%% Partial Emulation of Emma Pease's tree-dvips.sty using pst-nodes
%%  version 0.5 (an alpha)
%%  License: LaTeX Project Public License
%%  c.  Avery D Andrews 2006
%%   acknowledgements
%%     Herbert Voss for info on how to get at the corners
%%     Robert Levine and John Frampton for incitement
%%     Emma Pease for the original
%%   the philosophy is to combine a reasonable amount of backward
%%     compatibility for documents based on tree-dvips, without
%%     trying to push that notation much further (but a little bit,
%%     if it's easy and seems like it might be useful).
%%   \(a)nodecurve seems to be the biggest problem, since tree-dvips
%%      wants dimension for curvature, and pst-node's nccurv etc.
%%      want numbers.  The solution adopted is have \(a)nodecurve require
%%      numbers in the curvature parameters, so that these will have to
%%      be changed in the documents, but add \pcnodecurve not requiring
%%      any curvature parameters, but taking linestyle options as a final
%%      optional [] parameter.
%%   \nodepoint affords a similar problem; no easy way to get vert
%%      displacement.  Implementation treats height parameter as angle
%%  Implemented:
%%     \node
%%     \nodepoint   (extended with angle option)
%%     \(a)nodeconnect, \nodeconnect (extended)
%%     \treelinewidth
%%     \(a)nodecurve (with curvature issue)
%%     \pcnodecuve (non tree-dvips)
%%     \(a)barnodeconnect
%%     \nodetriangle
%%     \putstuff: non-tree-dvips, but useful
%%     \putpoint:   "
%%  Partially Implemented:
%%     \nodebox, \nodeoval, \nodecircle : dimension parameters needed

\csname PSTTreeDvipsEmuLoaded\endcsname

\ifx\PSTnodesLoaded\endinput\else\input pst-node.tex\fi\relax

\catcode`\_=11     % sets underbar to letter
\catcode` =9       % causes spaces to be ignored
\catcode`\^^M=9    % causes <CR> to be ignored

%  Some tree mode parameters (from tree-dvips.sty)
\newdimen\nodemargin % 




% makedash at end so spaces will work

% cheap and nasty test for empty argument, assuming a real
%  one doesn't start with a colon
\gdef\test@empty{\@ifnextchar :{\@testfirst}{\@testsecond}}


% machinery for parsing an arglist of the form [a(,b)]
%   n-ary generalization possible?  Yes, see gloss/lingtrees code!
\gdef\@oneortwoargs#1#2[#3,{\@ifnextchar ]

% These commands retrieve coords from names, for use when
%  pstricks \SpecialCoor is active.  They must be surrounded
%  by parens in their environments in order to work


% a prettier package for the above, usable in the document
\gdef\nodeloc#1#2{\csname loc@#1\endcsname{#2}}
% #2 for node; does nothing yet, but maybe someday ...
\gdef\nodeang#1#2{\csname ang@#1\endcsname}

% \node{label}{content}
%  Perhaps a dive into postscript could let us do it with one node instead of 3
%  (if, in postscript, nodes know how big they are)

% \nodepoint{nodename}[displacement distance](angle)
%    default is current point.  Maybe someday [vertical displacement]
\gdef\nodepoint#1{\@ifnextchar [{\@nodepoint#1}{\pnode{#1}}}
\gdef\@nodepoint#1[#2]{\@ifnextchar ({\@@nodepoint#1[#2]}
   {\@ifnextchar [{\@@@nodepoint#1[#2]}
  % this below seems excessive but how else to get \nodeconnect to work?

