  Logic Formula Environments and Macros. Version 1.4 gene 5/95
% Purpose:
%   Style option for LaTeX2e and LaTeX 2.09 to typeset formulas.
% Documentation: see seperate LaTeX document `gn-logic14.tex'
% Author: Gerd Neugebauer
%         \"Odenburger Str. 16
%	  64295 Darmstadt (Germany)
% Mail:   gerd@imn.th-leipzig.de
% Copyright (C) 1995 Gerd Neugebauer
% gn-logic.sty is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.  No author or distributor
% accepts responsibility to anyone for the consequences of using it
% or for whether it serves any particular purpose or works at all,
% unless he says so in writing.
% Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
% gn-logic.sty, provided this copyright notice is preserved and any
% modifications are indicated.
% This style is still under development and may be replaced with a new
% version which provides an enhanced functionality.
% Any comments are welcome but don't expect ANY help from my side.

%%% Several useful abbrevations
\def\AND     { \,\wedge\,		  }
\def\OR      { \,\vee\,			  }
\def\XOR     { \,\stackrel{.}{\vee}\,	  }
\def\IMPLIES { \,\rightarrow\,		  }
\def\IMPL    { \,\rightarrow\,		  }
\def\IF      { \,\leftarrow\,		  }
\def\IFF     { \,\leftrightarrow\,	  }
\def\IFFdef  { \,\stackrel{\rm def}{\longleftrightarrow}\, }

\def\ANDdots { \,\wedge\!\ldots\!\wedge\, }
\def\ORdots  { \,\vee\!\ldots\!\vee\,     }

\def\is      { \!\setminus\!		  }
\def\Forall#1{ \forall #1\ 		  }
\def\Exists#1{ \exists #1\  		  }

%\def\Int{\mbox{\sf Z\hspace{-0.45em}Z}}
%%% The formula environment

\newlength\FormulaIndent \FormulaIndent=3em


\def\@FormLabel[#1]{\end{array}\\\label{#1}&&\begin{array}{l} }

  \def\Form{\@ifnextchar[{\@FormLabel}{\end{array}\\&&\begin{array}{l} }}%
  \penalty-500\eqnarray\ifx\@empty#1\else\label{#1}\fi&&\begin{array}{l} }

%%% The NewTheorem environment

\def\TheoremTitle#1{{\small #1}}
\def\TheoremName#1{{\small\bf (#1)}}

 \expandafter\gdef\csname #1\endcsname{\csname THM#1\endcsname\@@theorem}
 \expandafter\gdef\csname end#1\endcsname{\csname endTHM#1\endcsname}


\@ifnextchar[{\@@theorem@title}{\@ifnextchar({\@@theorem@label}{\@ifnextchar<{\@@theorem@name}{\ \nobreak\\\nobreak}}}}

\def\@@theorem@title[#1]{\ \TheoremTitle{#1}\@@theorem}
\def\@@theorem@name<#1>{\ \TheoremName{#1}\@@theorem}