% \CheckSum{930} % \iffalse %% %% boxhandler.sty %% Copyright Steven B. Segletes. %% %% This file may be redistributed and/or modified with attribution. %% %% This is boxhandler.sty, derived from earlier incarnations of savcap.sty & %% arlcaptions.sty. %% %<package>\ProvidesPackage{boxhandler} %<package>[2008/08/16 v1.21 %<package> Tools for Optimizing Captions, Presentation, and %<package> Placement of Tables and Figures] %<package>\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} %<*driver> % V1.02-Corrected minor grammar issue in documentation. % V1.03-Changed some tabs into spaces that were screwing up appearance % but not function of sty file. % V1.04-Reset one of the parameters left set in Fig.6, which % inadvertantly affected appearance of Tables 3 and 4. % -Minor grammar correction. % -Added \CharacterTable & \CheckSum features to dtx file. % -Added Acknowledgments (belatedly... mea culpa) % V1.10-added features \nextTable and \nextFigure for clearing % a single table or figure at a time. % -explained in documentation how to handle captions with % citations in boxhandler environment. % V1.11-added RequirePackage{ifthen}, which should have been there % all along (got by, since pbox required it). % -corrected a typo. % V1.12-added % to end of every key line to prevent extraneous spaces. % V1.20-added support for figure and table wrappers % V1.21-modified documentation slightly \documentclass{ltxdoc} \usepackage{boxhandler} \DisableCrossrefs \CodelineNumbered % DEFINE SOME COMMANDS THAT ARE EASIER HERE THAN IN DocInput ENVIRONMENT \def\tbllayout{|c|}% CAN'T GET PLAIN "|" CHARACTER IN DocInput MODE \def\lb{\char'173}% LEFT BRACE "{" WHEN INVOKED IN \tt FONT \def\rb{\char'175}% RIGHT BRACE "}" WHEN INVOKED IN \tt FONT \def\bs{\char'134}% BACKSLASH "\" WHEN INVOKED IN \tt FONT \let\iq\itshape% SHORTHAND FOR ITALIC FONT \let\uq\upshape% SHORTHAND FOR UPSHAPE FONT \newcommand\boxhandler{\textsf{boxhandler}~} \GetFileInfo{boxhandler.sty} \begin{document} \title{The \textsf{boxhandler} Package\\ \rule{0em}{0.7em}\small\fileinfo} \author{Steven B. Segletes\\ steven@arl.army.mil} \date{\filedate\\ \fileversion} \maketitle \DocInput{boxhandler.dtx} \end{document} %</driver> % \fi % \parskip 1ex % \begin{abstract} % This package facilitates the optimized presentation of \LaTeX{} % tables and figures. % Not only can boxhandler conveniently lay out table and figure % captions with a wide variety of stylistic appearances, but allows % for figures and tables to be ``wrapped'' in a manner consistent with % many business and government documents. For a document that might % appear in different venues with different formatting, boxhandler % very powerfully permits the creation of a \LaTeX{} source % document that can, with a single-line change % in the source code, produce an output that has vastly different layout % from the baseline configuration, both in terms of caption style, % and in terms of the locations where figures, tables and lists % appear (or not) in the document. Deferral routines also allow % one to keep all figure and table data in a separate source file, while % nonetheless producing a document with figures and tables appearing % in the desired location in the document. % % \end{abstract} % % \vspace{-.55em} % \tableofcontents\rule[.2em]{4.5in}{.3mm}\vspace{-1.5em} % % \section {Introduction} % % The commands described in the \boxhandler style accomplish a number of % useful functions. Even without the use of a conditionally-compiled % document: % \begin{enumerate} % \item they allow the definition of figures and tables in compact routine % calls; % \item they retain wide flexibility in caption appearance \& table/figure % placement, through the use of simple setup calls. % \end{enumerate} % And for those who wish, from a single \LaTeX{} source file to % conditionally produce, on one hand, an internal technical report for % example, and on the other hand, a journal manuscript submission, this % style additionally allows: % \begin{enumerate}\setcounter{enumi}{2} % \item printing of figures \& tables to be [conditionally] deferred to later % in the document; % \item printing of lists (\textit{lof}, \textit{lot}) to be deferred later % in document; and % \item the preemptive cancellation of the \textit{toc}, \textit{lof}, and % \textit{lot}. % \end{enumerate} % % \section{Caption Style, Appearance and Box Placement} % % \subsection{Commands} % % This routine provides several routines for creating and tailoring the % appearance of captioned ``boxes'' (that is, figures and tables). % They include: % \begin{verse} % |\bxtable[|\iq loc\uq|]{|\iq caption\uq|}{|\iq boxed object\uq|}|\\ % |\bxfigure[|\iq loc\uq|]{|\iq caption\uq|}{|\iq boxed object\uq|}|\\ % |\relaxCaptionWidth[|\iq len\uq|]|\\ % |\limitCaptionWidth[|\iq len\uq|]|\\ % |\constrainCaptionWidth[|\iq len\uq|]{|\iq len\uq|}|\\ % |\captionStyle{|\iq offset type\uq|}{|\iq alignment type\uq|}|\\ % \end{verse} % \DescribeMacro{\bxtable} % \DescribeMacro{\bxfigure} % The routines |\bxtable| and |\bxfigure| will actually produce the % complete table or figure, including caption. In these two routines, % \iq loc \uq is an optional argument. It can take on a value of: |h|, % |t|, |b|, or |p|. This parameter refers to the same location argument % that goes with the \LaTeX{} float environments, to help \LaTeX{} % determine the placement of the item on your page. |h| is `here', |t| is % `top', |b| is `bottom', |p| is `page of floats'. Omitting the first % argument just uses the default placement of the table and figure % environments. % % In |\bxtable| and |\bxfigure|, \iq caption \uq is the argument that % will eventually get passed on to the |\caption| call, after the routine % properly formulates it to match the desired figure/caption style. The % caption may include |\label| identifiers to be referenced by the main % text. % % For |\bxtable|, the \iq boxed object \uq will typically be a tabular % box, though any \LaTeX{} boxed object will satisfy the routine. Thus, % the difference between a |\bxtable| and a |\bxfigure| is largely a % semantic one. The true difference between |\bxtable| and |\bxfigure| % in this regard is that the table caption is placed above the table, % whereas the figure caption is placed below it. In addition, because % these routines make use of the standard |\caption| call within the % table and figure environments, calls to |\bxtable| and |\bxfigure| will % have their references automatically available to the List of Tables and % List of Figures, respectively. % % One of the differences between the \boxhandler style and \LaTeX{}'s % default captioning environment is the default caption width. Whereas % \LaTeX{} defaults to a full margin-to-margin caption width, % \boxhandler defaults to a caption width equal to and aligned with the % width of the box being captioned. However, this caption-width default % within \boxhandler can be changed to any arbitrary value, including % full-width, if desired. The caption width, through the use of the % ``dead margin,'' can also be conveniently set to a fixed offset from % the table or figure width. For example, all table captions could be % set to a width 1 inch larger than their associated tables. % % \DescribeMacro{\relaxCaptionWidth} % The routine |\relaxCaptionWidth| takes as its optional argument a % length dimension corresponding to the minimum allowed caption width, % even if an associated table or figure is of lesser box width. While % this command might technically violate an organization's style % guideline, it allows one to avoid the situation of trying to assign a % caption to fit the width dimension of an extremely narrow table or % figure. An example of this use is shown in Tables~\ref{tbl:narrow} and % \ref{tbl:wide}. In the first table, the default minimum caption width % of 1~inch is retained, resulting in an unwieldy caption. The second % table has been printed following an invocation of % |\relaxCaptionWidth[4.0in]|. Using |\relaxCaptionWidth| with no argument % resets the minimum allowed caption width to the default value of 1 % inch. % % \def\mycaption{A table which provides the secret entryword of the % Halloween Ghost Club, assuming you can read the caption} % \def\mytabular{ % \begin{tabular}{\tbllayout} % \hline % Boohoocachoo\\ % \hline % \end{tabular} % } % \relaxCaptionWidth % \bxtable[t]{\mycaption\label{tbl:narrow}}{\mytabular} % \relaxCaptionWidth[4.0in] % \bxtable[t]{\mycaption\label{tbl:wide}}{\mytabular} % \relaxCaptionWidth % % If the minimum caption width is relaxed, the maximum allowed width % will be bumped up, if necessary, to remain greater than or equal to % the minimum allowed caption width. % % \DescribeMacro{\limitCaptionWidth} % The routine |\limitCaptionWidth| is analogous to |\relaxCaptionWidth|. % In this case, however, the maximum allowable caption width will be % defined. If no argument is specified, the maximum allowed caption % width is reset to the default value, which is |\textwidth|. % % If the maximum caption width is constrained, the minimum allowed width % will be reduced, if necessary, to remain less than or equal to the % maximum allowed caption width. % % \DescribeMacro{\constrainCaptionWidth} % The minimum and maximum allowed caption widths may be simultaneously % specified with |\constrainCaptionWidth|. The order of the two length % arguments is not important. Omitting the optional argument will cause % both the min and max allowable caption widths to be fixed at the % specified value. In this manner, all caption widths will be set to this % single value, regardless of the size of the table or figure box it % describes. Note that the use of |\constrainCaptionWidth| with a single % argument of |{\textwidth}| allows a full-width left-to-right margin % caption style to be achieved, if desired, as in Figure~\ref{fig:cnst}. % % \DescribeMacro{\captionStyle} % To understand the the figure and table caption style % command, examine the caption styles in % Figures~\ref{fig:styo}--\ref{fig:styc}, in reference to the % boxed object with which they are paired. % |\captionStyle{|\iq offset type\uq|}{|\iq alignment type\uq|}| is a % compact way of specifying the caption style. The first parameter % specifies the \textit{offset type} for long captions (since ``offset'' % has no meaning for short captions). It can take % the value of |o| for ``offset'' captions, such as that found in % Figure~\ref{fig:styo}, or |n| for ``nooffset'' captions, such as % that found in