04}{Initial version.}
% \changes{v0.9g}{2005/05/16}{Added example and usage documentation.}
% \changes{v0.9h}{2005/06/06}{Added the flagderiv* environment.}
% \changes{v0.9i}{2005/06/10}{Fixed minor issues in the documentation
%                        and resolved a ref-format bug.}
% \changes{v0.10}{2005/08/26}{Drop dependancy on farray, include fix.}
% \GetFileInfo{flagderiv.dtx}
% \DoNotIndex{\newcommand,\newenvironment}
% \title{The \textsf{flagderiv} package\thanks{This document
%   corresponds to \textsf{flagderiv}~\fileversion, dated \filedate.}}
% \author{Paul van Tilburg \\ \url{paul@luon.net}}
% \maketitle
% \tableofcontents
% \section{Introduction}
%  This document describes how to use \flags~to make flag-style proofs in
%  \LaTeX.
%  It can handle taking steps, making assumptions, introducing variables and
%  conclusions.  The package allows the style to be configured.  For
%  example, the variable introduction symbol can be redefined.  Other
%  features include multiple page flag-style proofs.
%  The documentation and all examples are based upon version \fileversion\ 
%  of \flags.
%  \begin{center}
%   \scriptsize
%     \renewcommand{\introsymb}{\text{Let}}
%     \begin{flagderiv}
%      \assume{i:assume:no-package}{\text{There is no nice package to do flag-style proofs}}{}
%       \introduce{i:intro:feature}{x\text{, such that } x\text{ is a flag-style feature}}{}
%        \skipsteps{5}{\vdots}{}
%        \step{i:feature-met}{\flags~\text{can do it}}{}
%       \conclude{i:conclusion}{\flags~\text{fulfils my every flag-style proof need}}
%                              {$\forall$-introduction on \ref{i:intro:feature} and \ref{i:feature-met}}
%       \step{i:false}{\false}{\false-introduction on \ref{i:assume:no-package} and \ref{i:conclusion}}
%      \conclude{i:conclude:not-no-package}{\lnot (\text{There is no nice package to do flag-style proofs})}
%                                          {$\lnot$-introduction on \ref{i:assume:no-package} and \ref{i:false}}
%      \step{i:step:nice-package}{\text{So, there exists a nice package to do flag-style proofs}}
%                                {$\lnot\lnot$-elimination on \ref{i:conclude:not-no-package}}
%     \end{flagderiv}
%  \end{center}
% \section{Acknowledgements}
% I want to thank Jan Zwanenburg and Erik Poll for the first versions of
% this package, professor R.P.\ Nederpelt for his ever-persisting package
% reviews, feedback and suggestions and last but not least Mark van Eijk,
% who has written parts of section~\ref{sec:usage} and all examples in
% section~\ref{sec:ex}.
% \section{Usage\label{sec:usage}}
%  This section explains how the \flags\ package works by means of examples 
%  and how the commands should be used. I try to cover all possibilities and
%  features of this package. For bigger examples, please refer to
%  section~\ref{sec:ex}; for more detailed documentation on the commands
%  and inner workings, refer to the \flags\ package itself.
%   \subsection{Basic derivations}
%    \DescribeEnv{flagderiv}
%    Basic derivations are written using an intuitive command sequence
%    placed in the |flagderiv| environment\index{usage}. The example below
%    uses auto-numbering of the lines. Variable introductions, assumptions, 
%    steps and conclusions can be done using the following commands 
%    respectively:
%    \begin{itemize}
%     \item \DescribeMacro{\introduce}\index{usage}
%           |\introduce|\marg{label}\marg{formula}\marg{comment}, 
%     \item \DescribeMacro{\assume}\index{usage}
%           |\assume|\marg{label}\marg{formula}\marg{comment},
%     \item \DescribeMacro{\step}\index{usage}
%           |\step|\marg{label}\marg{formula}\marg{comment}, and 
%     \item \DescribeMacro{\conclude}\index{usage}
%           |\conclude|\oarg{number}\marg{label}\marg{formula}\marg{comment}.
%    \end{itemize}
%    Lines can be referred to using the {\em label} that is provided as the
%    first argument to each of the commands. {\em Formulas} are placed in
%    the second argument and a {\em comment} in the third. 
%    See subsection~\ref{sec:usage:multi} for the explanation of the optional
%    argument {\em number} of |\conclude|.
%    \begin{Example}[gobble=7,frame=single,label=Auto-numbering]
%      \begin{flagderiv}
%        \introduce{in-x}{x: \Nat}{Introduction of $x$}
%          \assume{as-x}{x > 5}{Assumption}
%            \step{big-x}{x > 1}{Arithmetic on \ref{in-x} and \ref{as-x}}
%          \conclude{conc}{x > 5 \implies x > 1}
%                         {$\implies$-intro on \ref{as-x} and \ref{big-x}}
%        \conclude{}{\forall x \in \Nat: x > 5 \implies x > 1}
%                   {$\forall$-intro on \ref{in-x} and \ref{conc}}
%      \end{flagderiv}
%    \end{Example}
%    The following example uses manual numbering. This is done by using the
%    \DescribeMacro{\introduce*}
%    starred versions of the previous given commands (|\introduce*|,
%    \DescribeMacro{\assume*}
%    \DescribeMacro{\step*}
%    \DescribeMacro{\conclude*}
%    |\assume*|, |\step*| and |\conclude*|) and using a
%    {\em custom number} instead of a {\ em label} as the first argument. 
%    Note that because of this, derivation line references are not possible
%    and should be done manually as well.
