% \iffalse meta-comment, etc. %% %% Package `pst-gr3d.dtx' %% %% Denis Girou (CNRS/IDRIS - France) <Denis.Girou@idris.fr> %% Herbert Voss <voss@perce.de> %% %% This program can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms %% of the LaTeX Project Public License Distributed from CTAN archives %% in directory macros/latex/base/lppl.txt. %% %% DESCRIPTION: %% `pst-gr3d' is a PSTricks package to draw three dimensional grids %% with various customization %% % \fi % % \changes{v1.34}{2005/09/12}{(hv) switch to extended version of keyvalue interface} % \changes{v1.33}{2005/01/14}{(hv) fixed introduced bug} % \changes{v1.32}{2005/01/13}{(hv) new package wrapper for pst-gr3d.tex} % \changes{v1.31}{2004/06/23}{(hv) delete the PstDebug option and use the one % the one from pstricks, to prevent a clash with % pst-fill} % \changes{v1.3}{2001/02/19}{Changed conventions for units and updates % in the example macros and the examples.} % \changes{v1.2}{1998/09/16}{Standard packaging (.ins + .dtx files).} % \changes{v1.1}{1998/03/27}{First public release.} % % \DoNotIndex{\!,\",\#,\$,\%,\&,\',\(,\+,\*,\,,\-,\.,\/,\:,\;,\<,\=,\>,\?} % \DoNotIndex{\@,\@B,\@K,\@cTq,\@f,\@fPl,\@ifnextchar,\@nameuse,\@oVk} % \DoNotIndex{\[,\\,\],\^,\_,\ } % \DoNotIndex{\^,\\^,\\\^,$\^$,$\\^$,$\\^$} % \DoNotIndex{\0,\2,\4,\5,\6,\7,\8,} % \DoNotIndex{\A,\a} % \DoNotIndex{\B,\b,\Bc,\begin,\Bq,\Bqc} % \DoNotIndex{\C,\c,\catcode,\cJA,\CodelineIndex,\csname} % \DoNotIndex{\D,\def,\define@key,\Df,\divide,\DocInput,\documentclass,\pst@addfams} % \DoNotIndex{\eCN,\edef,\else,\eHd,\eMcj,\EnableCrossrefs,\end,\endcsname} % \DoNotIndex{\endCenterExample,\endExample,\endinput,\endpsclip} % \DoNotIndex{\PrintIndex,\PrintChanges,\ProvidesFile} % \DoNotIndex{\endpspicture,\endSideBySideExample,\Example} % \DoNotIndex{\F,\f,\FdUrr,\fi,\filedate,\fileversion,\FV@Environment} % \DoNotIndex{\FV@UseKeyValues,\FV@XRightMargin,\FVB@Example,\fvset} % \DoNotIndex{\G,\g,\GetFileInfo,\gr,\GradientLoaded,\gsFKrbK@o,\gsj,\gsOX} % \DoNotIndex{\hbadness,\hfuzz,\HLEmphasize,\HLMacro,\HLMacro@i} % \DoNotIndex{\HLReverse,\HLReverse@i,\hqcu,\HqY} % \DoNotIndex{\I,\i,\ifx,\input,\Ir,\IU} % \DoNotIndex{\j,\jl,\JT,\JVodH} % \DoNotIndex{\K,\k,\kfSlL} % \DoNotIndex{\L,\let} % \DoNotIndex{\message,\mHNa,\mIU} % \DoNotIndex{\N,\nB,\newcmykcolor,\newdimen,\newif,\nW} % \DoNotIndex{\O,\oCDJDo,\ocQhVI,\OnlyDescription,\oRKJ} % \DoNotIndex{\P,\p,\ProvidesPackage,\psframe,\pslinewidth,\psset} % \DoNotIndex{\PstAtCode,\PSTricksLoaded} % \DoNotIndex{\q,\Qr,\qssRXq,\qu,\qXjFQp,\qYL} % \DoNotIndex{\R,\r,\RecordChanges,\relax,\RlaYI,\rN,\Rp,\rp,\RPDXNn,\rput} % \DoNotIndex{\S,\scalebox,\SgY,\SideBySide@Example,\SideBySideExample} % \DoNotIndex{\SgY,\sk,\Sp,\space,\sZb} % \DoNotIndex{\T,\the,\tw@} % \DoNotIndex{\u,\UiSWGEf@,\uJi,\usepackage,\uVQdMM,\UYj} % \DoNotIndex{\VerbatimEnvironment,\VerbatimInput,\VrC@} % \DoNotIndex{\WhZ,\WjKCYb,\WNs} % \DoNotIndex{\XkN,\XW} % \DoNotIndex{\Z,\ZCM,\Ze} % \DoNotIndex{\addtocounter,\advance,\alph,\arabic,\AtBeginDocument,\AtEndDocument} % \DoNotIndex{\AtEndOfPackage,\begingroup,\bfseries,\bgroup,\box,\csname} % \DoNotIndex{\else,\endcsname,\endgroup,\endinput,\expandafter,\fi} % \DoNotIndex{\TeX,\z@,\p@,\@one,\xdef,\thr@@,\string,\sixt@@n,\reset,\or,\multiply,\repeat,\RequirePackage} % \DoNotIndex{\@cclvi,\@ne,\@ehpa,\@nil,\copy,\dp,\global,\hbox,\hss,\ht,\ifodd,\ifdim,\ifcase,\kern} % \DoNotIndex{\chardef,\loop,\leavevmode,\ifnum,\lower} % \setcounter{IndexColumns}{2} % % \setcounter{IndexColumns}{2} % % \newcommand{\PstGridThreeDPackage}{`\textsf{pst-gr3d}'} % \newcommand{\PstGridThreeDMacro}{\cs{PstGridThreeD}} % % ^^A