Figure~\ref{fig:styn}. % % \relaxCaptionWidth[\textwidth] % \captionStyle{n}{l} % \bxfigure[p] % {Here is a full-width caption that takes up the full % margin-to-margin dimension, regardless of how wide the boxed object % it serves is. In this case, the caption is of the ``nooffset'' % variety\label{fig:cnst}} % {\framebox(260,40){Boxed Object: \tt\bs % constrainCaptionWidth\lb\bs textwidth\rb}} % \relaxCaptionWidth % \captionStyle{o}{} % \bxfigure[p]{For ``offset'' captions, the ID label for the caption % is offset to the left of the caption text\label{fig:styo}} % {\framebox(180,40){Boxed Object: \tt\bs captionStyle\{o\}\{\}}} % \captionStyle{n}{} % \bxfigure[p]{For ``nooffset'' captions, the caption's ID label % is integrated into the caption text itself\label{fig:styn}} % {\framebox(180,40){Boxed Object: \tt\bs captionStyle\{n\}\{\}}} % \captionStyle{}{l} % \bxfigure[p]{A short ``left''-aligned caption\label{fig:styl}} % {\framebox(250,40){Boxed Object: \tt\bs captionStyle\{\}\{l\}}} % \captionStyle{}{c} % \bxfigure[p]{A short ``center''-aligned caption\label{fig:styc}} % {\framebox(250,40){Boxed Object: \tt\bs captionStyle\{\}\{c\}}} % % The second parameter specifies the \textit{alignment type} for short % captions (since long captions are already fully aligned). It can take % on the value of |l| for ``left''-aligned % captions, such as that in Figure~\ref{fig:styl}, the value |c| for % ``center''-aligned captions, such as that in Figure~\ref{fig:styc}, % or the value of |r| for ``right''-aligned captions. % % The default style for this package is |\captionstyle{o}{l}|, or % ``offset''-style, ``left''-aligned captions. This default caption % style is that displayed in Figures~\ref{fig:styo} and \ref{fig:styl}, % for long and short captions, respectively. % % Note that caption alignment is not the same as caption justification. % Regardless of alignment, any caption of size sufficient to span the % full width of the caption box will be, by default, fully justified or % ``flushed'' within that caption box. The captions in Figures~1 and 2 % demonstrate this for both offset and nooffset caption types. Text % justification can, however, be altered, as described later by the % |\CaptionJustification| parameter. % % \subsection {Additional User Parameters} % % In addition to the above commands, there are a variety of % lengths, counters, and modes, which may be set by the user, % to adjust the appearance of the caption % presentation. The settings for all these parameters hold until and % unless subsequently reset by the user. % % \begin{verse} % |\setlength\captionGap{|\iq len\uq|}|\\ % |\setlength\TableDeadMargin{|\iq len\uq|}|\\ % |\setlength\FigureDeadMargin{|\iq len\uq|}|\\ % |\setcounter{abovecaptionskipterm}{|\iq integer\uq|}|\\ % |\setcounter{belowcaptionskipterm}{|\iq integer\uq|}|\\ % |\let\CaptionFontSize |\iq fontsize, e.g., \uq|\small|\\ % |\let\TableFontSize |\iq fontsize, e.g., \uq|\small|\\ % |\def\LRTablePlacement{flushleft|\iq , \uq|center|\iq , or \uq % |flushright}|\\ % |\def\LRFigurePlacement{flushleft|\iq , \uq|center|\iq , or \uq % |flushright}|\\ % |\def\CaptionJustification{|\iq blank, \uq|\raggedright|\iq ,\\\uq % | \centering|\iq , or \uq % |\raggedleft}|\\ % \end{verse} % % \DescribeMacro{\captionGap} % |\captionGap| defines the horizontal space % between the caption identifier (e.g., ``Figure~1.'') and the start % of the caption text itself. Its default value is 1ex. % % \DescribeMacro{\TableDeadMargin} % \DescribeMacro{\FigureDeadMargin} % |\TableDeadMargin| and |\FigureDeadMargin| may be set to correct the % caption alignment for boxes that have a deadzone around their border. % Such dead space takes up boxwidth, but shows no visible data. These % parameter values should be set to the left or right-hand dead space % (assumed symmetric). The default value for |\TableDeadMargin|, which % is suitable for \LaTeX{} generated tabular data, is 0.375em. The default % for |\FigureDeadMargin| is 0em. % % Additionally, these |\...DeadMargin| commands can be used to set the % box-size-to-caption-size disparity to any desired non-flush value. As % an example, setting the value of |\FigureDeadMargin| to 0.5 inch will % make the figure captions always 1~inch smaller than the actual figure % size. Setting it to $-0.5$ inch (\textit{a negative value!}) will make % the caption always 1 inch larger than the actual figure size (within % the error of the actual figure dead margin width, and subject to the % caption width min/max constraints). % % \DescribeMacro{\abovecaptionskipterm} % \DescribeMacro{\belowcaptionskipterm} % The quantities |\abovecaptionskipterm| and |\belowcaptionskipterm| % are related to % \LaTeX{}'s |\abovecaptionskip| and |\belowcaptionskip| functions, % defining the white- space above and below a caption. Unlike the % corresponding \LaTeX{} functions, the parameters here are integers (not % lengths). The terms represent multipliers of the \LaTeX{} length % measure |\p@| to be used for the above- and below- captionskip. % Their default values are 10 and 7, respectively. These % values affect only captions that are created as part of bxtable and % bxfigure, and do not affect the |\abovecaptionskip| and % |\belowcaptionskip| definitions intrinsic to your default document % class. % % \DescribeMacro{\CaptionFontSize} % |\CaptionFontSize| defines the default size of the caption font, for % example \normalsize, |\large|, |\scriptsize|, etc. The default value % is |\small|. % % \DescribeMacro{\TableFontSize} % |\TableFontSize| defines the default size of the font that appears % within the tables themselves. Its default value is |\small|. % % \DescribeMacro{\LRTablePlacement} % \DescribeMacro{\LRFigurePlacement} % |\LRTablePlacement| and |\LRFigurePlacement| define the horizontal % placement of tables and figures with respect to the paper margins. The % options for these two parameters include |{flushleft}|, |{center}| and % |{flushright}|. The default is |{center}|. This is different from the % ``left'', ``center'', and ``right'' alignment modes for captions, % which align short captions with respect to the boxed data. % % \DescribeMacro{\CaptionJustification} % By default, any caption that spans the entire width of the caption box % will be fully justified, or ``flushed'' with respect to the caption box % margins. However, this behavior can be reset by redefining the % parameter |\CaptionJustification|. For a ragged-right style within the % caption box, the definition should be set to |\raggedright|. For the % brave and daring, |\raggedleft| and/or |\centering| can be explored. % Use |\def\CaptionJustification{}| to reset subsequent captions for full % flushing.% % % Figure~\ref{fig:ragged} is provided to demonstrate some of these % features including: caption justification (|\raggedright|), caption gap % (2.5~ex), caption font size (|\scriptsize|), LR figure placement % (|flushright|), |abovecaptionskipterm| (3), and a value for % |\FigureDeadMargin| of 1em. % \clearpage% % \captionStyle{o}{l}% % \setlength\captionGap{2.5ex}% % \def\CaptionJustification{\raggedright}% % \let\CaptionFontSize\scriptsize% % \setcounter{abovecaptionskipterm}{3}% % \def\LRFigurePlacement{flushright}% % \setlength\FigureDeadMargin{1em}% % \bxfigure[t]{Here is one example of a caption that has been set for% % a ragged right justification. Justification, or ``flushing,''% % is different than caption alignment, which is specified% % independently and deals with how short captions are% % aligned with respect to the boxed object\label{fig:ragged}}% % {\framebox(263,60)% % {\parbox{3.5in}{Boxed Object:\\% % \small \hspace*{2.05in}% % |flushright| \textit{placement $\rightarrow$\\% % \hspace*{.17in} \uq 2.5ex \hspace*{0.45in}% % \tt\bs\rm|scriptsize|\iq\\% % caption gap \hfill caption font size \hfill% % \uq\tt\bs\rm{|raggedright|} \iq justification}\\% % \hspace*{.50in} $\downarrow$ \hfill $\downarrow$% % \hfill \hfill $\downarrow$~~~}% % }% % }% % \setlength\captionGap{1ex}% % \def\CaptionJustification{}% % \let\CaptionFontSize\small% % \setcounter{abovecaptionskipterm}{10}% % \def\LRFigurePlacement{center}% % \setlength\FigureDeadMargin{0em}% % \begin{picture} (0,0)% % \put(-4,95){\makebox(20,0)[l]% % {\small\tt\bs abovecaption-}}% % \put(-4,86){\makebox(20,0)[l]% % {\small~~|skipterm| = 3~~$\rightarrow$}}% % \put(-31,68){\makebox(20,0)[l]% % {\small\tt\bs FigureDeadMargin\rm = 1em~$\uparrow$}}% % \put(-31,59){\makebox(20,0)[l]% % {\small (1em on left; 1em on right)}}% % \end{picture}% % \section{Figure and Table ``Wrappers''} % % With \boxhandler v1.20, figure and table wrappers have been added. % A wrapper is here defined to mean an item that bounds a figure or % table by appearing in the upper-left and lower-right corners of % the figure or table. It could be an iconic image such as the company % logo, a reminder such as ``COMPANY PROPRIETARY'', or some other such % delimiter to the figure/table. The relevant commands to use them are % as follows: % % \begin{verse} % |\WrapperOn[|\iq default wrapper\uq|]|\\ % |\WrapperOff|\\ % |\Wrapper{|\iq custom wrapper\uq|}|\\ % |\def\WrapperTextStyle{|\iq text style\uq|}|\\ % \end{verse} % % By default, wrappers are turned off in boxhandler. They may be % activated with the command |\WrapperOn|. The optional argument to % |\WrapperOn|, which should be used on the initial invocation, % specifies the default wrapper. Likewise, % wrappers may be disabled with the command |\WrapperOff|. When wrappers % are activated, every table and figure subsequently created will be % wrapped using the default wrapper. % % If, however, the user would like % for a given figure or table to have a custom wrapper different than the % default, the |\Wrapper{}| command should be used within the second % mandatory argument of the call to |\bxtable| or |\bxfigure|. That is % to say, the call to |\Wrapper| should be included within the argument % where the actual figure or table contents are defined. Here is an % example % % \begin{verse} % |\bxfigure[h]{Widget details for the XMC-7936}%|\\ % | {\fbox{\hspace{1in}\rule[-.5ex]{3ex}{3ex} $\rightarrow$%|\\ % | \rule[-.2ex]{2ex}{2ex}\hspace{1in}}\Wrapper{PROPRIETARY}}%|\\ % \end{verse} % % \WrapperOn % \bxfigure[h]{Widget details for the XMC-7936}% % {\fbox{\hspace{1in}\rule[-.5ex]{3ex}{3ex} $\rightarrow$% % \rule[-.2ex]{2ex}{2ex}\hspace{1in}}\Wrapper{PROPRIETARY}% % } % \WrapperOff % Wrapper text (both default and custom) are given a style defined by % |\WrapperTextStyle|. The default style is small, boldface text, % |\bf\small|. % % \section{Box and List Deferral/Preemption} % % \subsection{Description of Problem} % % For those using conditional compilation to create various versions of % the same basic document, the \boxhandler package can provide great % utility. The package has been designed to permit the deferral and % preemption of certain aspects of the document, such as figures, tables % and lists. With such a capability, one has the capacity to not only % change the appearance of the alternate document version, but to % fundamentally change its layout too. Table~\ref{tbl:cccode} provides a % simple example of how a document may be set up for conditional % compilation. % % \setlength\TableDeadMargin{0.2em}\bxtable[h] % {Conditionally compiled \LaTeX{} code\label{tbl:cccode}} % {\begin{tabular}{c}\hline\\ % \ttfamily\parbox{4.15in}{ % \bs def\bs PREPARETYPE\lb\bs TECHRPT\rb\% choices: \bs TECHRPT or % \bs MANUSCRIPT\\ % \bs newcommand\bs TECHRPT\lb\% class for ARL organizational tech rpts\\ % \% CONDITIONALLY COMPILED CODE FOR TECHRPT DOCUMENTS\\ % | |\bs documentclass\lb arlticle\rb\\ % \rb\\ % \bs newcommand\bs MANUSCRIPT\lb\% article-ized version of tech rpt.