%    \begin{Example}[gobble=7,frame=single,label=Manual numbering]
%      \begin{flagderiv}
%        \introduce*{$(1)$}{x: \Nat}{Introduction of $x$}
%          \assume*{$(2)$}{P(x)}{Assumption}
%            \skipsteps*{\dots}{}
%            \step*{$(n - 2)$}{Q(x)}{}
%          \conclude*{$(n - 1)$}{P(x) \implies Q(x)}
%                               {$\implies$-intro on $(2)$ and $(n - 2)$}
%        \conclude*{$(n)$}{\forall x \in \Nat: P(x) \implies Q(x)}
%                         {$\forall$-intro on $(1)$ and $(n - 1)$}
%      \end{flagderiv}
%    \end{Example}
%    Note that the |\skipsteps*| used in the previous example is
%    explained in section~\ref{sec:usage:skipsteps}.
%   \subsection{Concluding multiple assumptions/introductions\label{sec:usage:multi}}
%    Sometimes it is useful to make a conclusion from multiple open
%    assumptions and/or introductions at once. This can be done by supplying
%    an optional {\em number} to the |\conclude| command. Usage is
%    illustrated in the example below.
%    \begin{Example}[gobble=7,frame=single,label=Multiple conclusion]
%      \begin{flagderiv} 
%        \introduce{}{x: \Nat}{}
%          \assume{}{P(x)}{}
%            \step{}{Q(x)}{}
%        \conclude[2]{}{\forall x \in \Nat: (P(x) \implies Q(x))}{}
%      \end{flagderiv}
%    \end{Example}
%   \subsection{Skipping steps\label{sec:usage:skipsteps}}
%    When writing example derivations or abbreviating those where
%    obvious/trivial steps may be skipped, one can use the
%    \DescribeMacro{\skipsteps}
%    |\skipsteps|\marg{number}\marg{formula}\marg{comment} command for
%    auto-numbered derivations.  This commands takes the {\em number} of
%    steps to skip as the first argument, a {\em formula} as the second and
%    a {\em comment} as the third, like a normal step.
%    \vspace{3em}
%    \begin{Example}[gobble=7,frame=single,label=Skipping 5 steps]
%      \begin{flagderiv}
%        \assume{as}{P \implies Q}{}
%          \step{lem-p}{P \lor \neg P}{LEM}
%          \skipsteps{5}{\dots}
%                       {Prove $\neg P \lor Q$ for $P$ and $\neg P$}
%          \step{or-elm}{\neg P \lor Q}{$\lor$-elim on \ref{lem-p}}
%      \end{flagderiv}
%    \end{Example}
%    For skipping an unknown number of steps in a manual numbered
%    \DescribeMacro{\skipsteps*}
%    derivation, the command |\skipsteps*|\marg{formula}\marg{comment} can
%    be used.  Here the number of steps to skip must be omitted, since there
%    is no counting involved.  See for example the $\implies$-intro rule:
%    \begin{Example}[gobble=7,frame=single,label=Skipping steps]
%      \begin{flagderiv}
%        \assume*{$(1)$}{P}{Assumption}
%          \skipsteps*{\dots}{Derive $Q$}
%          \step*{$(n - 1)$}{Q}{}
%        \conclude*{$(n)$}{P \implies Q}
%                         {$\implies$-intro on $(1)$ to $(n - 1)$}
%      \end{flagderiv}
%    \end{Example}
%   \subsection{Closing assumptions/introductions}
%    Assumptions and introductions (contexts) are not always closed by a
%    conclusion, it is sometimes useful to keep proven propositions within
%    \DescribeMacro{\done}
%    its context.  The |\done| command (|\done|\oarg{number}) can be used to
%    close a assumption and/or introduction without mentioning why.  It takes
%    an optional argument {\em number} to close multiple open assumptions
%    and/or introductions.  An example from the WTT (Weak Type Theory):
%    \begin{Example}[gobble=7,frame=single,label=Closing assumptions/introductions]
%      \begin{flagderiv}
%        \introduce{}{n: \Nat}{}
%          \introduce{}{d: \Nat}{}
%            \step{}{\text{$d$ is a divisor of $n$} := 
%                     \exists_{k: \Nat} (n = d \cdot k)}{}
%          \done
%          \introduce{}{m: \Nat}{}
%            \step{}{\text{$m$ is a multiple of $n$} := 
%                     \exists_{k: \Nat} (m = k \cdot n)}{}
%        \done[2]
%      \end{flagderiv}
%    \end{Example}
%    \vspace{-1em}
%    The last |\done[2]| can be omitted since closing the \flags\ environment
%    implicitly closes all open introductions and assumptions.
%   \subsection{Spacing between lines}
%    The spacing between derivation lines defaults to {\tt 8pt} but can be 
%    changed
%    \DescribeMacro{derivskip}\index{setting}
%    by adjusting the length (using |\setlength| on {\tt derivskip})
%    before starting or during a \flags\ environment. See for example the
%    more condensed proof:
%    \begin{Example}[gobble=7,frame=single,label=Condensing a derivation]
%      \setlength{\derivskip}{4pt}
%      \begin{flagderiv}
%        \assume{}{P}{}
%          \assume{}{Q}{}
%            \step{}{P}{}
%          \conclude{}{Q \implies P}{}
%        \conclude{}{P \implies Q \implies P}{}
%      \end{flagderiv}
%    \end{Example}
%    Note that flag derivations will automatically be split across pages if
%    it is too long and the |flagderiv| environment is used.  See also the
%    {\tt longtable} package.  This does not happen for |flagderiv*|, which
%    is a normal |tabular|.