From ltugboat.cls % % ^^A Typeset the name of an environment % \providecommand\env[1]{\textsf{#1}} % \providecommand\clsname[1]{\textsf{#1}} % \providecommand\pkgname[1]{\textsf{#1}} % \providecommand\optname[1]{\textsf{#1}} % \providecommand\progname[1]{\textsf{#1}} % % ^^A A list of options for a package/class % \newenvironment{optlist}{\begin{description}% % \renewcommand\makelabel[1]{% % \descriptionlabel{\mdseries\optname{##1}}}% % \itemsep0.25\itemsep}% % {\end{description}} % % ^^A Utility macros % % % ^^A Example macros - adapted from the `fvrb-ex' package % ^^A --------------------------------------------------- % % ^^A Take care that we use here the four /?_W characters as escape % ^^A characters, so we can't use these characters in the examples! % % \makeatletter % % ^^A To highlight some verbatim sequences (comments, macro names, etc.) % \def\HLEmphasize#1{\textit{#1}} % \newcommand{\BS}{\texttt{\symbol{`\\}}} % \def\HLMacro#1{\BS{}def\HLMacro@i#1\@nil} % \def\HLMacro@i#1def#2\@nil{\HLReverse{#2}} % \def\HLReverse#1{{\setlength{\fboxsep}{1pt}\HLReverse@i{#1}}} % \def\HLReverse@i#1{\colorbox{black}{\textcolor{white}{\textbf{#1}}}} % % \def\Example{\FV@Environment{}{Example}} % \def\endExample{% % \end{VerbatimOut} % \Below@Example{\input{\jobname.tmp}} % \endgroup} % % \def\CenterExample{\FV@Environment{}{Example}} % \def\endCenterExample{% % \end{VerbatimOut} % \begin{center} % \Below@Example{\input{\jobname.tmp}} % \end{center} % \endgroup} % % \def\SideBySideExample{\FV@Environment{}{Example}} % \def\endSideBySideExample{% % \end{VerbatimOut} % \SideBySide@Example{\input{\jobname.tmp}} % \endgroup} % % \def\FVB@Example{% % \begingroup % \FV@UseKeyValues % \parindent=0pt % \multiply\topsep by 2 % \VerbatimEnvironment % \begin{VerbatimOut}[gobble=4,codes={\catcode`\W=12}]{\jobname.tmp}} % % \def\Below@Example#1{% % \VerbatimInput[gobble=0,commentchar=W,commandchars=/?_,frame=single, % numbers=left,numbersep=3pt]{\jobname.tmp} % \catcode`\%=14\relax % \catcode`\W=9\relax % ^^A We suppress the effect of the highlighting macros % \catcode`/=0\relax % \catcode`?=1\relax % \catcode`_=2\relax % \def\HLEmphasize##1{##1}% % \def\HLMacro##1{##1}% % \def\HLReverse##1{##1}% % #1 % \par} % % \def\SideBySide@Example#1{% % \vskip 1mm % \@tempdimb=\FV@XRightMargin % \advance\@tempdimb -5mm % \begin{minipage}[c]{\@tempdimb} % \fvset{xrightmargin=0pt} % \catcode`\%=14\relax % \catcode`\W=9\relax % ^^A We suppress the effect of the highlighting macros % \catcode`/=0\relax % \catcode`?=1\relax % \catcode`_=2\relax % \def\HLEmphasize##1{##1}% % \def\HLMacro##1{##1}% % \def\HLReverse##1{##1}% % #1 % \end{minipage}% % \@tempdimb=\textwidth % \advance\@tempdimb -\FV@XRightMargin % \advance\@tempdimb 5mm % \begin{minipage}[c]{\@tempdimb} % \VerbatimInput[gobble=0,commentchar=W,commandchars=/?_, % frame=single,numbers=left,numbersep=3pt, % xleftmargin=5mm,xrightmargin=0pt]{\jobname.tmp} % \end{minipage} % \vskip 1mm} % % \makeatother % % ^^A End of example macros from `fvrb-ex' % % ^^A For the possible index and changes log % \setlength{\columnseprule}{0.6pt} % % ^^A Beginning of the documentation itself % % \title{The \PstGridThreeDPackage{} package\\ % A PSTricks package for three dimensional grids} % \author{Denis \textsc{Girou}\thanks{CNRS/IDRIS --- % Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique / % Institut du D\'eveloppement et des Ressources en Informatique % Scientifique --- Orsay --- France --- % \mbox{\texttt{<Denis.Girou@idris.fr>}}.