Version 1.35 (Oct 2009) Added support for nonstandard plural forms.
Changed management of default short form in acronym definition.
Now, one can safely use \newacro in the preamble to define acronyms.
-- Sergio Callegari

Version 1.34 (Jan 2009) Make sure the s in acp gets smaller as well when the
smaller package option is used.
-- Tobi Oetiker

Version 1.33 (Dec 2008) Make the alternate acronym environment
representation work. The test for the presence of optional argument was
rather broken. When it worked, it did so for all the wrong reasons
-- Enrico Gregorio

Version 1.32 (May 2008) Altered code to redefine labels in
order to cope with unreproducable bug-reports. Warnings turned into infos.
-- Ulrich Diez

Version 1.31 (April 2008) Renamed clearlist to AC@clearlist to fix
name conflict with jurabib
-- Philipp Lehman

Version 1.30 (April 2008) Corrected code to redefine labels and
adjusted behavior with \cmd{\AC@used}.
-- Ulrich Diez

Version 1.29 (April 2008) let withpage option show the 'corect' page number
and not just the first one.
-- Domagoj Babic (babic in (with help from Ulrich Diaz)

Version 1.28 (April 2008) fixed layout of addpage list
-- Tobias Oetiker (tobi with

Version 1.27 (April 2008) add option 'addpage' to add pagenumber of first
occurenace to list of acronyms.
-- Tobias Oetiker (tobi with

Version 1.26 (June 2006) supress lone item when nolist is in effect
-- Immo K�ster <Immo.Koester there>

Version 1.25 (November 2005) properly handle acronyms in pdfbookmarks
-- Heiko Oberdiek <oberdiek there>

Version 1.24 (October 2005) ac* commands are now not fragile anymore ... 
-- Jos� Emilio Vila Forc�n jose.vila there

Version 1.23 (October 2005) fixed typo in nolist option. added comment about fragility of ac commands.
-- Tobias Oetiker (tobi with

Version 1.22 (October 2005) added starred versions of ac(p), acf(p), acs(p),
acl(p), acfi, acsu & aclu 
-- Stefan Pinnow (Mo-Gul here

Version 1.21 (September 2005): fixed the  \acused command again ... broke it
in 1.20 (this time I amended the docs, so that the intention becomes clear).
Set acronyms as used in the first run, not only in the second one.
-- Tobi Oetiker tobi at

added new option nolist to suppress printing the acronym list all together
-- Jos� Emilio Vila Forc�n jose.vila there

Version 1.20 (August 2005): make the acused command actually work
-- Richard Walker Richard.Walker there

Version 1.19 (April 2005): three new commands acused (set-used), acsu (adds to used), aclu (adds to used)
--  Lee Netherton ltn100 there

Version 1.18 (April 2005): added additional format option for Full Name (acfi)
--  Manuel G"ortz mgoertz there

Version 1.17 (November 2004): added don't use acronyms (dua) option
--  Oliver Creighton

Version 1.16 (November 2004): fix version number
-- Oliver Creighton <creighto there>
new option to suppress all acronym printing -- don't use acronyms (dua)

Version 1.16 (November 2004): fix version number
-- tobi there

Version 1.15 (November 2004): fix for acresetall to work when ac is called
in grouped material.
-- Hendri Adriaens <Hendri there>

Version 1.14 (October 2004): fix acsp and acfp for footnote mode
-- Markus Ortner <m.ortner there>

Version 1.13 (July 2004): deflist renamed to AC there deflist to
avoid unnecessary naming conflict.
--  Peter May <peter.may there>

Version 1.13 (July 2004): printonlyused was not working anymore
--  Tobi Oetiker <tobi at>

Version 1.13 (July 2004): if the footnote option was on, footnotes were
printed for ALL acronyms ALL the time, this looked rather odd if the same
acronym was used more than once on the same page. Changed it so that
footnote printing follows the same rules as normal acronym printing (only
print footnote first time). One might think about changing this, so that
either footnotes get printed 'once' per page. Or that the footnote marks are
issued once per acronym and page, so that all instances of the same acronym
on a page get the same footnote mark. Feel free to contribute patches.
--  Tobi Oetiker <tobi at>

Version 1.12 (June 2004): Make acronyms robust and compatible
with pdf bookmarks.
--  Danie Els <dnjels there>

Version 1.11 (June 2004): Make hyperlinks work inside optional
item text by replacing hypertarget with raisedhypertarget
--  Martin Salois <Martin.Salois there>

Version 1.10 (May 2004): Fix for the bug of a \cs{}\cs{} following an
acronym. Add footnote optional out for \cmd{\acs}. Fix for list of acronyms
in front matter and addition of \cmd{\acroextra} command.
-- Danie Els <dnjels there>

Version 1.9 (October 2003): Fix hyperref processing to work regardles 
of calling order. 'printused' now prints every acronym used not only 
the ones called through \ac.
-- Danie Els <dnjels there> and Tobi Oetiker

Version 1.8 (October 2003): When the hyperref package is loaded before the
acronym package, all acronyms will become a hyperlink to their own
-- Martin Salois <Martin.Salois there>

Version 1.7 (September 2003): Added \acresetall for resetting the 'used'-tag
of \ac. With the new option 'printonlyused', the acronym-list will consist of 
the used acronyms only and not of all defined acronyms; Optional in a special 
deflist - environment.
-- Sebastian Max <smx there>

Version 1.6 (May 2000): Added the smaller option and the macros \acsfont, 
\acffont, and \acfsfont used to control the appearance of  \acs and \acf.
-- Ingo Lepper <lepper there>

Version 1.5 (May 2000): Added support for english plural forms and the
footnote option.
-- David Sterratt <David.C.Sterratt there>

Version 1.4 (February 2000): A formatted acronym string, which is allowed
to contain indices, for example, is now possible. For this purpose
the syntax of \acro and \acrodef now permits an optional argument:
  \acro{<acronym>}{<full name>}                 (without opt. arg.)
  \acro{<acronym>}[<short name>]{<full name>}   (with opt. arg.)
The user macros \ac, \acs, \acl, and \acf print now <short name>
instead of <acronym>, if available.
-- Heiko Oberdiek <oberdiek there>

Version 1.2 (August 1996) features a new command: \acl to print the
expanded acronym with out even mentioning that there is an acronym for
this word.
-- Tobias Oetiker <tobi at>