%   \subsection{The introduction symbol}
%    \DescribeMacro{\introsymb}\index{changing}
%    The way an introduction flag differs from an assumption flag is that it
%    is prefixed with an {\em introduction symbol}. This symbol is by
%    default set to $\mathbf{var}$ (|\mathbf{var}|) but can be changed
%    to a different symbol, for example to $\leadsto$ (|\leadsto|) or
%    just `Let'. This can be changed by redefining the |\introsymb|
%    command before opening the \flags\ environment.
%    \begin{Example}[gobble=7,frame=single,label=Changing the introduction symbol]
%      \renewcommand{\introsymb}{\textbf{Let}}
%      \begin{flagderiv}
%        \introduce{intro-x}{x: \Nat}{Introduction}
%          \introduce{intro-y}{y: \Nat}{Introduction}
%            \skipsteps*{\ddots}{}
%      \end{flagderiv}
%    \end{Example}
%   \subsection{Numbering and format}
%    When the derivation lines are automatically numbered the numbers are
%    formatted as ``({\em number})'' and so are the references. This format
%    \DescribeMacro{fd@stepcount}
%    \DescribeMacro{\thestepcount}\index{changing}
%    can be changed by overriding the |\thestepcount| command using the
%    {\tt fd@stepcount} counter before opening the \flags\ environment.
%    \begin{Example}[gobble=7,frame=single,label=Changing the numbering format]
%      \renewcommand{\thestepcount}{[\Roman{fd@stepcount}]}
%      \begin{flagderiv}
%        \step{ass}{P \implies Q}{}
%        \step{lem}{P \lor \neg P}{LEM}
%        \assume{ass-nP}{\neg P}{Assumption}
%          \step{s0}{\neg P \lor \neg Q}{$\lor$-intro on \ref{ass-nP}}
%        \done
%        \assume{ass-nnP}{P}{Assumption}
%          \step{s1}{Q}{$\implies$-elim on \ref{ass-nnP} and \ref{ass}}
%          \step{s2}{\neg P \lor \neg Q}{$\lor$-intro on \ref{s1}}
%        \done
%        \step{or-el}{\neg P \lor Q}
%                    {$\lor$-elim on \ref{lem}, \ref{s0} and \ref{s2}}
%      \end{flagderiv}
%    \end{Example}
%    \DescribeMacro{\thesteplabel}\index{changing}
%    Since the manual numbered derivations use no counter, the format can be
%    changed by overriding the |\thesteplabel| command which will take
%    one argument, the {\em custom number}.
%    \begin{Example}[gobble=7,frame=single,label=Changing the numbering format]
%      \renewcommand{\thesteplabel}[1]{#1.}
%      \begin{flagderiv}
%        \assume*{1}{P}{Assumption}
%          \skipsteps*{\dots}{Derive $Q$}
%          \step*{n - 1}{Q}{}
%        \conclude*{n}{P \implies Q}{$\implies$-intro on 1 to n - 1}
%      \end{flagderiv}
%    \end{Example}
%    Note that since references are also manually done, the same format
%    should be used there by the writer him/herself.
%   \subsection{Inline comments}
%    In general there are two ways to place the comments with respect to
%    the formulas in derivations. The first is behind the formula (the
%    default). The second way is to place them inline, that is, on a separate 
%    line before the formula.
%    All \flags\ environments can be set globally to display the comments
%    inline by passing the global option {\tt inlcmnts} to the \flags\
%    package (e.g.\\|\usepackage[inlcmnts]{flagsderiv}|).
%    \DescribeMacro{\inlcmnts}\index{usage}
%    Giving the |\inlcmnts| command makes the environments after this
%    command explicitly switch into inline-comment-mode (the default or
%    \DescribeMacro{\noinlcmnts}\index{usage}
%    global option is forgotten) after which giving |\noinlcmnts| will set 
%    it back to normal mode.
%    \begin{Example}[gobble=7,frame=single,label=Inline comments]
%      \inlcmnts
%      \begin{flagderiv}
%        \assume{as-P}{P}{Assume:}
%          \assume{as-Q}{Q}{Assume:}
%            \step{re-P}{P}{Rei \ref{as-P}:}
%         \conclude{imp1}{Q \implies P}
%                        {$\implies$-intro on \ref{as-Q} and \ref{re-P}:}
%        \conclude{imp2}{P \implies Q \implies P}
%                        {$\implies$-intro on \ref{as-P} and \ref{imp1}:}
%      \end{flagderiv}
%    \end{Example}
%    When the comments are inserted inline, a certain format is used, namely
%    to enclose the comment with braces.  This is the default, but can be
%    \DescribeMacro{\theinlcmnt}
%    overridden by redefining the |\theinlcmnt| command.\index{override}
%    \vspace{1em}
%    \begin{Example}[gobble=7,frame=single,label=Changing inline comments format]
%      \inlcmnts
%      \renewcommand{\theinlcmnt}[1]{--#1--}
%      \begin{flagderiv}
%        \assume{ass-P}{P}{Assumption}
%          \assume{ass-Q}{Q}{Assumption}
%            \step{rei-P}{P}{Rei \ref{ass-P}}
%      \end{flagderiv}
%    \end{Example}
%   \subsection{Namespaces for labels}
%    In a document with a lot of auto-numbered derivations it is easy to lose
%    overview of labels already used or it may be hard to keep thinking of
%    new ones. To solve this a \flags\ environment can take a {\em namespace}
%    as optional argument\index{namespacing}. This makes the lines referable 
%    as normal within the same derivation but also globally when the namespace
%    and a colon is added outside the derivation. For example a derivation for 
%    Modus Tollens (MT):
%    \begin{Example}[gobble=7,frame=single,label=Derivation label namespace]
%      \begin{flagderiv}[mt]
%        \step{s0}{P \implies Q}{}
%        \assume{as-nQ}{\neg Q}{Assumption}
%          \assume{as-P}{P}{Assumption}
%            \step{s1}{Q}{$\implies$-elim on \ref{s0} and \ref{as-P}}
%            \step{s2}{\bot}{$\bot$-intro on \ref{as-nQ} and \ref{s1}}
%          \conclude{nP}{\neg P}{$\neg$-intro on \ref{as-P} and \ref{s2}} 
%        \conclude{nQ-nP}{\neg Q \implies \neg P}
%                        {$\implies$-intro on \ref{as-nQ} and \ref{nP}}
%      \end{flagderiv}
%      Note that step~\ref{mt:as-P} is not an intuitive step but necessary 
%      to get $\neg P$ under the assumption $\neg Q$.