\\ % \% CONDITIONALLY COMPILED CODE FOR MANUSCRIPTS\\ % | |\bs documentclass[11pt]\lb article\rb\\ % | |\bs usepackage\lb TR2article\rb\\ % \% VARIOUS \bs MANUSCRIPT-SPECIFIC SETUP COMMANDS GO HERE\\ % \rb\\ % \bs PREPARETYPE\\ % \% LaTeX CODE \& DOCUMENT COMMON TO BOTH STYLES FOLLOWS HEREAFTER\\ % }\\ % \hline\end{tabular} % } % % In this example, by setting the parameter in the first line of the % document to either |\TECHRPT| or |\MANUSCRIPT|, a different collection % of setup routines may be invoked for each particular document style. % This works great for such parameters that affect appearance, but not % placement of the \LaTeX{} entities. For example, changing fonts, % margins, indents, etc. works fine with the conditional code shown in % Table~\ref{tbl:cccode}. Even when a particular document class has % unique commands not found in other classes, a converter style file may % be created (such as |TR2article| in the Table~\ref{tbl:cccode} example) % to deal rationally with invocations of class-specific features. % % Where great difficulty arises is when the different styles desired of a % conditional compilation utilize fundamentally different layouts of the % principal document elements, such as figures, tables, and lists. For % example, a technical report would have it's tables and figures % interspersed throughout the document, whereas the corresponding journal % manuscript submission might have tables and figures collected, one per % page, at the end of the document. Whereas the report would have the % List of Figures (\textit{lof}) as part of the report's front matter, % the journal manuscript might request to have the \textit{lof} preceding % the figures located at the end of the manuscript. A typical scientific journal % manuscript submission would not include a Table of Contents % (\textit{toc}), and perhaps not a List of Tables (\textit{lot}) either. % % Arranging for such options to unfold from a single input source file is % cumbersome without a special treatment. The \boxhandler style % provides routines to expedite and ease this cumbersome process. % % The \boxhandler style also conveniently allows for another useful % scenario, in which figure and table data may be kept in a separate % file from the document text, but nonetheless be made to print out with % figures and tables appearing in the proper location in the text. The % |\nextTable| and |\nextFigure| commands aid in this approach. % % \subsection{Deferral and Preemption Commands} % % For figure and table deferral, and/or list deferral/preemption, the % following commands are available, all without arguments: % % \begin{verse} % |\holdTables|\\ % |\holdFigures|\\ % |\clearTables|\\ % |\clearFigures|\\ % |\killlistoftables|\\ % |\killlistoffigures|\\ % |\killtableofcontents|\\ % |\holdlistoftables|\\ % |\holdlistoffigures|\\ % |\clearlistoftables|\\ % |\clearlistoffigures|\\ % |\nextTable[|\iq loc\uq|]|\\ % |\nextFigure[|\iq loc\uq|]|\\ % \end{verse} % % \DescribeMacro{\holdTables} % \DescribeMacro{\holdFigures} % |\holdTables| and |\holdFigures| are used to direct that any subsequent % invocations of |\bxtable| and |\bxfigure| merely store, rather than % store \& print the table or figure. These |\hold...| commands would % typically be found in the conditionally compiled code for manuscripts, % for example. % % While the calculated width of the caption is saved at the time of call % to |\bxtable| and |\bxfigure| based upon the \boxhandler parameters at % the time of the |\bx...| call, the caption format (i.e., [no]offset, % center/left alignment, caption justification) is not set until the % figure/table is later printed as part of a |\clear...| command (the % logic here is that the caption style will be consistent through the % course of the document, thus alleviating the need to store this data % for each figure and table). % % The one potential pitfall with the use of these commands % is the situation when a citation is made within % the caption of a deferred table or figure. In this case, the citation % is numbered based on when the table or figure is finally displayed, % not when it was created. % Thus, if |\holdTables| and/or |\holdFigures| is used to prevent the % printing of tables and/or figures until the end of the document, % then any unique citation defined in a table or figure % caption will receive a higher citation number than even a citation % appearing in the last line of document text. % % There is, however, an easy solution to this predicament. That is, % when a figure or table is employed which contains a citation, the % main text of the document should invoke |\nocite{|\iq key\_list\uq|}| % to the same reference. This occurance of |\nocite| should be % placed in the main document (\textit{i.e.}, outside of |bxtable| % or |bxfigure|) at the point where the table or figure is actually % being invoked. In this manner, the citation gets added to the % \textit{.aux} file at the proper spot, regardless of when the table % or figure is actually printed out. % % \DescribeMacro{\clearTables} % \DescribeMacro{\clearFigures} % |\clearTables| and |\clearFigures| directs that any tables or figures % that have been stored, but not yet printed, be output at this point. % As mentioned above, the offset, alignment, and justification for % captions is set at the time of printing, not at the time of table or % figure creation. The format for presenting tables and figures to be % cleared (i.e., one table/figure per page, vertically centered) can be % changed by renewing the commands |\theClearedTable| and/or % |\theClearedFigure|. See the next section on Advanced Use for details. % % Note that if tables and figures have not been subject to a |\hold...| % command, the |\clear...| commands have no effect, since they affect % only those tables and/or figures which have not already been printed. % Thus, these commands would typically appear in the common document text % at the appropriate point where tables and figures, if previously held, % should be printed. Note that, though commands have not been explicitly % provided to kill the printing of figures and tables, this can be % effectively accomplished by putting figures and/or tables on hold, and % then ending the document without having issued a corresponding % |\clear...| command. % % \DescribeMacro{\killlistoftables} % \DescribeMacro{\killlistoffigures} % \DescribeMacro{\killtableofcontents} % |\killlistoftables|, |\killlistoffigures| and |\killtableofcontents| % direct that any subsequent calls to print the respective list be % ignored and that the list be discarded. This action cannot later be % undone with a |\hold...| command. These commands would typically % appear in the conditionally compiled region of the document. % % \DescribeMacro{\holdlistoftables} % \DescribeMacro{\holdlistoffigures} % |\holdlistoftables| and |\holdlistoffigures| direct that calls to print % the particular list cited be deferred until a later invocation of the % corresponding |\clear...| command. Note that a call to |\clearTables| % and |\clearFigures| will also clear the corresponding list first, if it % has been subject to a |\hold...| command (but not a |\kill...| % command). These |\hold...| commands would typically appear in the % conditionally compiled region of the document. % % \DescribeMacro{\clearlistoftables} % \DescribeMacro{\clearlistoffigures} % |\clearlistoftables| and |\clearlistoffigures| clear the cited list % (i.e., those lists currently ``on hold''). No list will be % printed if: the |\listoftables| or |\listoffigures| command hadn't % earlier been invoked; if it had already been printed out because it % hadn't been subject to a hold; or if the list had previously been % killed. Note: calls to |\clearTables| or |\clearFigures| automatically % causes a call to |\clearlistoftables| or |\clearlistoffigures|, % respectively. Therefore, these particular calls are only needed % explicitly in your \LaTeX{} document if it is desired to clear the list % well in advance of the associated tables or figures. % % With the deferral and preemption commands now described, we show how % they might be used to complete the multi-mode \LaTeX{} document stencil % that was first laid out in Table~\ref{tbl:cccode}. To see this, refer % to Table~\ref{tbl:bxcode}. The document is created with |\bxtable| and % |\bxfigure| calls dispersed throughout text, and nominally asks for the % \textit{toc}, \textit{lof}, and \textit{lot} to be printed at the % beginning of the document. When |\PREPARETYPE| is defined as % |{\TECHRPT}|, this is exactly how the document unfolds. % % \setlength\TableDeadMargin{0.2em}\bxtable[t!] % {Conditionally compiled \LaTeX{} code with \texttt{boxhandler} package % deferral and preemption directives\label{tbl:bxcode}} % {\begin{tabular}{c}\hline\\ % \ttfamily\parbox{4.15in}{ % \bs def\bs PREPARETYPE\lb\bs TECHRPT\rb\% choices: \bs TECHRPT or % \bs MANUSCRIPT\\ % \bs newcommand\bs TECHRPT\lb\% class for ARL organizational tech rpts\\ % \% CONDITIONALLY COMPILED CODE FOR TECHRPT DOCUMENTS\\ % | |\bs documentclass\lb arlticle\rb\\ % | |\bs usepackage\lb boxhandler\rb\\ % \rb\\ % \bs newcommand\bs MANUSCRIPT\lb\% article-ized version of tech rpt.