}} % \date{Version 1.34\\\ 2005-09-12\\ % {\small Documentation revised \today\ by Herbert Voss}} % % \maketitle % % \begin{abstract} % This package allow to draw three dimensional grids using the macro % \PstGridThreeDMacro. We can also specify how nodes of the grid must look % like. % \end{abstract} % % \tableofcontents % % \section{Introduction} % % \PstGridThreeDPackage{} offer a main unique macro with few parameters to % interact on it. But we can also use all the relevant PSTricks parameters to % change the size, the characteristics of lines, etc. % % \vspace{1mm} % The syntax is simply:% % \fbox{\PstGridThreeDMacro\texttt{[optional\_parameters](X,Y,Z)}} % % \vspace{1mm} % We can define a macro \PstGridThreeDMacro\texttt{HookNode} to specify how % the nodes at the interconnections must look like, and there are also some % other \emph{hooks} that can be used for special purposes. % % The default viewpoint is (\texttt{1.2,-0.6,0.8}), but this can of course be % changed using the standard way. % % The package try to compute approximatively the size of the object (the % \texttt{pspicture} parameter, PSTricks speaking), but for three dimensional % grids it is an impossible task to found it accurately in the general case. % So, if the exact size is needed or if we change the viewpoint for the % graphic, the size must be computed \emph{by hand}, using the % \cs{psframebox[framesep=0]\{...\}} construction to found the correct values % by attempts and errors --- fortunately, in practice few attempts are often % enough... % % \section{Usage} % % \subsection{Parameters and hooks} % % The three required parameters specify the lengths in the X, Y and Z % directions, respectively: % % \begin{CenterExample} % \PstGridThreeD(3,1,1)\hfill % \PstGridThreeD(1,3,1)\hfill % \PstGridThreeD(1,1,3) % \end{CenterExample} % % Of course, we can use all the relevant generic PSTricks parameters, % specially those applying to grids: % % \begin{CenterExample} % \PstGridThreeD[unit=1.5](1,1,1)\hfill % \PstGridThreeD[viewpoint=1.2 -1.5 0.4,griddots=7](1,3,2)\hfill % \PstGridThreeD[gridwidth=0.08,gridcolor=red](3,2,2)\hfill % \begin{pspicture}(-1.7,0)(0.8,3.6) % \PstGridThreeD[viewpoint=-0.4 -0.6 0.8,PstPicture=false](1,3,2) % \end{pspicture} % \end{CenterExample} % % We can draw one and two dimensional grids, using degenerated cases: % % \begin{CenterExample} % \PstGridThreeD(0,4,0)\hfill % \PstGridThreeD[linewidth=0.05](0,3,1)\hfill % \PstGridThreeD[griddots=5](3,1,0) % \end{CenterExample} % % To change the way the grids are drawn, we can also use \textbf{nine} % specific parameters and \textbf{five} specific \emph{hooks}: % % \begin{optlist} % \item [PstDebug (integer)]: to obtain some internal debugging informations % --- here, a framed box around the boundix box used (the \texttt{pspicture} % environment) could be drawn. It can take the values 0 (no debug) or 1. % (\emph{Default:~0} --- no debugging informations). % \end{optlist} % % \begin{optlist} % \item [PstPicture (boolean)]: to define or not a \texttt{pspicture} % environment for the grid. We have to define this parameter to \emph{false} % mainly if we choose a viewpoint different than the default one --- see % examples later % (\emph{Default:~true} --- which