%    \end{Example}
%   \subsection{Other options}
%    \DescribeMacro{\caption}\index{usage}
%    \DescribeMacro{\tablehead}\DescribeMacro{\tablefirsthead}
%    A \flags\ environment actually wraps a {\tt longtable}.  This means
%    that at the start of an environment all {\tt longtable} options are
%    available.  This means the use of |\caption|, and setting heads
%    (|\tablehead| and |\tablefirsthead|) and feet (|\endfoot|
%    \DescribeMacro{\endfoot}\DescribeMacro{\endlastfoot}
%    and |\endlastfoot|) but also changing the lengths, etc.
%    \DescribeEnv{flagderiv*}
%    Note that this does not hold for the slightly different |flagderiv*|
%    environment, which acts exactly the same but is wrapped in a normal
%    {\tt tabular} and thus can not be split across pages.
%    \begin{Example}[gobble=7,frame=single,label=Captioned]
%      \inlcmnts
%      \begin{flagderiv}[reflex]
%        \caption{The reflexivity of $\equiv_n$} \\
%        \introduce*{(1)}{x \in \All}{Assume:}
%          \skipsteps*{\dots \\ \dots}{}
%          \step*{(n - 1)}{x \equiv_n x}{}
%        \conclude*{(n)}{\forall x \in \All: x \equiv_n x}
%                       {$\forall$-intro on (1) and (n - 1):}
%      \end{flagderiv}
%    \end{Example}
%    \DescribeMacro{\\}
%    Additional it is possible to add custom newlines (|\\|) in all
%    step formulas\footnote{This is not possible in introductions or
%    assumptions, but they can often be split into multiple introductions or
%    assumptions.} when the formula gets too long as demonstrated in the 
%    above example.
%  \section{Examples\label{sec:ex}}
%   The following are just a few real-life examples of flag-style proofs,
%   where \flags\ provides an elegant means to include these proofs in
%   \LaTeX-documents.
%   \subsection{Examples from \flags}
%    \subsection*{A derivation with auto-numbering and labels/references}
%     \begin{flagderiv}
%      \introduce{intro-xy}{x,y \in \mathbb{N}}{Introduction}
%       \assume{assum:1}{x > 0}{Assumption}
%        \assume{assum:2}{x < y}{Assumption}
%         \step{y-pos}{y > 0}{Transitivity on \ref{assum:1} and \ref{assum:2}}
%         \step{y3-pos}{y^3 > 0}{Arithmetic on \ref{y-pos}}
%        \conclude{imp:1}{x < y \implies y^3 > 0}
%                        {$\implies$-intro on \ref{assum:2} and \ref{y3-pos}}
%       \conclude{imp:2}{x > 0 \implies x < y \implies y^3 > 0}
%                       {$\implies$-intro on \ref{assum:1} and \ref{imp:1}}
%      \conclude{}{\forall x, y \in \Nat: x > 0 \land x < y \implies y^3 > 0}
%                 {$\forall$-intro on \ref{intro-xy} and \ref{imp:2}}
%     \end{flagderiv}
%    \subsection*{A derivation with manual numbering}
%     \begin{flagderiv}
%      \assume*{(m)}{\neg P}{}
%       \skipsteps{1}{\dots}{}
%       \step*{(n - 2)}{False}{}
%      \conclude*{(n - 1)}{\neg\neg P}
%                         {$\implies$-intro on (m) and (n - 2), and Negation}
%      \step*{(n)}{P}{Double negation on (n - 1)}
%     \end{flagderiv}
%   \subsection{Predicate Calculus}
%    \subsubsection*{Idempotence}
%     \begin{flagderiv}[pc-idempotence]
%      \assume{intro:PP}{P \land P}{}
%       \step{and-elim:P}{P}{$\land$-elim on \ref{intro:PP}}
%      \conclude{impl-intro:PP-P}{P \land P \implies P}
%                                {$\implies$-intro on \ref{intro:PP}
%                                 and \ref{and-elim:P}}
%      \assume{intro:P}{P}{}
%       \step{and-intro:P}{P \land P}{$\land$-intro on \ref{intro:P}
%                                     and \ref{intro:P}}
%      \conclude{impl-intro:P-PP}{P \implies P \land P}
%                                {$\implies$-intro on \ref{intro:P}
%                                 and \ref{and-intro:P}}
%      \step{and-intro:result}{(P \land P \implies P) \land
%                              (P \implies P \land P)}
%                             {$\land$-intro on \ref{impl-intro:PP-P}
%                              and \ref{impl-intro:P-PP}}
%      \step{idempotence}{P \land P \equiv P}
%                        {$\equiv$-intro on \ref{and-intro:result}}
%     \end{flagderiv}
%    \subsubsection*{De Morgan}
%     \begin{flagderiv}[pc-demorgan]
%      \assume{intro:NPQ}{\lnot (P \land Q)}{}
%       \assume{intro:NNP}{\lnot\lnot P}{}
%        \assume{intro:Q}{Q}{}
%         \step{notnot-elim:P}{P}{$\lnot\lnot$-elim on \ref{intro:NNP}}
%        \step{and-intro:PQ}{P \land Q}{$\land$-intro on \ref{intro:Q}
%                                       and \ref{notnot-elim:P}}
%         \step{false-intro:2}{\false}
%                             {$\false$-intro on \ref{and-intro:PQ}