\\ % \% CONDITIONALLY COMPILED CODE FOR MANUSCRIPTS\\ % | |\bs documentclass[11pt]\lb article\rb\\ % | |\bs usepackage\lb TR2article\rb\\ % | |\bs usepackage\lb boxhandler\rb\\ % | |\bs killtableofcontents\\ % | |\bs killlistoftables\\ % | |\bs holdlistoffigures\\ % | |\bs holdTables\\ % | |\bs holdFigures\\ % \% VARIOUS \bs MANUSCRIPT-SPECIFIC SETUP COMMANDS GO HERE\\ % \rb\\ % \bs PREPARETYPE\\ % \% LaTeX CODE \& DOCUMENT COMMON TO BOTH STYLES FOLLOWS HEREAFTER\\ % \bs begin\lb document\rb\\ % \bs maketitle\\ % \bs tableofcontents\\ % \bs listoffigures\\ % \bs listoftables\\ % ...\\ % \% DOCUMENT CONTAINING \bs bxtable AND \bs bxfigure CALLS GOES HERE.\\ % ...\\ % \bs clearTables\\ % \bs clearFigures\\ % \bs end\lb document\rb\\ % }\\ % \hline\end{tabular} % } % % However, by merely defining |\PREPARETYPE| as |{\MANUSCRIPT}|, the % \textit{toc} and \textit{lot} will be killed, preempting subsequent % invocations. Printing of the \textit{lof} will be deferred. As % |bxtables| and |bxfigures| are invoked, they will be created and % stored, but not printed. At the very end of the document, all the % tables will first be cleared, one per page, vertically centered. The % call to |\clearFigures| will then clear the \textit{lof} on a new page, % and finally clear all the figures in a similar manner. % % \textbf{With the change of a single line of code, a vastly different % document layout has been achieved!} % % \DescribeMacro{\nextTable} % \DescribeMacro{\nextFigure} % The deferral commands described to this point have been cast in terms % of tools to aid in printing out multiple vastly different versions % of a document from a single source file. With \boxhandler v1.10, the % commands |\nextTable| and |\nextFigure| have been introduced. These % commands, while somewhat similar in function to |\clearTables| and % |\clearFigures|, are useful in a completely different regard. In the % case of |\nextTable| and |\nextFigure|, only a single table or figure % is cleared. Unlike |\clearTables| and |\clearFigures|, the table or % figure is not printed on a page by itself, but inline the document. % The optional argument specifies the location on the page (|h|, |t|, % |b| or |p|) where the % table or figure should appear, consistent with \LaTeX{} convention. % % The unique utility of the |\nextTable| and |\nextFigure| commands % is in allowing one to define all the document's figures and tables % ``up front,'' at the beginning of the document, perhaps even in a % seperate file that is |\input| into the document. Then, when a table % or figure is referred to in the text, all that need be included in % the main document is an occurance of |\nextTable| or |\nextFigure|. % % In this manner, all the tables and figures can be printed out in the % document at their appropriate location, while logically, the document % can be organized during preparation to keep the figure and table % matter separate from the text matter of the document. % % If one wishes to incorporate conditional compiliation % (as in Table~\ref{tbl:bxcode}) while simultaneously keeping table % and figure definition in a separate file |\input| at the beginning % of the document, this can be done, too. The tables and figures would % be added after the |\begin{document}| command and invocation would % be accomplished by way of |\nextTable| and |\nextFigure| as described % here. However, in the |\MANUSCRIPT| preamble (using the nomenclature % of Table~\ref{tbl:bxcode}), |\nextTable| and |\nextFigure| would be % nullified as:\\ % | \renewcommand\nextTable[1][]{}|\\ and\\ % | \renewcommand\nextFigure[1][]{}|.\\ % In this manner, for the |\MANUSCRIPT| report type, tables and figures % would be made to not appear until the final invocations of % |\clearTables| and |\clearFigures|. % % % \section {Advanced Use (DANGER!)} % % Additionally, there are certain lower level, yet accessible, counters, % macros and lengths, which are intended for advanced use only. It is % possible to get into difficulty if not thinking through their use % thoroughly. Pitfalls will be laid out, where known. These accessible % hooks into the inner workings of the \boxhandler package include: % % \begin{verse} % \underline{Lengths:}\\ % |\DeadMargin, \CaptionBoxWidth|\\ % \underline{Counters:}\\ % |TableIndex, FigureIndex, TableClearedIndex,|\\ % |FigureClearedIndex, promptTablesFlag, promptFiguresFlag|\\ % \underline{Macros:}\\ % |\StoreTable{|\iq caption\uq|}{|\iq boxed object\uq % |}{|\iq wrapper\uq|}{|\iq wrapper status\uq|}|\\ % |\StoreFigure{|\iq caption\uq|}{|\iq boxed object\uq % |}{|\iq wrapper\uq|}{|\iq wrapper status\uq|}|\\ % |\SaveCBox{|\iq new cmd\uq|}{|\iq boxed object\uq|}|\\ % |\ReciteTable[|\iq loc\uq|]{|\iq caption\uq|}{|\iq cmd\uq % |}{|\iq wdth\uq|}{|\iq wrapper\uq|}{|\iq wrapper status\uq|}|\\ % |\ReciteFigure[|\iq loc\uq|]{|\iq caption\uq|}{|\iq cmd\uq % |}{|\iq wdth\uq|}{|\iq wrapper\uq|}{|\iq wrapper status\uq|}|\\ % |\theClearedTable[|\iq loc\uq|]{|\iq caption\uq|}{|\iq cmd\uq % |}{|\iq wdth\uq|}{|\iq wrapper\uq|}{|\iq wrapper status\uq|}|\\ % |\theClearedFigure[|\iq loc\uq|]{|\iq caption\uq|}{|\iq cmd\uq % |}{|\iq wdth\uq|}{|\iq wrapper\uq|}{|\iq wrapper status\uq|}|\\ % \end{verse} % % \DescribeMacro{TableIndex} % \DescribeMacro{FigureIndex} % \DescribeMacro{TableClearedIndex} % \DescribeMacro{FigureClearedIndex} % To keep track of tables and figures as they are created, the counters % |TableIndex| and |FigureIndex| are used. To keep track of how many % tables and figures have already been printed, |TableClearedIndex|, and % |FigureClearedIndex| are used. The appropriate index is incremented % whenever a table or figure is created or cleared. These index counters % are also used as part of the naming convention employed by the % |\StoreTable| and |\StoreFigure| commands, to be subsequently % described. % % \DescribeMacro{promptTablesFlag} % \DescribeMacro{promptFiguresFlag} % The counters |promptTablesFlag| and |promptFiguresFlag| are used as % binary switches to determine whether calls to |\bxtable| and % |\bxfigure| result in the prompt display (1) or deferred display (0) of % the table or figure. The |\holdTables| and |\holdFigures| commands % change these switches to their `0' state. Any significant use of these % switches to achieve the printing of latter tables/figures prior to the % clearing of earlier ones will require the rewrite, by the user, of the % |\clearTables| and |\clearFigures| commands, since these |\clear...| % macros were written using a first-in-first-out (FIFO) methodology. % % \DescribeMacro{\StoreTable} % \DescribeMacro{\StoreFigure} % The macros |\StoreTable| and |\StoreFigure| use the same form of % caption and data arguments as |\bxtable| and |\bxfigure|, with two % additional wrapper variables added. In fact, the % |\bx...| commands call upon the |\Store...| macros. The difference % is that the |\StoreTable| and |\StoreFigure| macros will save the % boxed object without printing it, regardless of whether a |\hold...| % command has been issued. The saved information will consist of five % pointers necessary to recreate the table or figure. These pointers % will be named according to \textsf{boxhandler}'s internal naming % convention. % % At this point, it is worth noting the naming convention of the pointers % used by \boxhandler to store the variables for figures and tables. % The saved information resulting from a |\StoreTable| or |\StoreFigure| % command will consist of a pointer to a saved box, a pointer to the % caption text, a pointer to the calculated width of the caption box % (based on the state of the \boxhandler parameters at the time of the % function call), and pointers to the wrapper and a flag indicating % whether wrappers are active for this figure or table. % % The counters |TableIndex| and |FigureIndex| are used to create a unique % part of these pointer names, in the form of |\roman{|\iq % indexname\uq|}|. Saved box pointers have the prefix |tbl-| or |fig-|, % saved caption pointers have the prefix |tblcap-| or |figcap-| and % caption-width pointers have the prefix |tblcapwdth-| and |figcapwdth-|. % The wrapper pointer has the prefix |tblwrap-| and the pointer to flag % indicating the status of wrapper activity is |tblwrapstatus-|. % Thus, for example, the fourth invocation of |\bxtable| or |\StoreTable| % will create an sbox named |\tbliv| that is used to store the boxed % (e.g., tabular) data, a pointer |\tblcapiv| that is used to store the % caption text, a length pointer |\tblcapwdthiv| that stores the % value of the calculated caption width, a wrapper pointer |\tblwrapiv|, % which stores the wrapper, and a pointer |\tblwrapstatusiv|, which % stores a `T' or `F' to indicate whether wrappers are currently active % or not. When avoiding creative % programming, the pointer index (e.g., `iv' in this example) will % correspond to the actual Table or Figure number (i.e., `4') appearing % in the caption ID label. However, it is wise to remember, % \begin{enumerate} % \item when creating tables or figures outside of the \boxhandler style; % \item when bypassing the |\Store...| commands and going straight to the % lower level |\SaveCBox| command; or % \item when using the |\Recite...| commands to print multiple occurances % of a box; % \end{enumerate} % that the internal numbering of \boxhandler tables and figures will % likely be out of syncronization with the Table and Figure counters. % % \DescribeMacro{\SaveCBox} % The low-level routine which saves a ``captioned box'' is called % |\SaveCBox|. As its arguments, it follows the form of the \LaTeX{} % |\sbox| command: it takes a new command name and the boxed object as % its parameters. This is the routine called by the |\Store...| commands % with a command argument something like |\tbliv| or |\figiii|, for % example. You are, however, free to pass your own command names to this % routine, so as not to conflict with the names autogenerated by the % |\Store...| commands. Keep in mind that calls to |\SaveCBox| will not, % by themselves, increment |TableIndex| or |FigureIndex|, and will not be % tracked by the |\clear...