is not the case for basic PSTricks % objects). % \end{optlist} % % \begin{optlist} % \item [GridThreeDXUnit (integer)]: unit coefficient in the X direction % (\emph{Default:~1} --- it must be an integer, not a real). % \item [GridThreeDYUnit (integer)]: unit coefficient in the Y direction % (\emph{Default:~1} --- it must be an integer, not a real). % \item [GridThreeDZUnit (integer)]: unit coefficient in the Z direction % (\emph{Default:~1} --- it must be an integer, not a real). % \end{optlist} % % \begin{CenterExample} % \PstGridThreeD[/HLEmphasize?GridThreeDXUnit_=/HLReverse?2_](1,1,1)\hfill % \PstGridThreeD[/HLEmphasize?GridThreeDYUnit_=/HLReverse?3_](1,1,1)\hfill % \PstGridThreeD[unit=0.5,/HLEmphasize?GridThreeDZUnit_=/HLReverse?4_](4,3,1) % \end{CenterExample} % % \begin{optlist} % \item [GridThreeDXPos (integer)]: position of the origin in the X direction % (\emph{Default:~0} --- it must be an integer, not a real). % \item [GridThreeDYPos (integer)]: position of the origin in the Y direction % (\emph{Default:~0} --- it must be an integer, not a real). % \item [GridThreeDZPos (integer)]: position of the origin in the Z direction % (\emph{Default:~0} --- it must be an integer, not a real). % \end{optlist} % % These parameters are in fact mainly useful if we want to superpose grids, % which can be done easily using the \cs{PstGridThreeDHookEnd} macro (see % description below): % % \begin{CenterExample} % % /HLEmphasize?First grid_ % /HLMacro?\def\PstGridThreeDHookEnd_{% % \PstGridThreeD[/HLEmphasize?PstPicture_=/HLReverse?false_,gridwidth=0.1, % /HLEmphasize?GridThreeDXPos_=/HLReverse?1_](0,2,1)} % \PstGridThreeD(1,3,2)\hfill % % /HLEmphasize?Second grid_ % /HLMacro?\def\PstGridThreeDHookEnd_{% % \PstGridThreeD[/HLEmphasize?PstPicture_=/HLReverse?false_,gridwidth=0.1, % /HLEmphasize?GridThreeDYPos_=/HLReverse?1_](1,2,1)} % \PstGridThreeD(1,3,2)\hfill % % /HLEmphasize?Third grid_ % /HLMacro?\def\PstGridThreeDHookEnd_{% % \PstGridThreeD[/HLEmphasize?PstPicture_=/HLReverse?false_,gridwidth=0.1, % gridcolor=green, % /HLEmphasize?GridThreeDYPos_=/HLReverse?2_, % /HLEmphasize?GridThreeDZPos_=/HLReverse?1_](1,1,1)} % \PstGridThreeD(1,3,2) % \end{CenterExample} % % \begin{optlist} % \item [GridThreeDNodes (boolean)]: to define or not the nodes at % interconnection points of the grid. The nodes are named % \texttt{Gr3dNodeXYZ}. We can use the \texttt{Rx} and \texttt{Ry} parameters % to position the relevant material relatively to the nodes, specifying the % distance in cartesian coordinates. The parameter \texttt{angle} used with % \texttt{Rx} allow to use polar ones. % (\emph{Default:~false} --- no nodes defined). % \end{optlist} % % \begin{SideBySideExample}[xrightmargin=4cm] % \PstGridThreeD[/HLEmphasize?GridThreeDNodes_=/HLReverse?true_](1,3,1) % \SpecialCoor % \rput*(/HLEmphasize?Gr3dNode130_){\footnotesize 130} % \rput*(/HLEmphasize?Gr3dNode131_){\footnotesize 131} % \end{SideBySideExample} % % \begin{optlist} % \item [\cs{PstGridThreeDHookNode} (macro)]: this hook allow to define the % form of the nodes. A predefined \cs{PstGridThreeDNodeProcessor} macro % exist, which define a circle with a little white circle in it. We can also % use the \cs{iy} counter to differentiate the nodes according to the Y % faces --- but note that we can't do the same thing for the X or Z faces % (\emph{Default:~empty}). % \end{optlist} % % \begin{CenterExample} % % /HLEmphasize?First grid_ % /HLMacro?