%                              and \ref{intro:NPQ}}
%        \conclude{not-intro:Q}{\lnot Q}{$\lnot$-intro on \ref{intro:Q}
%                                        and \ref{false-intro:2}}
%       \conclude{impl-intro:NNP-NQ}{\lnot\lnot P \implies \lnot Q}
%                                   {$\implies$-intro on \ref{intro:NNP}
%                                    and \ref{not-intro:Q}}
%       \step{or-intro:NP-NQ}{\lnot P \lor \lnot Q}
%                            {$\lor$-intro on \ref{impl-intro:NNP-NQ}}
%      \conclude{impl-intro:NPQ-NPNQ}{\lnot (P \land Q) \implies
%                                     \lnot P \lor \lnot Q}
%                                    {$\implies$-intro on \ref{intro:NPQ}
%                                     and \ref{or-intro:NP-NQ}}
%      \assume{intro:NPNQ}{\lnot P \land \lnot Q}{}
%       \assume{intro:PQ}{P \lor Q}{}
%        \step{or-elim:NP-Q}{\lnot P \implies Q}
%                           {$\lor$-elim on \ref{intro:PQ}}
%        \step{and-elim:NP}{\lnot P}{$\land$-elim on \ref{intro:NPNQ}}
%        \step{impl-elim:Q}{Q}{$\implies$-elim on \ref{or-elim:NP-Q}
%                              and \ref{and-elim:NP}}
%        \step{and-elim:NQ}{\lnot Q}{$\land$-elim on \ref{intro:NPNQ}}
%        \step{false-intro:1}{\false}{$\false$-intro on \ref{impl-elim:Q}
%                                     and \ref{and-elim:NQ}}
%       \conclude{impl-intro:PQ}{P \lor Q \implies \false}
%                               {$\implies$-intro on \ref{intro:PQ}
%                                and \ref{false-intro:1}}
%       \step{not-intro:PQ}{\lnot (P \lor Q)}
%                          {$\lnot$-intro on \ref{impl-intro:PQ}}
%      \conclude{impl-intro:NPNQ-NPQ}{\lnot P \land \lnot Q \implies
%                                     \lnot (P \lor Q)}
%                                    {$\implies$-intro on \ref{intro:NPNQ}
%                                     and \ref{not-intro:PQ}}
%      \step{and-intro:result}{(\lnot (P \land Q) \implies
%                               \lnot P \lor \lnot Q)
%                              \land\\
%                              (\lnot P \land \lnot Q \implies
%                               \lnot (P \lor Q))}
%                             {$\land$-intro on \ref{impl-intro:NPQ-NPNQ}
%                              and \ref{impl-intro:NPNQ-NPQ}}
%      \step{demorgan}{\lnot (P \land Q) \equiv \lnot P \lor \lnot Q}
%                     {$\equiv$-intro on \ref{and-intro:result}}
%     \end{flagderiv}
%    \subsubsection*{Transitivity}
%     \begin{flagderiv}[pc-transitivity]
%      \introduce{intro:PQR}{P, Q, R}{}
%       \assume{intro:PQQR}{(P \implies Q) \land (Q \implies R)}{}
%        \assume{intro:P}{P}{}
%         \step{and-elim:PQ}{P \implies Q}
%                           {$\land$-elim on \ref{intro:PQQR}}
%         \step{impl-elim:Q}{Q}{$\implies$-elim on \ref{and-elim:PQ}
%                               and \ref{intro:P}}
%         \step{and-elim:QR}{Q \implies R}
%                           {$\land$-elim on \ref{intro:PQQR}}
%         \step{impl-elim:R}{R}{$\implies$-elim on \ref{and-elim:QR}
%                               and \ref{impl-elim:Q}}
%        \conclude{impl-intro:PR}{P \implies R}
%                                {$\implies$-intro on \ref{intro:P}
%                                 and \ref{impl-elim:R}}
%       \conclude{impl-intro:PQQR-PR}{(P \implies Q) \land (Q \implies R)
%                                     \implies (P \implies R)}
%                                    {$\implies$-intro on \ref{intro:PQQR}
%                                     and \ref{impl-intro:PR}}
%      \conclude{transitivity}{(\forall P, Q, R::
%                               (P \implies Q) \land (Q \implies R)
%                               \implies (P \implies R)
%                              )}
%                             {$\forall$-intro on \ref{intro:PQR}
%                              and \ref{impl-intro:PQQR-PR}}
%     \end{flagderiv}
%   \subsection{Rewrite Systems}
%    \subsubsection*{Mixed confluent $\biimplies$ Church-Rosser}
%     {
%      \renewcommand{\introsymb}{\text{Let}}
%      \begin{flagderiv}
%       \assume*{1}{\CRtext}{hyp}
%        \introduce*{2}{a, b, c\in A, \text{such that}~a\OHA b\land a\THA c}{}
%         \step*{3}{a\OHA b\land a\THA c}{rei (2)}
%         \step*{4}{a\THA b\land a\THA c}{$\forall$-elimination on lemma~\ref{transclosure} and (3)}
%         \step*{5}{(\exists d\in A:: b\THA d\land c\THA d)}{$\forall$-elimination on (1) and (4)}
%        \conclude*{6}{\MCtext}{$\forall$-introduction on (2) and (5)}
%       \conclude*{7}{\CRtext\implies\MCtext}{$\implies$-introduction on (1) and (6)}
