% Package robustindex.sty, Wilberd van der Kallen Feb 2005.
% This package addresses two issues.
% 1. The main issue.
% Third parties often change the page numbers without rerunning makeindex.
% One would like to make the page numbers in the index entries more robust.
% We use the \pageref mechanism for that. Only after adding, deleting or
% otherwise modifying an \index{entry}, or after changing the order of the
% index entries, does one have to rerun makeindex.
% Other changes do not matter, as long as one runs LaTeX or pdflatex twice.
% As usual a makeindex run has to be preceded and also followed by its
% LaTeX or pdflatex run.
% 2. A patch.
% The theindex environment does not create a hyperref destination.
% Therefore we introduce \indexincontents.
% It does what \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Index} or
% \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{Index} should have done in the first place:
% When one clicks on the link that displays the word Index, one actually ends
% up in the index.
% Our patch is much more simpleminded than the tocbibind package.
% If you use hyperref, choose the option hyperindex=false. Otherwise hyperref
% may block our code. And our package already gives hyperlinks in the
% index.
% Alternatively, you may go against the advice of hyperref and put our
% package later.
% We tested a little with
% \usepackage[plainpages=false,hyperindex=false]{hyperref}
% The implicit page range formation of makeindex is disabled.
% Commands of the type \index{entry|editing command} are supported,
% but much more naively than in the encapsulating mechanism of makeindex.
% For instance, \index{term|(textbf} may be followed by \index{term|)textit},
% but not by \index{term|textbf}, even if there is a later
% \index{term|)textbf}.
% See robustsample.tex at 
% http://www.math.uu.nl/people/vdkallen/stind.html
% for further details.
% There you find examples like
% \index{alpha!see beta}
% \index{alpha!see also gamma\gobblepageref}
% \indexincontents % always put this before the index.
% Our package performs no miracles. But in simple situations all you need is
% adding the \usepackage{robustindex} to the preamble. Do not exclude any
% relevant files, as in \includeonly.
% Copyright 2005 Wilberd van der Kallen
% This file may be distributed under the conditions of the LaTeX Project Public
% License, either version 1.2 of this license or (at your option) any
% later version.  The latest version of this license is in
%    http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
% and version 1.2 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
% version 1999/12/01 or later.

  index entries with pagerefs]


\newcounter{maxindctr}% Used to check if number of \index commands has changed.


  \stepcounter{indexctr}% second time, to emulate makeindex -r.
  \@bsphack \protected@write \@auxout {}{%
     \string \newlabel {\indstring\theindexctr}{{\relax }{\thepage }%
     \ifx\ifHy@bookmarks\undefined\else{\relax }{page.\thepage }{}\fi%
    \@indexfile {}{\string \indexentry
    {\findencap#1|\relax }{\theindexctr}}% \findencap will check for the
  \endgroup                              % encap symbol | in the argument.


\newcommand{\indexpreamble}{\relax}% compare the preamble of makeindex

        {\ifx\c@chapter\undefined section\else chapter\fi}{\indexname}%



          Use option hyperindex=false in hyperref. Hyperlinks in the index
	  will be made through \string\pageref. Detected%

   % We use that \refstepcounter{subsection} creates a destination.
   % An index is not to be followed immediately by a subsection.
   % We do not use \phantomsection, as we do not assume hyperref is used.

% If you put our package after the hyperref package,
% then you probably do not mind our disabling its hyperindex mechanism.

	    Package needs \string\make index in preamble,
	    and if you use hyperref, you must
	    use option hyperindex=false. Detected%
            Index not up to date, run makeindex. Detected%



\def\wrapindpageref#1, \indpageref#2{%


\newcommand{\gobblepageref}{% to supress one page number.

% Now it gets technical, because we wish to implement a poor man's encap
% mechanism, distinguishing \index{entry}, \index{entry|(}, \index{entry|)},
% \index{entry|(towrap}, \index{entry|)towrap}, where towrap is a sequence
% of letters and \towrap is to be wrapped around \indpageref{countervalue}.


      #1|indpageref% The easy case
      #1|\wr@pencap#2% There is a | in the argument.





   \ifx|#1| \dropleftbrack#2{#3}%
   \else \findrightbrack#1)\relax{#3}%


      \csname #1\endcsname{\indpageref{#2}}%




   \ignorespaces #1%

       You must first close the page range. Detected%


   \ifx|#1| \droprightbrack#2{#3}


   \ifx|#1|\unskip \mbox{--}\nobreak\indpageref{#2}%
      \unskip \mbox{--}\nobreak\csname #1\endcsname{\indpageref{#2}}%