\def\PstGridThreeDHookNode_{% % \begin{pspicture}(-0.15,-0.15)(0.15,0.15) % \pscircle*[linecolor=magenta]{0.15} % \end{pspicture}} % \PstGridThreeD(1,2,2)\hfill % % /HLEmphasize?Second grid_ % \definecolor{LightBlue}{rgb}{0.68,0.85,0.9} % /HLMacro?\def\PstGridThreeDHookNode_{% % \PstGridThreeDNodeProcessor{LightBlue}} % \PstGridThreeD[unit=0.7](2,3,3)\hfill % % /HLEmphasize?Third grid_ % /HLMacro?\def\PstGridThreeDHookNode_{% % \ifcase\iy % \PstGridThreeDNodeProcessor{magenta}% % \or\PstGridThreeDNodeProcessor{yellow}% % \or\PstGridThreeDNodeProcessor{cyan}% % \else\PstGridThreeDNodeProcessor{green}% % \fi} % \PstGridThreeD(1,3,1) % \end{CenterExample} % % \begin{optlist} % \item [\cs{PstGridThreeDHookEnd} (macro)]: this hook allow to execute a % macro at the end of the grid drawing, before the \texttt{pspicture} % environment closing. This is specially interesting for instance to % superpose grids, if we take care to define the \texttt{PstPicture} % parameter to false for them % (\emph{Default:~empty}). % \end{optlist} % % \begin{CenterExample} % /HLMacro?\def\PstGridThreeDHookEnd_{{% % \psset{/HLEmphasize?PstPicture_=/HLReverse?false_,gridwidth=0.1} % {/HLMacro?\def\PstGridThreeDHookNode_{% % \PstGridThreeDNodeProcessor{blue}}% % \PstGridThreeD[gridcolor=blue, % /HLEmphasize?GridThreeDZPos_=/HLReverse?3_](0,7,0)}% % {/HLMacro?\def\PstGridThreeDHookNode_{% % \PstGridThreeDNodeProcessor{red}}% % \PstGridThreeD[gridcolor=red, % /HLEmphasize?GridThreeDXPos_=/HLReverse?1_, % /HLEmphasize?GridThreeDZPos_=/HLReverse?1_](0,3,1)}% % {/HLMacro?\def\PstGridThreeDHookNode_{% % \PstGridThreeDNodeProcessor{green}}% % \PstGridThreeD[gridcolor=green, % /HLEmphasize?GridThreeDYPos_=/HLReverse?6_](1,1,1)}}} % \PstGridThreeD(1,7,3) % \end{CenterExample} % % \begin{optlist} % \item [\cs{PstGridThreeDHookXFace} (macro)]: this hook allow to execute % a macro before to draw the X faces % (\emph{Default:~empty}). % \item [\cs{PstGridThreeDHookYFace} (macro)]: this hook allow to execute % a macro before to draw the Y faces % (\emph{Default:~empty}). % \item [\cs{PstGridThreeDHookZFace} (macro)]: this hook allow to execute % a macro before to draw the Z faces % (\emph{Default:~empty}). % \end{optlist} % % In fact, these hooks are not very powerful, because we can't control the % order of the faces drawing as we can dream... For instance, we can't use this % technic to draw objects with only \emph{true} visible lines. Take care also % that for the Y faces, the direction is negative in the horizontal direction, % so the coordinates must take this fact in account. % % \begin{CenterExample} % {/HLMacro?\def\PstGridThreeDHookXFace_{% % \ifnum\multidocount=1\psframe*[linecolor=cyan](3,2)\fi}% % \PstGridThreeD(1,3,2)}\hfill % {/HLMacro?\def\PstGridThreeDHookYFace_{% % \ifnum\multidocount=2\psframe*[linecolor=yellow](-3,0)(0,2)\fi}% % \PstGridThreeD(3,1,2)}\hfill % {/HLMacro?\def\PstGridThreeDHookZFace_{% % \ifnum\multidocount=2 % \else % \psframe*[linecolor=yellow](3,3) % \fi}% % \PstGridThreeD(3,3,2)} % \end{CenterExample} % % \section{Examples} % % We give here more advanced examples, most of them from technical drawings % describing the architecture of a multiprocessors supercomputer. % % \begin{SideBySideExample}[xrightmargin=4cm] % \PstGridThreeD[/HLEmphasize?GridThreeDNodes_=/HLReverse?true_](2,2,2) % \SpecialCoor % \rput*(/HLEmphasize?Gr3dNode002_){\tiny 002} % \rput*(/HLEmphasize?Gr3dNode221_){\tiny 221} % \rput([Rx=0.3]/HLEmphasize?Gr3dNode222_){\tiny 222} % \multido{\i=0+1}{3}{% % \rput([Rx=0.3,Ry=-0.3]/HLEmphasize?Gr3dNode2\i0_){2\i0}} % \end{SideBySideExample} % % \begin{SideBySideExample}[xrightmargin=4cm] % \definecolor{LightBlue}{rgb}{0.68,0.85,0.9} % /HLMacro?