  \psset{xunit=#2, yunit=#3}

%  \putpoint{label}{distance}(angle)[from corner]{from node}
%               1       2        3       4            5
%   2 is either {num} or {num,num}=x,y; in the latter case 3 is ignored
\gdef\putpoint#1#2{\@ifnextchar (
\gdef\@putpoint#1#2(#3){\@ifnextchar [
%  \message{xunit is #2}
  \ifdim #2=0em
    \ifdim #3=0em

%  \putstuff{label}{distance}(angle)[from corner]{from node}
%               1       2        3       4            5
%   2 is either {num} or {num,num}=x,y; in the latter case 3 is ignored
\gdef\putstuff#1#2{\@ifnextchar (
\gdef\@putstuff#1#2(#3){\@ifnextchar [
%  \message{xunit is #2}
  \ifdim #2=0em
    \ifdim #3=0em

% \nodeconnect<command>(pre-options)[fromloc]{fromnode}[toloc]{tonode}[style parameters]
%                 1           2         3        4        5      6             7
% plain lines by default.  \pc node connection command should work; \nc's won't
% the pre-options are for defining variants (e.g. \anodeconnect), not general use
% in definitions, inherent properties first, then pre-option and finally the
%   style parameters
\gdef\nodeconnect{\@ifnextchar <
\gdef\@nodeconnect<#1>{\@ifnextchar (
\gdef\@@nodeconnect<#1>(#2){\@ifnextchar [
\gdef\@@@nodeconnect<#1>(#2)[#3]#4{\@ifnextchar [
\gdef\@@@@nodeconnect<#1>(#2)[#3]#4[#5]#6{\@ifnextchar [
   \psset{nodesep=0pt, linewidth=\treelinewidth}

% \anodeconnect[fromloc]{fromnode}[toloc]{tonode}[style options]
% connecting line with arrow at the end (for complicated arrows,
%  use \nodeconnect with arrows option)

% application of oneortwoargs machinery for the nodecurve curvature argument

% \nodecurve<command>(pre-option)[fromloc]{fromnode}[toloc]{tonode}(curve)[style options]
%               1          2        3         4       5       6      7        8
%   for curve, either one number or 2, separated by commas, eg: (2) or (1,2)
%    1 does nothing for the moment, but maybe someday (curved zigags?)
%   for curve, either one number or 2, separated by commas, eg: (2) or (1,2)
\gdef\nodecurve{\@ifnextchar <
\gdef\@nodecurve<#1>{\@ifnextchar (
\gdef\@@nodecurve<#1>(#2){\@ifnextchar [
\gdef\@@@nodecurve<#1>(#2)[#3]#4{\@ifnextchar [
\gdef\@@@@nodecurve<#1>(#2)[#3]#4[#5]#6{\@ifnextchar (
\gdef\@@@@@nodecurve<#1>(#2)[#3]#4[#5]#6(#7){\@ifnextchar [
    \psset{nodesep=\nodemargin, linewidth=\treelinewidth, angleA=\nodeang{#3}{#4},

% \anodecurve[fromloc]{fromnode}[toloc]{tonode}{depth}
%   for fancy options use \pcnodecurve with arrows style.

% connect two words with straight-edge U
% \barnodeconnect(pre-options)[arm]{from}{to}[style]
%                      1        2     3    4    5
\gdef\barnodeconnect{\@ifnextchar (
\gdef\@barnodeconnect(#1){\@ifnextchar [
\gdef\@@barnodeconnect(#1)[#2]#3#4{\@ifnextchar [
  \psset{nodesep=\nodemargin, linewidth=\treelinewidth, angle=-90}

% \abarnodeconnect[arm]{from}{to}[linestyle]

%     triangles of laziness
% \nodetriangle {apex}{base}[style]
%                 1      2     3
\gdef\nodetriangle#1#2{\@ifnextchar [

% \nodecircle{node}{radius}[style options[
\gdef\nodecircle#1(#2){\@ifnextchar [
      {\pscircle[#3](#1){#2}} % \psset{#3} doesn't seem to work here

% \nodeoval{node}{hradius, vradius}[style options]
\gdef\nodeoval#1(#2){\@ifnextchar [

% \nodebox{node}[style options]
\gdef\nodebox#1{\@ifnextchar [

      {\message{fuccon arg #2}
       \psframe[#2](@a)(@b)} % \psset{#3} doesn't seem to work here

}  % end group & restore standard catcodes

% \makedash{dimen}  makes dashes of dimen length (0 dimen = none not solid)
\gdef\makedash#1{\psset{linestyle=dashed, dash=2pt #1}}

\gdef\nodepointerror{third argument of nodepoint must now be angle (number)}

\psset{arrowsize=2pt 2, arrowlength=1.2, arrowinset=.3}