%       \assume*{8}{\MCtext}{}
%        \assume*{9}{\text{Induction on the length of}~a\THA b}{}
%         \skipsteps*{\IHbase}{}
%         \introduce*{11}{a, b, c\in A, \text{such that}~a\NHA{0} b\land a\THA c}{}
%          \step*{12}{a=b}{def $\NHA{0}$, (11)}
%          \step*{13}{a\THA c}{$\land$-elimination on (11)}
%          \step*{14}{b\THA c}{(12) applied on (13)}
%          \step*{15}{c\THA c \land b\THA c}{}
%          \step*{16}{(\exists d\in A:: b\THA d\land c\THA d)}{}
%         \renewcommand{\thesteplabel}[1]{#1}
%         \conclude*{}{\IHhyp}{}
%         \step*{18}{\ensuremath{(\forall a, b, c\in A: a\NHA{n} b\land a\THA c:\\ \quad
%                                 (\exists d\in A:: b\THA d\land c\THA d))}}{}
%         \skipsteps*{\IHstep}{}
%         \introduce*{20}{a, b, c\in A, \text{such that}~a\NHA{n+1} b\land a\THA c}{}
%          \step*{21}{a\NHA{n+1} b}{$\land$-elimination on (20)}
%          \step*{22}{a\NHA{n} b'\OHA b}{}
%          \step*{23}{a\THA c}{$\land$-elimination on (20)}
%          \step*{24}{a\NHA{n} b' \land a\THA c}{$\land$-introduction on (22) and (23)}
%          \step*{25}{(\exists d'\in A:: b'\THA d'\land c\THA d')}{$\forall$-elimination on (18) and  (24)}
%          \step*{26}{d', \text{such that}~b'\THA d'\land c\THA d'}{$\exists$-elimination on (25)}
%          \step*{27}{b'\OHA b \land b'\THA d'}{}
%          \step*{28}{(\exists d\in A:: b\THA d\land d'\THA d)}{$\forall$-elimination on (8) and (27)}
%          \step*{29}{d, \text{such that}~b\THA d\land d'\THA d}{$\exists$-elimination on (28)}
%          \step*{30}{a\NHA{n} b'\OHA b\THA d \land a\THA c\THA d'\THA d}{}
%          \step*{31}{b\THA d \land c\THA d}{}
%          \step*{32}{(\exists d\in A:: b\THA d\land c\THA d)}{}
%        \conclude*[2]{33}{\CRtext}{}
%       \conclude*{34}{\MCtext\implies\CRtext}{$\implies$-introduction on (8) and (33)}
%       \step*{35}{\MCtext\biimplies\CRtext}{$\biimplies$-introduction on (7) and (34)}
%      \end{flagderiv}
%     }
%     \begin{lemma}
%      \label{transclosure}
%      \mbox{\ensuremath{(\forall a, b\in A: a\OHA b: a\THA b)}}
%     \end{lemma}
% \StopEventually{}
% \newpage
% \section{Implementation}
%  First some initial code is needed for processing of the options.
%  Note that {\tt ifthen} is used throughout the package.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%  Processing of the option ({\tt inlcmnts}) for enabling inline comments.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%  Loading of the required packages.
%  Note that \flags\ needs to require a fix/override for the array package, 
%  until the fixed version is available in most distributions.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% \subsection{Generic settings, counters and commands}
%  \begin{macro}{fd@flagcount}
%  \begin{macro}{fd@stepcount}
%   The counters keeping the number of opened/nested flags and the number of
%   derivation steps.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%  \end{macro}
%  \end{macro}
%  \begin{macro}{\derivskip}
%   The default space ({\tt 8pt}) between lines in a derivation.  This is 
%   overridable to define  a different default length.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%  \end{macro}
%  \begin{macro}{\introsymb}
%   The symbol used as variable introduction prefix.  Overridable with
%   |\renewcommand| to insert a different symbol, defaults to: 
%   |\textbf{var}|.
%   Ex. |\renewcommand{\introsymb}{\textbf{Let}}|
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%  \end{macro}
%  \begin{macro}{\thestepcount}
%   This is the command used to generate a step number label (used by 
%   auto-numbering). |\thestepcount| can be overridden to display labels 
%   differently, defaults to: ({\it number}). This exposes the internal
%   |\thefd@stepcount| command.
%   Ex. |\renewcommand{\thestepcount}{[\arabic{stepcount}]}|
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%  \end{macro}
%  \begin{macro}{\thesteplabel}
%   Command used to generate a customized step label (used by manual numbering).
%   |\thesteplabel| can be overridden to display manual numbers differently,
%   this command has one argument: \marg{label}.
%   The command does nothing by default (i.e\@. just returns the argument).
%   Ex. |\renewcommand{\thesteplabel}[1]{[##1]}|
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%  \end{macro}
%  \begin{macro}{\theinlcmnt}
%   The command used to format inline comments (if enabled).  |\theinlcmnt| 
%   can be overridden to display it differently and has one argument: 
%   \marg{comment}. Defaults to: \{ {\em comment text} \}.