\def\PstGridThreeDHookNode_{% % \PstGridThreeDNodeProcessor{LightBlue}} % \PstGridThreeD[/HLEmphasize?GridThreeDNodes_=/HLReverse?true_](1,2,2) % \SpecialCoor % \rput([Rx=-0.15,Ry=0.3]/HLEmphasize?Gr3dNode122_){% % \psline{<-}(0.5;35)} % \rput([Rx=0.35,Ry=0.8]/HLEmphasize?Gr3dNode122_){Network} % \rput([Rx=0.15,angle=-40]/HLEmphasize?Gr3dNode110_){% % \psline{<-}(0.8;-60)} % \rput([Rx=0.25,angle=-100]/HLEmphasize?Gr3dNode120_){% % \psline{<-}(0.8;-100)} % \rput([Rx=1.5,angle=-55]/HLEmphasize?Gr3dNode010_){Nodes} % \end{SideBySideExample} % % \begin{SideBySideExample}[xrightmargin=4cm] % \definecolor{Orange}{rgb}{1.,0.65,0.} % /HLMacro?\def\PstGridThreeDHookNode_{% % \PstGridThreeDNodeProcessor{Orange}} % \psset{unit=1.3} % \PstGridThreeD[/HLEmphasize?GridThreeDNodes_=/HLReverse?true_](1,2,2) % \SpecialCoor % \psset{arrows=<->,arrowscale=2} % \ThreeDput[normal=0 0 -1](0,0,0){% % \ncloop[linecolor=red,arm=0.35, % loopsize=0.6,angleA=-90,angleB=90] % {/HLEmphasize?Gr3dNode022_}{/HLEmphasize?Gr3dNode002_} % \ncloop[linecolor=green,arm=0.7, % nodesepA=0.18,nodesepB=0.12, % loopsize=-0.5,angleA=180] % {/HLEmphasize?Gr3dNode002_}{/HLEmphasize?Gr3dNode102_}} % \end{SideBySideExample} % % \begin{CenterExample} % /HLMacro?\def\PstGridThreeDHookEnd_{{% % \psset{/HLEmphasize?PstPicture_=/HLReverse?false_,gridwidth=0.1} % {/HLMacro?\def\PstGridThreeDHookNode_{% % \PstGridThreeDNodeProcessor{blue}}% % \PstGridThreeD[gridcolor=blue, % /HLEmphasize?GridThreeDZPos_=/HLReverse?3_](0,7,0)}% % {/HLMacro?\def\PstGridThreeDHookNode_{% % \PstGridThreeDNodeProcessor{red}}% % \PstGridThreeD[gridcolor=red, % /HLEmphasize?GridThreeDXPos_=/HLReverse?1_, % /HLEmphasize?GridThreeDZPos_=/HLReverse?1_](0,3,1)}% % {/HLMacro?\def\PstGridThreeDHookNode_{% % \PstGridThreeDNodeProcessor{green}}% % \PstGridThreeD[gridcolor=green, % /HLEmphasize?GridThreeDYPos_=/HLReverse?6_](1,1,1)}}} % \PstGridThreeD[gridwidth=0.04, % /HLEmphasize?GridThreeDNodes_=/HLReverse?true_](1,7,3) % \SpecialCoor % \rput([Rx=0.15,angle=140]/HLEmphasize?Gr3dNode033_){% % \psline[linecolor=blue]{<-}(0.8;150)} % \rput([Rx=0.95,angle=140]/HLEmphasize?Gr3dNode033_){% % \shortstack{1d grid\\\footnotesize (X=8,Y=1,Z=1)}} % \rput([Rx=0.15,angle=-50]/HLEmphasize?Gr3dNode121_){% % \psline[linecolor=red]{<-}(1.2;-50)} % \rput([Rx=1.5,angle=-55]/HLEmphasize?Gr3dNode121_){% % \shortstack{2d grid\\\footnotesize (X=4,Y=2,Z=1)}} % \rput([Rx=0.2,angle=-100]/HLEmphasize?Gr3dNode160_){% % \psline[linecolor=green]{<-}(0.8;-100)} % \rput([Rx=1.4,angle=-100]/HLEmphasize?Gr3dNode160_){% % \shortstack{3d grid\\\footnotesize (X=2,Y=2,Z=2)}} % \end{CenterExample} % % % \StopEventually{} % % ^^A .................... End of the documentation part .................... % % \section{Driver file} % % The next bit of code contains the documentation driver file for \TeX{}, % i.e., the file that will produce the documentation you are currently % reading. It will be extracted from this file by the \texttt{docstrip} % program. % % \begin{macrocode} %<*driver> \documentclass{ltxdoc} \GetFileInfo{pst-gr3d.dtx} \usepackage{fancyvrb} \usepackage{pstricks} \usepackage[colorlinks,linktocpage]{hyperref} \usepackage{pst-gr3d} % \AtBeginDocument{ % \OnlyDescription % comment