| commands. % % \DescribeMacro{\DeadMargin} % \DescribeMacro{\CaptionBoxWidth} % In addition to saving the boxed object in the specified command bin, % the width of the associated caption is calculated, based upon the % prevailing \boxhandler parameters at the time of call. One such % parameter that is used to calculate the caption width, is the dead % margin. |\SaveCBox|, being a low-level routine, is used for both % tables and figures. As such, the appropriate variable to set, in order % to define the dead margin is the generic length |\DeadMargin|, % regardless of whether the call is to save a figure or a table box. The % calculated caption width is stored in the length variable % |\CaptionBoxWidth|. This length variable is ephemeral, being updated % with each new figure or table generated, and so it is up to the user to % save the value of |\CaptionBoxWidth| somewhere else if it is to be used % to later define a recited box's caption width. Likewise, while % |\SaveCBox| does not even deal with the box's caption text per se, it % is the user's responsibility to save the actual caption somewhere, for % later recitation. % % \DescribeMacro{\ReciteTable} % \DescribeMacro{\ReciteFigure} % Reciting stored tables or figures is accomplished by way of % |\ReciteTable| and |\ReciteFigure|. As the [optional] first of their % four arguments, they take the location directive for placement on the % page (e.g., |h|, |t|, |b|, or |p|). Both the caption and the caption % width arguments may be specified directly, or indirectly by way of a % stored string and length variable, respectively. The command argument % to these macros must be the bin for the saved box object that % constitutes the actual table or figure data. % % If one desires, the |\Recite...| commands may be used repeatedly to % print a given table or figure multiple times. However, any |\label| % associated with the [repeatedly recited] caption will be reassigned to % the most recent invocation of the |\Recite...| call. Thus, references % to the table or figure number by way of a |\ref| call are likely to % produce an undesired result, if a given table or figure is recited % multiple times. % % \DescribeMacro{\theClearedTable} % \DescribeMacro{\theClearedFigure} % Finally, two very useful routines to be familiar with are the % |\theClearedTable| and |\theClearedFigure| macros. These are the % routines which are repeatedly called by |\clearTables| and % |\clearFigures|, respectively, to print out all tables and figures % which have been ``on hold.'' The manner in which \boxhandler clears % them is one per page, vertically centered. It is easy to envision % applications in which the method of clearing would take on a different % appearance than this. To change the appearance by which tables and/or % figures are cleared, these commands need to be redefined by the user by % way of a |\renewcommand|. For reference, the |\theClearedTable| % command is defined by \boxhandler as: % %| |\\ %|\newcommand\theClearedTable[4][h]{|\\ %| \vspace*{\fill}|\\ %| \ReciteTable[#1]{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}{#6}|\\ %| \vspace*{\fill}|\\ %| \clearpage|\\ %|}|\\ % % As one can see, |\theClearedTable| is a call to |\ReciteTable| that is % surrounded by the code necessary to place the table recitation at the % desired location upon the page. |\theClearedFigure| is defined % analogously. Modification of this layout should be straightforward for % the user. For example, if it were desired to have two tables per page % during the clearing process, one might use the following renewal: % %| |\\ %|\newcounter{toggle} \setcounter{toggle}{0}|\\ %|\renewcommand\theClearedTable[4][h]{|\\ %| \addtocounter{toggle}{1}|\\ %| \ifnum \arabic{toggle} = 2 \setcounter{toggle}{0} \fi|\\ %| \ifnum \arabic{toggle} = 1|\\ %| \ReciteTable[t]{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}{#6}|\\ %| \else|\\ %| \ReciteTable[b]{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}{#6}|\\ %| \clearpage|\\ %| \fi|\\ %|}| % % \section {Examples} % %% Examples of a number of calls provided in this style are given below, %% in no particular order: %% %%| |\\ %%|\bxtable[t] |\\ %%| {This is a test of nonwrapping caption\label{tb:mytable}} |\\ %%| { |\\ % \iffalse %<package>%%| \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|} |\\ % \fi %| \begin{tabular}{|\verb,|c|c|c|,|} |\\ %%| \hline |\\ %%| column 1 data & 2nd column data & and the third column data\\|\\ %%| \hline |\\ %%| \end{tabular} |\\ %%| } |\\ %%| |\\ %%|\usepackage{graphicx} |\\ %%|\bxfigure[h] |\\ %%| {Here is an example of a particularly long caption that will |\\ %%| test wrapping} |\\ %%| {\includegraphics[width=3.64in,height=4.30in]{Atest1.eps}} |\\ %%| |\\ %%|\relaxCaptionWidth[2in] |\\ %%| |\\ %%|\captionStyle{}{c} |\\ %%| |\\ %%|\setlength\captionGap{3ex} |\\ %%| |\\ %%|\setcounter{abovecaptionskipterm}{10} |\\ %%|\setcounter{belowcaptionskipterm}{0} |\\ %%| |\\ %%|\TableFontSize\normalsize |\\ %%| |\\ %%|\LRFigurePlacement{flushleft} |\\ %%| |\\ %%|\killtableofcontents |\\ %%| |\\ %%|\holdFigures |\\ %%| |\\ %%|\clearFigures |\\ %%| |\\ %%|\newsavebox{\mybox} |\\ %%|\SaveCBox{\mybox}{\framebox(200,100){Ack!}} |\\ %%| |\\ %%|\ReciteFigure[h]{\figcapii}{\figii}{\figcapwdthii}% |\\ %%| {\figwrapii}{\figwrapstatusii} |\\ %% % \vspace{-1em} % \section {Vestigials} % % \DescribeMacro{\arltable} % \DescribeMacro{\arlfigure} % In order to retain backward compatibility with the predecessor to the % \boxhandler package, the vestigial commands |\arltable| and % |\arlfigure| are defined in this package, and are equivalent to % |\bxtable| and |\bxfigure|, respectively. % % As an historical note, the genesis of the \boxhandler package was a % requirement to comply with my organization's caption style (``offset'' % style, ``left'' aligned) specified for its technical reports. Various % piecemeal approaches were out there to handle it, requiring % case-specific decisions on the part of the author, depending on the % specifics of the figure/table box and the caption. \boxhandler was % intended to simplify and generalize the approach. % % The figure/table deferral features of \boxhandler were borne of my own % laziness. I just didn't relish keeping two different versions of the % same document up to date... one for my organization, and the other as a % manuscript for possible journal submission. The |\bx...| commands % provided an easier ``hook'' through which to achieve the holding and % clearing of boxes than did any attempt to muck with the underlying % |Figure| and |Table| environments of \LaTeX{}. % % \section {Acknowledgments/Salutations} % That's it for a description of \textsf{boxhandler}! I would like to thank % a number of colleagues for their consultive assistance. Several were % instrumental in getting me over early bumps in my \LaTeX{} learning % curve, including Mike Scheidler, Stephen Schraml, Brian Krzewinski, % and Paul Tanenbaum, all of the USARL. I am particularly grateful % to Fred Brundick (also of ARL) for sharing his extensive knowledge % of \LaTeX{} with me. He clued me in to the sticky quirks of offset % captions, and shared his methods for dealing with the different cases. % He also pointed me in the right direction for the systematic saving % of \LaTeX{} box objects, which contributed to the section of this % package dealing with object deferral. % % I hope this package provides you some utility. The only thing left % is the code listing itself. %% \CharacterTable %% {Upper-case \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z %% Lower-case \a\b\c\d\e\f\g\h\i\j\k\l\m\n\o\p\q\r\s\t\u\v\w\x\y\z %% Digits \0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9 %% Exclamation \! Double quote \" Hash (number) \# %% Dollar \$ Percent \% Ampersand \& %% Acute accent \' Left paren \( Right paren \) %% Asterisk \* Plus \+ Comma \, %% Minus \- Point \. Solidus \/ %% Colon \: Semicolon \; Less than \< %% Equals \= Greater than \> Question mark \? %% Commercial at \@ Left bracket \[ Backslash \\ %% Right bracket \] Circumflex \^ Underscore \_ %% Grave accent \` Left brace \{ Vertical bar \| %% Right brace \} Tilde \~} % \StopEventually{} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % \clearpage % \vspace{-0.8em} % \begin{macro}{boxhandler.sty} % \section{Code Listing} % I'll try to lay out herein % the workings of the \boxhandler style package. I apologize if % the code fails in some way to conform to \LaTeX{} programming % conventions. I am but an enthusiastic novice. % \begin{macrocode} %<*package> % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{pbox} % This package makes use of the \textsf{ifthen} and \textsf{pbox} style % packages to aid in the boxing of captions. % \begin{macrocode} \RequirePackage{ifthen} \usepackage{pbox} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{TableIndex} % \begin{macro}{FigureIndex} % \begin{macro}{TableClearedIndex} % \begin{macro}{FigureClearedIndex} % We start by defining and initializing the counters that keep track of % how many tables and figures have been created and how many have been % cleared (i.e., printed out). % \begin{macrocode} \newcounter{TableIndex} \setcounter{TableIndex}{0} \newcounter{FigureIndex} \setcounter{FigureIndex}{0} \newcounter{TableClearedIndex} \setcounter{TableClearedIndex}{0} \newcounter{FigureClearedIndex} \setcounter{FigureClearedIndex}{0} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\old@makecaption} % \begin{macro}{\oldabovecaptionskip} % \begin{macro}{\oldbelowcaptionskip} % Here, we save the prevailing definitions of |\@makecaption|, % |\abovecaptionskip| and |\belowcaptionskip|, so that they can be % altered before and restored after every invocation of |\bxtable| and % |\bxfigure|. % \begin{macrocode} \let\old@makecaption \@makecaption% SAVE PREVAILING \@makecaption STYLE \newlength\oldabovecaptionskip \setlength\oldabovecaptionskip \abovecaptionskip \newlength\oldbelowcaptionskip \setlength\oldbelowcaptionskip \belowcaptionskip % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\captionGap} % Initialize |\captionGap| to 1ex, which sets the horizontal space % between the caption label and the caption box for offset-style % captions. % \begin{macrocode} %% \captionGap CAN BE INCREASED TO PLACE MORE SPACE BETWEEN THE CAPTION %% LABEL AND THE ACTUAL CAPTION TEXT. \newlength\captionGap \setlength\captionGap{1ex} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\TableDeadMargin} % \begin{macro}{\FigureDeadMargin} % The default values for the dead margin around tables and figures is % initialized here. The value of 0.375em for tables corresponds to what % the |tabular| environment seems to produce. No presupposition is made % on what the dead margin is for the figure environment, however. % \begin{macrocode} %% \TableDeadMargin AND \FigureDeadMargin REFER TO THE TABLE & FIGURE %% MARGIN OF A BOX THAT COUNTS TOWARDS ITS SIZE, BUT IN WHICH NO %% ACTIVE DATA FALLS; DEADMARGIN ASSUMED ON BOTH LEFT & RIGHT SIDE. \newlength\TableDeadMargin \setlength\TableDeadMargin{0.375em} \newlength\FigureDeadMargin \setlength\FigureDeadMargin{0em} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{abovecaptionskipterm} % \begin{macro}{belowcaptionskipterm} The integer parameters % |abovecaptionskipterm| and |belowcaptionskipterm| are initialized here. % They will be used to guide the temporarily alteration of % |\abovecaptionskip| and |\belowcaptionskip| during invocations of % |\bxtable| and |\bxfigure|. % \begin{macrocode} %% INITIALIZE \above- AND \belowcaptionskip VALUES; CAN BE RESET %% USED TO SET GAPS ABOVE & BELOW CAPTIONS \newcounter{abovecaptionskipterm} \setcounter{abovecaptionskipterm}{10} \newcounter{belowcaptionskipterm} \setcounter{belowcaptionskipterm}{7} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\@minCaptionBoxWidth} % \begin{macro}{\@minCaptionBoxWidthDefault} % \begin{macro}{\@maxCaptionBoxWidth} % \begin{macro}{\@maxCaptionBoxWidthDefault} % The minimum and maximum allowed width defaults for the caption box are % defined here. The variables holding the current values of min/max % caption width are also allocated here. Their values will be set and % altered through the use of the macros |\relaxCaptionWidth|, % |\limitCaptionWidth| and |\constrainCaptionWidth|, to be described % later. % \begin{macrocode} %% RESET \@minCaptionBoxWidth TO Default VALUE WITH \relaxCaptionWidth %% SET \@minCaptionBoxWidth TO USER VALUE WITH \relaxCaptionWidth[<len>] \newlength\@minCaptionBoxWidth \newlength\@minCaptionBoxWidthDefault \setlength\@minCaptionBoxWidthDefault{1in} %% RESET \@maxCaptionBoxWidth TO Default WITH \limitCaptionWidth %% SET \@maxCaptionBoxWidth WITH \limitCaptionWidth[<len>] \newlength\@maxCaptionBoxWidth \newlength\@maxCaptionBoxWidthDefault \setlength\@maxCaptionBoxWidthDefault{\textwidth} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{promptTablesFlag} % \begin{macro}{promptFiguresFlag} % \begin{macro}{\holdTables} % \begin{macro}{\holdFigures} % |promptTablesFlag| and |promptFiguresFlag| are binary switches to % define whether calls to |\bxtable| and |\bxfigure| are cleared (i.e., % printed) promptly or merely stored for later clearing. The change to % put them ``on hold'' is actuated by the |\holdTables| and % |\holdFigures| commands, respectively. Because the associated % |\clear...| commands were written with FIFO logic, no mechanism is % provided to reset the flags to ``prompt'', once set to ``on hold.'' % Even so, tables and figures can be cleared in sub-batches, by issuing a % series of |\clear...| commands at intermediate points in the document. % \begin{macrocode} %% DEFINE promptTablesFlag & PROVIDE ROUTINE TO CHANGE IT FROM %% "PROMPT"(1) TO "ON HOLD"(0) \newcounter{promptTablesFlag} \setcounter{promptTablesFlag}{1} \newcommand\holdTables{\setcounter{promptTablesFlag}{0}} %% SAME FOR promptFiguresFlag \newcounter{promptFiguresFlag} \setcounter{promptFiguresFlag}{1} \newcommand\holdFigures{\setcounter{promptFiguresFlag}{0}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\CaptionFontSize} % \begin{macro}{\TableFontSize} % Default size of font in both captions and tables is, by default, % |\small|. However, these variables allow those defaults to be reset to % the desired font size. % \begin{macrocode} %% DEFAULT CaptionFontSize & TableFontSize AS \small; CAN BE RESET \let \CaptionFontSize \small \let \TableFontSize \small % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\LRTablePlacement} % \begin{macro}{\LRFigurePlacement} % These variables set the placement of the table or figure either flushed % to the left or right margin, or else centered between the margins (the % default). They can be reset by the user. % \begin{macrocode} %% DEFAULT TABLE & FIGURE LR ALIGNMENT TO center; %% CAN RESET TO flushleft/-right \def \LRTablePlacement {center} \def \LRFigurePlacement {center} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\CaptionJustification} % The flushing of the actual text within the caption box may be % accomplished by setting |\CaptionJustification|. When it is defined % as |{}| (the default), the caption is fully justified (i.e., % flushed) within the caption box. It may also be set to % |{\raggedleft}|, |{\raggedright}| or |{\centering}|. % \begin{macrocode} %% WITHIN-CAPTION JUSTIFICATION CAN BE SET %% OPTIONS: {}, {\raggedleft}, {\raggedright}, or {\centering} \def\CaptionJustification{} % <---DEFAULT IS FULL JUSTIFICATION % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\DeadMargin} % \begin{macro}{\CaptionBoxWidth} % \begin{macro}{\@DataBoxWidth} % \begin{macro}{\@DataBoxOffset} % \begin{macro}{\@CaptionBoxOffset} % \begin{macro}{\@captionIDwidth} % \begin{macro}{\@captionWidth} % \begin{macro}{\@DataBoxSurplus} % New working variables are defined here. All are |@|-protected from % access except for |\DeadMargin| and |\CaptionBoxWidth|, which have been % made accessible for so-called ``Advanced Use.'' % |\DeadMargin| is the low-level variable where the dead margin of the % current figure or table box is specified by the advanced user. % |\@DataBoxWidth| is the calculated width of the data-box portion of % the current table or figure. % |\CaptionBoxWidth| is the calculated width of the caption box for the % current figure, taking into account the dead margin as well as the % min/max allowed caption widths. The ``advanced user'' can save this % datum for future figure/table recitation. % |\@DataBoxOffset| is the calculated spacer length that must be added to % both sides of the data box to bring it to the size of the caption box. % It will be zeroed, if the data box width exceeds the caption box width. % |\@CaptionBoxOffset| is the calculated spacer length that must be added % to both sides of the caption box to bring it to the size of the data % box. It will be zeroed, if the caption box width exceeds the data box % width. % |\@captionIDwidth| is used for offset-style captions, and is the width % of the caption ID plus the caption gap (e.g., the width of % ``Figure 4.~~''). % |\@captionWidth| is, for offset-style captions, simply % |\CaptionBoxWidth| minus |\@captionIDwidth|; this value equals the % width of the |\parbox| which is used for the caption text in % offset-style captions. Finally, % |\@DataBoxSurplus| is the excess of data box width over the caption box % width. It can be positive or negative, depending on whether the data % box or caption box is larger. % \begin{macrocode} %% WORKING VARIABLES \newlength\DeadMargin \newlength\@DataBoxWidth \newlength\CaptionBoxWidth \newlength\@DataBoxOffset \newlength\@CaptionBoxOffset \newlength\@captionIDwidth \newlength\@captionWidth \newlength\@DataBoxSurplus % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\WrapperOn} % \begin{macro}{\WrapperOff} % \begin{macro}{\Wrapper} % \begin{macro}{\WrapperTextStyle} % Wrappers are identifying text (or icons) that bound figures and % tables in the % upper-left and lower-right corners. Initially disabled, |\WrapperOn| % turns wrappers on. The optional argument of |\WrapperOn|, which % should be used on the first invocation, specifies the default wrapper. % Wrappers can be turned off with |\WrapperOff|. % The default wrapper can be changed with a subsequent invocation % to |\WrapperOn|. % % However, the wrapper for any given figure % or table may be individually specified (without changing the default % wrapper) by way of the % argument to |\Wrapper|. Both the default wrapper as well as one % passed as an argument to |\Wrapper| are presented with the style % given in |\WrapperTextStyle|, which defaults to small, bold font, % |\bf\small|. The command |\Wrapper|, if used, should be placed within % the second mandatory argument of |\bxtable| and |\bxfigure|, if a % wrapper other than the default is desired. % \begin{macrocode} %% FIGURE & TABLE WRAPPER INITIALIZATIONS \def\wrapper{F} \def\WrapperTextStyle{\bf\small} \def\WrapperTextDefault{DEFAULT WRAPPER} \global\def\WrapperText{\noexpand\WrapperTextStyle\WrapperTextDefault} \newcommand\WrapperOn[1][]{% \def\wrapper{T}% \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{}}% {}{\def\WrapperTextDefault{\noexpand#1}}% \global\def% \WrapperText{\noexpand\WrapperTextStyle\WrapperTextDefault}% } \newcommand\WrapperOff{\def\wrapper{F}} \newcommand\Wrapper[1]{\global\def% \WrapperText{\noexpand\WrapperTextStyle\noexpand#1}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\bxtable} % The routine |\bxtable| will store the specified table. If % |promptTablesFlag| equals unity, the table will also be immediately % cleared using the specified \textit{loc} parameter. If % |\roman{TableIndex}| equalled, for example, |vii|, then the table data % would be stored in the box |\tblvii|, the caption text would be stored % in the pointer |\tblcapvii|, and the calculated caption width would be % stored in the pointer |\tblcapwdthvii|. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\bxtable[3][t]{% \StoreTable[#1]{#2}{#3}{\WrapperText}{\wrapper}% \ifnum\arabic{promptTablesFlag}=1% \addtocounter{TableClearedIndex}{1}% \def\TableBoxLabel{tbl\roman{TableIndex}}% \def\TableCaptionLabel{tblcap\roman{TableIndex}}% \def\TblCaptionWidthLabel{tblcapwdth\roman{TableIndex}}% \def\TableWrapper{tblwrap\roman{TableIndex}}% \def\WrapperStatus{tblwrapstatus\roman{TableIndex}}% \ReciteTable[#1]{\csname\TableCaptionLabel\endcsname}% {\csname\TableBoxLabel\endcsname}% {\csname\TblCaptionWidthLabel\endcsname}% {\csname\TableWrapper\endcsname}% {\csname\WrapperStatus\endcsname}% \fi } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\StoreTable} % |\StoreTable| calculates the names of the pointers where the % table-data, -caption, and -width will be stored, and calls upon the % low-level |\SaveCbox| routine to actually save the tabular data and % compute the caption width. It finally stores the caption text itself % and the calculated caption width. Note that the optional first % argument, \textit{loc}, is a dummy argument that is not used here. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\StoreTable[5][]{% \addtocounter{TableIndex}{1}% \setlength\DeadMargin\TableDeadMargin% \def\TableBoxLabel{tbl\roman{TableIndex}}% \def\TableCaptionLabel{tblcap\roman{TableIndex}}% \def\TblCaptionWidthLabel{tblcapwdth\roman{TableIndex}}% \def\TableWrapper{tblwrap\roman{TableIndex}}% \def\WrapperStatus{tblwrapstatus\roman{TableIndex}}% \expandafter\SaveCBox\csname\TableBoxLabel\endcsname{\TableFontSize#3}% \expandafter\def\csname\TableCaptionLabel\endcsname{#2}% \expandafter\newlength\csname\TblCaptionWidthLabel\endcsname% \expandafter\setlength\csname\TblCaptionWidthLabel\endcsname% \CaptionBoxWidth% \expandafter\edef\csname\TableWrapper\endcsname{#4}% \expandafter\edef\csname\WrapperStatus\endcsname{#5}% %% After storing table, reset wrapper to default value \global\def% \WrapperText{\noexpand\WrapperTextStyle\WrapperTextDefault}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\ReciteTable} % The |\ReciteTable| routine recites a previously stored table, using the % pointers that are provided as arguments. First, the |\Table| % environment is invoked, and the left/right table-placement environment % is opened. The routine then defines new definitions for % |\@makecaption|, |\abovecaptionskip| and |\belowcaptionskip|. It then % uses the provided pointers to set the data-box and caption-box widths, % and calculates the offsets. It recites the box caption (using the % caption-box offset, if needed) and then it recites the tabular-data box % (using the data-box offset, if needed). The original definitions for % |\@makecaption|, |\abovecaptionskip| and |\belowcaptionskip| are % restored, the table placement environment is concluded and the table % itself is ended. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\ReciteTable[6][h]{% \begin{table}[#1]% \begin{\LRTablePlacement}% \let\@makecaption\new@makecaption% \setlength\abovecaptionskip{\arabic{abovecaptionskipterm}\p@}% \setlength\belowcaptionskip{\arabic{belowcaptionskipterm}\p@}% \set@DataBoxWidth{#3}% \setlength\CaptionBoxWidth{#4}% \set@BoxOffsets% \if T#6% \rule{\@DataBoxOffset}{0in}% \makebox[\@DataBoxWidth][l]{#5}% \rule{\@DataBoxOffset}{0in}\\% \fi \rule{\@CaptionBoxOffset}{0em}% \parbox{\CaptionBoxWidth}{\caption{#2}}% \rule{\@CaptionBoxOffset}{0em}% \par% \rule{\@DataBoxOffset}{0in}% \usebox{#3}% \rule{\@DataBoxOffset}{0in}\\% \if T#6% \rule{\@DataBoxOffset}{0in}\\% \makebox[\@DataBoxWidth][r]{#5}% \rule{\@DataBoxOffset}{0in}% \fi \let\@makecaption\old@makecaption% \setlength\abovecaptionskip \oldabovecaptionskip% \setlength\belowcaptionskip \oldbelowcaptionskip% \end{\LRTablePlacement}% \end{table}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\nextTable} % This routine will clear a single table, if there are any that have % not yet been printed as a result of a previously invoked \holdTables % command. It assumes FIFO logic. The optional argument is the location % on the page where the table is to be printed, in accordance with % standard \LaTeX{} logic. If there are no uncleared tables left to % format, then the command has no effect. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\nextTable[1][h]{% \ifnum\arabic{TableClearedIndex}<\arabic{TableIndex}{% \addtocounter{TableClearedIndex}{1}% %% \TableBoxLabel : tbli, tblii, tbliii, tbliv, etc. %% \TableCaptionLabel : tblcapi, tblcapii, tblcapiii, tblcapiv, etc. %% \TblCaptionWidthLabel: tblcapwdthi, tblcapwdthii, tblcapwdthiii,etc. \def\TableBoxLabel{tbl\roman{TableClearedIndex}}% \def\TableCaptionLabel{tblcap\roman{TableClearedIndex}}% \def\TblCaptionWidthLabel{tblcapwdth\roman{TableClearedIndex}}% \def\TableWrapper{tblwrap\roman{TableClearedIndex}}% \def\WrapperStatus{tblwrapstatus\roman{TableClearedIndex}}% \ReciteTable[#1]{\csname\TableCaptionLabel\endcsname}% {\csname\TableBoxLabel\endcsname}% {\csname\TblCaptionWidthLabel\endcsname}% {\csname\TableWrapper\endcsname}% {\csname\WrapperStatus\endcsname}% }\fi } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\clearTables} % This routine will clear all stored tables that have not yet been % printed. It assumes a FIFO logic. It starts by clearing the page and % clearing the List of Tables (i.e., prints the \textit{lot} \textbf{if} % the List of Tables had been put on hold, and subsequently invoked while % ``on hold''). If the \textit{lot} had previously been killed, then % |\clearlistoftables| will have no effect. Once the \textit{lot} has % been cleared (or not), a loop is set up in which the names of % stored-table pointers are reconstructed, and successively passed to % |\theClearedTable| which defines the format for clearing and actually % calls for the table to be recited. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\clearTables{% \clearpage% \clearlistoftables% \clearpage% %%DO UNTIL ALL HELD TABLES ARE CLEARED \whiledo{\arabic{TableClearedIndex}<\arabic{TableIndex}}{% \addtocounter{TableClearedIndex}{1}% %% \TableBoxLabel : tbli, tblii, tbliii, tbliv, etc. %% \TableCaptionLabel : tblcapi, tblcapii, tblcapiii, tblcapiv, etc. %% \TblCaptionWidthLabel: tblcapwdthi, tblcapwdthii, tblcapwdthiii,etc. \def\TableBoxLabel{tbl\roman{TableClearedIndex}}% \def\TableCaptionLabel{tblcap\roman{TableClearedIndex}}% \def\TblCaptionWidthLabel{tblcapwdth\roman{TableClearedIndex}}% \def\TableWrapper{tblwrap\roman{TableClearedIndex}}% \def\WrapperStatus{tblwrapstatus\roman{TableClearedIndex}}% \theClearedTable{\csname\TableCaptionLabel\endcsname}% {\csname\TableBoxLabel\endcsname}% {\csname\TblCaptionWidthLabel\endcsname}% {\csname\TableWrapper\endcsname}% {\csname\WrapperStatus\endcsname}% }% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\theClearedTable} % Quite simply, this routine prints out each table to be cleared, one per % page, vertically centered. It can be renewed by the user if a % different clearing format is desired. % \begin{macrocode} %% \theClearedTable CAN BE RENEWED IF DIFFERENT OUTPUT FORMAT IS DESIRED \newcommand\theClearedTable[6][h]{% %% CLEAR THIS TABLE ON A PAGE BY ITSELF, CENTERED VERTICALLY \vspace*{\fill}% \ReciteTable[#1]{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}{#6}% \vspace*{\fill}% \clearpage% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\bxfigure} % This routine is analogous to |\bxtable| in every way. For figures, the % pointers which save the figure use a |\fig-| prefix, instead of a % |\tbl-| prefix. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\bxfigure[3][t]{% \StoreFigure[#1]{#2}{#3}{\WrapperText}{\wrapper}% \ifnum\arabic{promptFiguresFlag}=1% \addtocounter{FigureClearedIndex}{1}% \def\FigureBoxLabel{fig\roman{FigureIndex}}% \def\FigureCaptionLabel{figcap\roman{FigureIndex}}% \def\FigCaptionWidthLabel{figcapwdth\roman{FigureIndex}}% \def\FigureWrapper{figwrap\roman{FigureIndex}}% \def\WrapperStatus{figwrapstatus\roman{FigureIndex}}% \ReciteFigure[#1]{\csname\FigureCaptionLabel\endcsname}% {\csname\FigureBoxLabel\endcsname}% {\csname\FigCaptionWidthLabel\endcsname}% {\csname\FigureWrapper\endcsname}% {\csname\WrapperStatus\endcsname}% \fi } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\StoreFigure} % This routine is analogous to |\StoreTable| in every way. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\StoreFigure[5][]{% \addtocounter{FigureIndex}{1}% \setlength\DeadMargin\FigureDeadMargin% \def\FigureBoxLabel{fig\roman{FigureIndex}}% \def\FigureCaptionLabel{figcap\roman{FigureIndex}}% \def\FigCaptionWidthLabel{figcapwdth\roman{FigureIndex}}% \def\FigureWrapper{figwrap\roman{FigureIndex}}% \def\WrapperStatus{figwrapstatus\roman{FigureIndex}}% \expandafter\SaveCBox\csname\FigureBoxLabel\endcsname{#3}% \expandafter\def\csname\FigureCaptionLabel\endcsname{#2}% \expandafter\newlength\csname\FigCaptionWidthLabel\endcsname% \expandafter\setlength\csname\FigCaptionWidthLabel\endcsname% \CaptionBoxWidth% \expandafter\edef\csname\FigureWrapper\endcsname{#4}% \expandafter\edef\csname\WrapperStatus\endcsname{#5}% %% After storing figure, reset wrapper to default value \global\def% \WrapperText{\noexpand\WrapperTextStyle\WrapperTextDefault}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\ReciteFigure} % This routine is analogous to |\ReciteTable| in every way, except one. % In the case of |\ReciteFigure|, the figure-data box is output % \textbf{before} the caption, not after. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\ReciteFigure[6][h]{% \begin{figure}[#1]% \begin{\LRFigurePlacement}% \let\@makecaption\new@makecaption% \setlength\abovecaptionskip{\arabic{abovecaptionskipterm}\p@}% \setlength\belowcaptionskip{\arabic{belowcaptionskipterm}\p@}% \set@DataBoxWidth{#3}% \setlength\CaptionBoxWidth{#4}% \set@BoxOffsets% \if T#6% \rule{\@DataBoxOffset}{0in}% \makebox[\@DataBoxWidth][l]{#5}% \rule{\@DataBoxOffset}{0in}\\% \fi \rule{\@DataBoxOffset}{0in}% \usebox{#3}% \rule{\@DataBoxOffset}{0in}% \par% \rule{\@CaptionBoxOffset}{0em}% \parbox{\CaptionBoxWidth}{\caption{#2}}% \rule{\@CaptionBoxOffset}{0em}% \if T#6% \rule{\@DataBoxOffset}{0in}\\% \makebox[\@DataBoxWidth][r]{#5}% \rule{\@DataBoxOffset}{0in}% \fi \let\@makecaption\old@makecaption% \setlength\abovecaptionskip\oldabovecaptionskip% \setlength\belowcaptionskip\oldbelowcaptionskip% \end{\LRFigurePlacement}% \end{figure}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\nextFigure} % This routine is analogous to |\nextTable| in every way. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\nextFigure[1][h]{% \ifnum\arabic{FigureClearedIndex}<\arabic{FigureIndex}{% \addtocounter{FigureClearedIndex}{1}% %% \FigureBoxLabel: : figi, figii, figiii, figiv, etc. %% \FigureCaptionLabel : figcapi, figcapii, figcapiii, figcapiv, etc. %% \FigCaptionWidthLabel: figcapwdthi, figcapwdthii, figcapwdthiii,etc. \def\FigureBoxLabel{fig\roman{FigureClearedIndex}}% \def\FigureCaptionLabel{figcap\roman{FigureClearedIndex}}% \def\FigCaptionWidthLabel{figcapwdth\roman{FigureClearedIndex}}% \def\FigureWrapper{figwrap\roman{FigureClearedIndex}}% \def\WrapperStatus{figwrapstatus\roman{FigureClearedIndex}}% \ReciteFigure[#1]{\csname\FigureCaptionLabel\endcsname}% {\csname\FigureBoxLabel\endcsname}% {\csname\FigCaptionWidthLabel\endcsname}% {\csname\FigureWrapper\endcsname}% {\csname\WrapperStatus\endcsname}% }\fi } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\clearFigures} % This routine is analogous to |\clearTables| in every way. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\clearFigures{% \clearpage% \clearlistoffigures% \clearpage% %%DO UNTIL ALL HELD FIGURES ARE CLEARED \whiledo{\arabic{FigureClearedIndex}<\arabic{FigureIndex}}{% \addtocounter{FigureClearedIndex}{1}% %% \FigureBoxLabel : figi, figii, figiii, figiv, etc. %% \FigureCaptionLabel : figcapi, figcapii, figcapiii, figcapiv, etc. %% \FigCaptionWidthLabel: figcapwdthi, figcapwdthii, figcapwdthiii,etc. \def\FigureBoxLabel{fig\roman{FigureClearedIndex}}% \def\FigureCaptionLabel{figcap\roman{FigureClearedIndex}}% \def\FigCaptionWidthLabel{figcapwdth\roman{FigureClearedIndex}}% \def\FigureWrapper{figwrap\roman{FigureClearedIndex}}% \def\WrapperStatus{figwrapstatus\roman{FigureClearedIndex}}% \theClearedFigure{\csname\FigureCaptionLabel\endcsname}% {\csname\FigureBoxLabel\endcsname}% {\csname\FigCaptionWidthLabel\endcsname}% {\csname\FigureWrapper\endcsname}% {\csname\WrapperStatus\endcsname}% }% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\theClearedFigure} % This routine is analogous to |\theClearedTable| in every way... one % figure per page, vertically centered. % \begin{macrocode} %% \theClearedFigure CAN BE RENEWED IF DIFFERENT OUTPUT FORMAT DESIRED \newcommand\theClearedFigure[6][h]{% %% CLEAR THIS FIGURE ON A PAGE BY ITSELF, CENTERED VERTICALLY \vspace*{\fill}% \ReciteFigure[#1]{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}{#6}% \vspace*{\fill}% \clearpage% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\relaxCaptionWidth} % This routine sets the minimum permitted caption width. When called % with no argument, it resets the min caption width to its 1 inch default % value. If necessary, the maximum allowed caption width will be bumped % up, so as to remain greater than or equal the minimum allowed caption % width. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\relaxCaptionWidth[1][\@minCaptionBoxWidthDefault]{% \setlength\@minCaptionBoxWidth{#1}% \ifdim \@minCaptionBoxWidth > \@maxCaptionBoxWidth% \setlength\@maxCaptionBoxWidth\@minCaptionBoxWidth% \fi } \relaxCaptionWidth% SET INITIAL \@minCaptionBoxWidth TO DEFAULT VALUE % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\limitCaptionWidth} % This routine sets the maximum permitted caption width. When called % with no argument, it resets the max caption width to its default value % of |\textwidth|. If necessary, the minimum allowed caption width will % be reduced, so as to remain less than or equal the maximum allowed % caption width. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\limitCaptionWidth[1][\@maxCaptionBoxWidthDefault]{% \setlength\@maxCaptionBoxWidth{#1}% \ifdim \@maxCaptionBoxWidth < \@minCaptionBoxWidth% \setlength\@minCaptionBoxWidth\@maxCaptionBoxWidth% \fi } \limitCaptionWidth% SET INITIAL \@maxCaptionBoxWidth TO DEFAULT VALUE % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\constrainCaptionWidth} % Straightforward code to set both min- and max-allowed caption widths. % Only twist: if only one argument given, both min- and max-caption % widths set to that value. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\constrainCaptionWidth[2][-1in]{% \ifdim #1 < 0in% \setlength\@minCaptionBoxWidth{#2}% \setlength\@maxCaptionBoxWidth{#2}% \else \ifdim #1 < #2% \setlength\@minCaptionBoxWidth{#1}% \setlength\@maxCaptionBoxWidth{#2}% \else \setlength\@minCaptionBoxWidth{#2}% \setlength\@maxCaptionBoxWidth{#1}% \fi \fi } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\SaveCBox} % Low-level routine to save box data in an |sbox|. Also, calculates data % box width and associated caption box width. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\SaveCBox[2]{% \newsavebox{#1}% \sbox{#1}{#2}% \set@BoxWidths{#1}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\set@BoxWidths} % Call successive routines to define |\@DataBoxWidth| and % |\CaptionBoxWidth|. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\set@BoxWidths[1]{% of DataBox & CaptionBox (-2\DeadMargin)% \set@DataBoxWidth{#1}% \set@CaptionBoxWidth% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\set@DataBoxWidth} % Calculate and set data-box width. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\set@DataBoxWidth[1]{% \setlength {\@DataBoxWidth}{\widthof{\usebox{#1}}}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\set@CaptionBoxWidth} % Calculate and set caption-box width, subject to constraints of dead % margin as well as caption-box min/max allowable widths. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\set@CaptionBoxWidth{% \setlength\CaptionBoxWidth\@DataBoxWidth% \addtolength{\CaptionBoxWidth}{-2\DeadMargin}% \ifdim \CaptionBoxWidth < \@minCaptionBoxWidth% \setlength\CaptionBoxWidth\@minCaptionBoxWidth% \fi \ifdim \CaptionBoxWidth > \@maxCaptionBoxWidth% \setlength\CaptionBoxWidth\@maxCaptionBoxWidth% \fi } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \clearpage % \begin{macro}{\set@BoxOffsets} % Calculate |\DataBoxSurplus| which holds the excess width of the data % box with respect to the associated caption box. Use it to set % |\@DataBoxOffset| and |\@CaptionBoxOffset|. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\set@BoxOffsets{% \setlength\@DataBoxSurplus{\@DataBoxWidth}% \addtolength\@DataBoxSurplus{-\CaptionBoxWidth}% \ifdim \@DataBoxSurplus > 0in% \setlength\@CaptionBoxOffset{0.5\@DataBoxSurplus}% \setlength\@DataBoxOffset{0in}% \else \setlength\@CaptionBoxOffset{0in}% \setlength\@DataBoxOffset{-0.5\@DataBoxSurplus}% \fi } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\offset@caption} % \begin{macro}{\nooffset@caption} % Define the code for placing offset- and nooffset-captions in the % caption box. % \begin{macrocode} \long\def\offset@caption#1#2{% \setlength\@captionIDwidth{\widthofpbox{\CaptionFontSize{#1.}}}% \addtolength\@captionIDwidth\captionGap% \setlength\@captionWidth\CaptionBoxWidth% \addtolength\@captionWidth{-\@captionIDwidth}% \CaptionFontSize{#1.}\hfill\parbox[t]{\@captionWidth}% {\CaptionJustification\CaptionFontSize{#2.}}% } \long\def\nooffset@caption#1#2{% \CaptionJustification\CaptionFontSize #1.\rule{\captionGap}{0in}#2.% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\shortleft@caption} % \begin{macro}{\shortcenter@caption} % \begin{macro}{\shortright@caption} % Define the code for placing short-left, -center, and -right % captions in the caption box. % \begin{macrocode} \long\def\shortleft@caption#1#2{% \raggedright\CaptionFontSize #1.\rule{\captionGap}{0in}#2.% } \long\def\shortcenter@caption#1#2{% \centering\CaptionFontSize #1.\rule{\captionGap}{0in}#2.% } \long\def\shortright@caption#1#2{% \raggedleft\CaptionFontSize #1.\rule{\captionGap}{0in}#2.% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \clearpage % \begin{macro}{\new@makecaption} % Define the new |@makecaption| code, which is defined in terms of % long- and short-caption definitions, that can be changed on the fly. % \begin{macrocode} \long\def\new@makecaption#1#2{% \vskip\abovecaptionskip% \sbox\@tempboxa{\CaptionFontSize #1.\rule{\captionGap}{0in}#2.}% \ifdim \wd\@tempboxa >\hsize% \long@caption{#1}{#2}% \else \short@caption{#1}{#2}% \fi \vskip\belowcaptionskip% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\captionStyle} % \begin{macro}{\long@caption} % \begin{macro}{\short@caption} % Define the user routine |\captionStyle|, which allows the user to % redefine the captions styles for long and short captions, % respectively. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\captionStyle[2]{% \if o#1\let\long@caption\offset@caption\fi \if n#1\let\long@caption\nooffset@caption\fi \if l#2\let\short@caption\shortleft@caption\fi \if c#2\let\short@caption\shortcenter@caption\fi \if r#2\let\short@caption\shortright@caption\fi } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % Define the default value for caption style, which is offset-style, % left-aligned. % \begin{macrocode} %% SET DEFAULT CAPTION STYLE: CAPTION ID OFFSET FOR LONG CAPTIONS, %% SHORT CAPTIONS LEFT ALIGNED \captionStyle{o}{l} % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macro}{\killtableofcontents} % Kills subsequent calls for the Table of Contents by renewing the % command as null. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\killtableofcontents{% \renewcommand\tableofcontents{}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{lofInvocations} % \begin{macro}{lofprints} % \begin{macro}{\oldlistoffigures} % Set up for \textit{lof} handling, by preparing to count invocations of % \textit{lof}, the number of times the \textit{lof} is printed, and by % saving prevailing definition of |\listoffigures|. % \begin{macrocode} %%LIST OF FIGURES HANDLING: \newcounter{lofInvocations} \setcounter{lofInvocations}{0} \newcounter{lofPrints} \setcounter{lofPrints}{0} \let\oldlistoffigures\listoffigures % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\killlistoffigures} % Kills subsequent calls for List of Figures by renewing the command (and % redefining the saved command) as null. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\killlistoffigures{% \def\oldlistoffigures {}% \renewcommand\listoffigures{}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\holdlistoffigures} % To put the \textit{lof} ``on hold,'' we merely redefine % |\listoffigures| to increment the |lofInvocations| counter. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\holdlistoffigures{% \renewcommand\listoffigures{\addtocounter{lofInvocations}{1}}% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\clearlistoffigures} % This routine will clear (i.e., print) the List of Figures the number of % times it was invoked while ``on hold'' (most likely 0 or 1 time). It % does this by incrementing |lofPrints| until it reaches a value of % |lofInvocations|. % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\clearlistoffigures{% \whiledo{\arabic{lofPrints} < \arabic{lofInvocations}}{% \addtocounter{lofPrints}{1}% \oldlistoffigures% }% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{lotInvocations} % \begin{macro}{lotPrints} % \begin{macro}{\oldlistoftables} % \begin{macro}{\killlistoftables} % \begin{macro}{\holdlistoftables} % \begin{macro}{\clearlistoftables} % List of Tables handling is wholly analogous to List of Figures handling % just described. % \begin{macrocode} %%LIST OF TABLES HANDLING: \newcounter{lotInvocations} \setcounter{lotInvocations}{0} \newcounter{lotPrints} \setcounter{lotPrints}{0} \let\oldlistoftables\listoftables \newcommand\killlistoftables{% \def\oldlistoftables {}% \renewcommand\listoftables{}% } \newcommand\holdlistoftables{% \renewcommand\listoftables{\addtocounter{lotInvocations}{1}}% } \newcommand\clearlistoftables{% \whiledo{\arabic{lotPrints} < \arabic{lotInvocations}}{% \addtocounter{lotPrints}{1}% \oldlistoftables% }% } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{arltable} % \begin{macro}{arlfigure} % To retain backward compatibility to the simpler predecessor of the % \boxhandler package, the vestigial commands |\arltable| % and |\arlfigure| are provided. Their definitions are directly % linked to |\bxtable| and |\bxfigure|. % \begin{macrocode} %% TO RETAIN BACKWARD COMPATIBILITY WITH THE PREDECESSOR TO boxhandler, %% THE FOLLOWING ASSIGNMENTS ARE MADE. \let\arltable\bxtable \let\arlfigure\bxfigure % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % We are done now. % \begin{macrocode} %</package> % \end{macrocode} % % \Finale \endinput % %End of file `boxhandler.dtx'.