%   Ex. |\renewcommand{\theinlcmnt}[1]{--#1--}|
%    \begin{macrocode}
\newcommand{\theinlcmnt}[1]{\{ #1 \}}
%    \end{macrocode}
%  \end{macro}
%  \begin{macro}{\inlcmnts}
%   Command to switch inline comments explicitly on (and by that, overriding
%   and forgetting the default determined by the absence or presence of the
%   {\tt inlcmnts} package option).
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%  \end{macro}
%  \begin{macro}{\noinlcmnts}
%   Command to switch inline comments explicitly off (and by that, overriding
%   and forgetting the default determined by the absence or presence of the
%   {\tt inlcmnts} package option).
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%  \end{macro}
% \subsection{The derivation environment}
% The following three sections describe the internal commands and constructs
% of the {\tt flagderiv} environment, after which the last section will
% explain how the environment works and how it is put together using the
% internal constructs.
% Note that for almost all commands there exists two versions, one used
% for manual numbered derivations and one for automatic numbered/labelled
% derivations (both forms can be mixed within the environment).
% \subsubsection{Labels}
% Derivation lines are labelled and can be referred to.  This can be done
% with automatically numbered lines where the first argument is a normal
% \LaTeX\ label.  However, to avoid clashing, the labels can be automatically
% prefixed with a namespace. The following two commands handle this prefixing.
%  \begin{macro}{\@labelprefix}
%   Command that specifies the label namespace prefix.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%   \end{macro}
%  \begin{macro}{\@derlabel}
%   Internal command to define a label using the prefix (if a label
%   is defined, otherwise do nothing).
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%  \end{macro}
% \subsubsection{Steps}
% A line of a derivation can be one of five types:
% \begin{enumerate}
%  \item A simple and bare line, only internally accessible,
%  \item a comment line,
%  \item a derivation step (both automatically and manual numbered),
%  \item a line to indicate skipping of steps,
%  \item a flag (handled in the next section).
% \end{enumerate}
% This section deals with the first four types.
%  \begin{macro}{\@derline}
%   A simple derivation line that uses {\tt fd@flagcount} to remember
%   the number of open flags. This command is used as:
%   |\@derline|\marg{label}\marg{formula}\marg{comment}, with:
%   \begin{description}
%    \item[\marg{label}] a label which can be left empty, to refer back to in 
%     comments of other derivation lines,
%    \item[\marg{formula}] the formula, and
%    \item[\marg{comment}] a comment.
%   \end{description}
%    \begin{macrocode}
 \mbox{#1} &
%    \end{macrocode}
%   If the flag counter is still zero\dots
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%   then this line is outside any flag,
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%   otherwise this is inside one or more flag contexts and the amount of
%   open flagpoles equal to the number of open contexts should be inserted.
%    \begin{macrocode}
 \end{array} &
 \mbox{#3} \\
%    \end{macrocode}
%  \end{macro}
%  \begin{macro}{\@CMNTderline}
%   Command to fold the comment on a separate line before the
%   actual derivation line if the {\tt inlcmnts} option is set for this
%   package, see also |\@derline| for the argument handling.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%   If the inline comments option is enabled, fold the comment before the 
%   actual line.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%   There is comment, insert it inline.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%   If inline comments are not enabled, pass everything to |\@derline| directly.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%  \end{macro}
%  \begin{macro}{\@MANstep}
%  \begin{macro}{\@AUTOstep}
%   Command for the manual ({\tt MAN}) and automatically ({\tt AUTO})
%   numbered version of a derivation step.  See also |\@derline|.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%  \end{macro}
%  \end{macro}
%  \begin{macro}{\@MANskipsteps}
%  \begin{macro}{\@AUTOskipsteps}
%   Command for the manual ({\tt MAN}) and automatically ({\tt AUTO})
%   numbered version of skipping derivation steps.  See also |\@derline|.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%  \end{macro}
%  \end{macro}
% \subsubsection{Flags}
% Flags are actually simple derivation lines with two extras: the formula
% is put into a flag box and the flag counter {\tt fd@flagcount} is incremented
% when one is opened.  Next to flag commands there are also commands to
% to close (and by that decrementing the counter) flags.
% There exist three types of flags:
% \begin{enumerate}
%  \item the simple and bare flag,
%  \item the assumption flag (both manual and automatically numbered),
%  \item the variable introduction flag (also manual and automatically numbered).
% \end{enumerate}
%  \begin{macro}{\@flagbox}
%   Creates a flag for (a box around) the given text/formula, takes
%   \marg{formula} as an argument.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%  \end{macro}
%  \begin{macro}{\@startflag}
%   Starts a flag context by opening a flag and incrementing the counter.
%   The command is used as:
%   |\@startflag|\marg{label}\marg{formula}\marg{comment},
%   see also |\@derline| for the meaning of these arguments.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%  \end{macro}
%  \begin{macro}{\@endflag}
%   Ends a flag by closing it and decrementing the counter.  Takes the
%   number of flags to close \marg{number} as an argument.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%  \end{macro}
%  \begin{macro}{\@flagclose}
%   Wrapper command for closing a number of flags simultaneously taking \oarg{number}
%   as an optional argument, defaulting to 1. See also |\@endflag|.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%  \end{macro}
%  \begin{macro}{\@MANassume}
%  \begin{macro}{\@AUTOassume}
%   Command for the manual ({\tt MAN}) and automatic ({\tt AUTO}) 
%   numbered version of an assumption flag, see also |\@startflag|.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%  \end{macro}
%  \end{macro}
%  \begin{macro}{\@MANintroduction}
%  \begin{macro}{\@AUTOintroduction}
%   Command for the manual ({\tt MAN}) and automatically ({\tt AUTO}) 
%   numbered version of an introduction flag, see also |\@startflag|.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%  \end{macro}
%  \end{macro}
%  \begin{macro}{\@MANconclude}
%  \begin{macro}{\@AUTOconclude}
%   Command to conclude from one or more open flags in the manual ({\tt MAN}) 
%   and automatically ({\tt AUTO}) numbered version, see also |\@endflag|.  