out for implementation details \EnableCrossrefs \CodelineIndex \RecordChanges} \AtEndDocument{ \PrintIndex \setcounter{IndexColumns}{1} \PrintChanges} \hbadness=7000 % Over and under full box warnings \hfuzz=3pt \begin{document} \DocInput{pst-gr3d.dtx} \end{document} %</driver> % \end{macrocode} % % \section{\PstGridThreeDPackage{} \LaTeX{} wrapper} % % \begin{macrocode} %<*latex-wrapper> \RequirePackage{pstricks} \ProvidesPackage{pst-gr3d}[2005/01/13 package wrapper for pst-gr3d.tex (hv)] \input{pst-gr3d.tex} \ProvidesFile{pst-gr3d.tex} [\filedate\space v\fileversion\space `PST-gr3d' (dg)] %</latex-wrapper> % \end{macrocode} % % \section{\PstGridThreeDPackage{} code} % % \begin{macrocode} %<*pst-gr3d> % \end{macrocode} % % \subsection{Preambule} % % Who we are. % % \begin{macrocode} \def\fileversion{1.34} \def\filedate{2005/09/12} \message{`PST-Grid3d' v\fileversion, \filedate\space (Denis Girou)} \csname PSTGridThreeDLoaded\endcsname \let\PSTGridThreeDLoaded\endinput % \end{macrocode} % % Require the PSTricks, `\textsf{pst-node}', `\textsf{pst-3d}' and % `\textsf{multido}' packages. % % \begin{macrocode} \ifx\PSTricksLoaded\endinput\else\input pstricks.tex\fi \ifx\PSTnodesLoaded\endinput\else\input pst-node.tex\fi \ifx\PSTthreeDLoaded\endinput\else\input pst-3d.tex\fi \ifx\MultidoLoaded\endinput\else\input multido.tex\fi % \end{macrocode} % % interface to the extended `\textsf{keyval}' package. % % \begin{macrocode} \ifx\PSTXKeyLoaded\endinput\else\input pst-xkey\fi %% % \end{macrocode} % % Catcodes changes and defining the family name for xkeyvalue. % % \begin{macrocode} \edef\PstAtCode{\the\catcode`\@}\catcode`\@=11\relax \pst@addfams{pst-gr3d} %% % \end{macrocode} % % \subsection{Definition of the parameters} % % \texttt{PstDebug} is for internal debugging purposes --- here, a framed box % around the grid is shown (to debug, set \texttt{PstDebug=1}). % % \begin{macrocode} %% change Pst@Debug to prevent a clash with pst-fill %% which has the same option. Now pstricks defines Pst@Debug %%\define@key[psset]{pst-gr3d}{PstDebug}{\pst@getint{#1}{\Pst@Debug}} %% end hv 2004-06-22 % \end{macrocode} % % \texttt{PstPicture} allow to define a ``\texttt{pspicture}'' environment. % % \begin{macrocode} \newif\ifPst@PstPicture \define@key[psset]{pst-gr3d}{PstPicture}[true]{\@nameuse{Pst@PstPicture#1}} % \end{macrocode} % % \texttt{GridThreeDNodes} allow to define nodes on the grid. % % \begin{macrocode} \newif\ifPstGridThreeD@Nodes \define@key[psset]{pst-gr3d}{GridThreeDNodes}[true]{% \@nameuse{PstGridThreeD@Nodes#1}} % \end{macrocode} % % \texttt{GridThreeDXUnit}, \texttt{GridThreeDYUnit} and % \texttt{GridThreeDZUnit} define the X, Y and Z units (must be integers). % % \begin{macrocode} \define@key[psset]{pst-gr3d}{GridThreeDXUnit}{% \pst@getint{#1}{\PstGridThreeD@XUnit}} \define@key[psset]{pst-gr3d}{GridThreeDYUnit}{% \pst@getint{#1}{\PstGridThreeD@YUnit}} \define@key[psset]{pst-gr3d}{GridThreeDZUnit}{% \pst@getint{#1}{\PstGridThreeD@ZUnit}} % \end{macrocode} % % \texttt{GridThreeDXPos}, \texttt{GridThreeDYPos} and % \texttt{GridThreeDZPos} define the X, Y and Z positions. % % \begin{macrocode} \define@key[psset]{pst-gr3d}{GridThreeDXPos}{% \pst@getint{#1}{\PstGridThreeD@XPos}} \define@key[psset]{pst-gr3d}{GridThreeDYPos}{% \pst@getint{#1}{\PstGridThreeD@YPos}} \define@key[psset]{pst-gr3d}{GridThreeDZPos}{% \pst@getint{#1}{\PstGridThreeD@ZPos}} % \end{macrocode} % % \texttt{Rx} and \texttt{Ry} are aliases