%   The command is used as: 
%   |\@MANconclude|\oarg{number}\marg{label}\marg{formula}\marg{comment},
%   where the \oarg{number} indicates the number of flags to close,
%   defaulting to 1.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%  \end{macro}
%  \end{macro}
% \subsubsection{The environment itself}
%  \begin{environment}{flagderiv}
%   This section explains the main environment for flag style
%   derivations/proofs:  {\tt flagderiv}.  The command has an optional
%   argument \oarg{prefix}, used as label prefix so that labels can be
%   ``scoped'' with a namespace local to the derivation but still 
%   accessible from the outside.
%   Examples:\\
%   |\begin{flagderiv} ... \end{flagderiv}|\\
%   |\begin{flagderiv}[abs] ... \end{flagderiv}|
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%  First, set the optional label prefix (if given) and reset the counters.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%  Note: {\em All} of the following five commands have a star version which
%  allows manual numbering, instead of having auto-numbering, \LaTeX\ labels 
%  and references.
%  \begin{macro}{\assume}
%  \begin{macro}{\assume*}
%   Opens an assumption flag; command usage:\\[1em]
%   |\assume|\marg{label}\marg{formula}\marg{comment}\\
%   |\assume*|\marg{custom-number}\marg{formula}\marg{comment}
%   Examples: \\
%   |\assume{assum:1}{x > 0}{Assumption}|\\
%   |\assume*{l}{\neg P}{}|
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%  \end{macro}
%  \end{macro}
%  \begin{macro}{\introduce}
%  \begin{macro}{\introduce*}
%   Opens an introduction flag. Command usage: \\[1em]
%   |\introduce|\marg{label}\marg{formula}\marg{comment} \\
%   |\introduce*|\marg{custom-number}\marg{formula}\marg{comment}
%   Examples:\\
%   |\introduce{intro-x}{x \in \mathbb{N}}{Introduction}| \\
%   |\introduce*{l - 1}{P \in s_P}{}|
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%  \end{macro}
%  \end{macro}
%  \begin{macro}{\conclude}
%  \begin{macro}{\conclude*}
%   Performs a conclusion/multiple conclusion from one or more
%   introductions and/or assumptions. The command usage:\\[1em]
%   |\conclude|\oarg{number}\marg{label}\marg{formula}\marg{comment}\\
%   |\conclude*|\oarg{number}\marg{custon-number}\marg{formula}\marg{comment}
%   The optional argument \oarg{number} indicates how much flags should be 
%   closed with this conclusion, this defaults to 1.
%   Examples;\\
%   |\conclude[2]{concl:2}{x > 0 \implies ...}{$\implies$-intro on ...}|\\
%   |\conclude*{n - 1}{\neg\neg P}{$\implies$-intro on (l) ...}|
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%   \end{macro}
%   \end{macro}
%   \begin{macro}{\step}
%   \begin{macro}{\step*}
%    Performs a derivation step, command usage:\\[1em]
%    |\step|\marg{label}\marg{formula}\marg{comment}\\
%    |\step*|\marg{custom-number}\marg{formula}\marg{comment} 
%    Examples:\\
%    |\step{x-elim}{x > 0}{$\forall$-elem on \ref{assum:1}}|\\
%    |\step*{n - 1}{x > 0}{$\forall$-elem on (n - 3)}|
%    Note: |\\| (line breaks) may be inserted for splitting
%    large formulas.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%  \end{macro}
%  \end{macro}
%  \begin{macro}{\skipsteps}
%  \begin{macro}{\skipsteps*}
%    Skips a number of steps (for usage in examples), usage:\\[1em]
%    |\skipsteps|\marg{number}\marg{formula}\marg{comments}\\
%    |\skipsteps*|\marg{formula}\marg{comments}.
%    Examples:\\
%    |\skipsteps{3}{\vdots}{Etcetera, etcetera}|\\
%    |\skipsteps*{\vdots}{Etcetera, etcetera}|
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%  \end{macro}
%  \end{macro}
%  \begin{macro}{\done}
%   Closes a number of flags because contexts have been opened and
%   should be closed without conclusions.  Command usage: \\[1em]
%   |\done|\oarg{number}
%   This command takes a number of introductions/assumptions, \oarg{number},
%   to close as an optional argument, which defaults to 1.
%   Examples:\\
%   |\done|\\
%   |\done[3]|
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%  \end{macro}
%  Silently override |\ref| to work with the defined namespace.
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
% The actual flagderiv environment is just a longtable (called
% ``derivation'').
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%  \end{environment}
%  \begin{environment}{flagderiv*}
%   The |flagderiv*| environment is almost the same as |flagderiv|
%   with the only difference that the resulting derivation will and
%   can not be split across pages.
%   Example:\\
%   |\begin{flagderiv*} ... \end{flagderiv*}|\\
%    \begin{macrocode}
%    \end{macrocode}
%  \end{environment}
% \PrintIndex
% \PrintChanges
% \Finale