for relative moves from nodes. % % \begin{macrocode} \define@key[psset]{pst-gr3d}{Rx}{\psset{XnodesepA=#1}} \define@key[psset]{pst-gr3d}{Ry}{\psset{offsetA=#1}} % \end{macrocode} % % Default values (including \texttt{viewpoint} first). % % \begin{macrocode} \psset{viewpoint=1.2 -0.6 0.8} \psset{% PstDebug=0,PstPicture=true,GridThreeDNodes=false, GridThreeDXPos=0,GridThreeDYPos=0,GridThreeDZPos=0, GridThreeDXUnit=1,GridThreeDYUnit=1,GridThreeDZUnit=1} % \end{macrocode} % % \subsection{Main macro} % % The general \cs{PstGridThreeD} macro to draw three dimensional grids. % % \begin{macro}{\PstGridThreeD} % \begin{macrocode} \def\PstGridThreeD{\@ifnextchar[{\PstGridThreeD@i}{\PstGridThreeD@i[]}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\PstGridThreeD@i} % \begin{macrocode} \def\PstGridThreeD@i[#1](#2,#3,#4){{% \psset{dimen=middle}% \psset{#1}% % \end{macrocode} % % First, we try to compute rather accurate values for the % ``\texttt{pspicture}'' environment (it is not possible to found them in the % general case, so we must define our own ones, setting \texttt{PstPicture} % to false before, if the ones automatically computed here are really wrong % in our case...). % % Ymin pspicture value. % % \begin{macrocode} \pst@cnth=#2 \multiply\pst@cnth\PstGridThreeD@XUnit \divide\pst@cnth\tw@ \ifodd\pst@cnth \edef\PstGridThreeD@PictureYmin{-\the\pst@cnth}% \else \edef\PstGridThreeD@PictureYmin{-\the\pst@cnth.5}% \fi % \end{macrocode} % % Xmax pspicture value (stored in \cs{pst@cntg}). % % \begin{macrocode} \pst@cntg=#3 \multiply\pst@cntg\PstGridThreeD@YUnit \pst@cnth=#2 \divide\pst@cnth\tw@ \multiply\pst@cnth\PstGridThreeD@XUnit \advance\pst@cntg\pst@cnth % \end{macrocode} % % Ymax pspicture value. % % \begin{macrocode} \pst@cnth=#3 \advance\pst@cnth\m@ne \multiply\pst@cnth\PstGridThreeD@YUnit \divide\pst@cnth\tw@ \pst@cntd=#4 \multiply\pst@cntd\PstGridThreeD@ZUnit \advance\pst@cntd\pst@cnth \ifnum\pst@cnth=\z@ \edef\PstGridThreeD@PictureYmax{\the\pst@cntd.5}% \else \edef\PstGridThreeD@PictureYmax{\the\pst@cntd}% \fi % \end{macrocode} % % If required, the pspicture environment. % % \begin{macrocode} \ifPst@PstPicture % \end{macrocode} % % If \texttt{PstDebug=1}, we draw a framed box around the grid. % % \begin{macrocode} \ifnum\Pst@Debug=\@ne \psframebox[framesep=0]{% \fi % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \pspicture(0,\PstGridThreeD@PictureYmin) (\the\pst@cntg,\PstGridThreeD@PictureYmax) \fi % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \pst@cntd=\PstGridThreeD@XPos \multiply\pst@cntd\PstGridThreeD@XUnit \pst@cntg=\PstGridThreeD@YPos \multiply\pst@cntg\PstGridThreeD@YUnit \pst@cnth=\PstGridThreeD@ZPos \multiply\pst@cnth\PstGridThreeD@ZUnit % \end{macrocode} % % Z faces (only if \cs{PstGridThreeDHookZFace} is defined). % % \begin{macrocode} \ifx\PstGridThreeDHookZFace\empty \else \pst@cntc=#4 \advance\pst@cntc\@ne \multido{\iz=#4+-\PstGridThreeD@ZUnit}{\pst@cntc}{% Z face hook \ThreeDput[normal=0 0 1](\pst@cntd,\pst@cntg,\iz){\PstGridThreeDHookZFace}} \fi % \end{macrocode} % % X faces. % % \begin{macrocode} \pst@cntc=#2 \advance\pst@cntc\@ne \multido{\ix=\pst@cntd+\PstGridThreeD@XUnit}{\pst@cntc}{% \ThreeDput[normal=1 0 0](\ix,\pst@cntg,\pst@cnth){% % \end{macrocode} % % with an X face hook. % % \begin{macrocode} \PstGridThreeDHookXFace \psgrid[xunit=\PstGridThreeD@YUnit,yunit=\PstGridThreeD@ZUnit, subgriddiv=0,gridlabels=0](#3,#4)}} % \end{macrocode} % % Y faces. % % \begin{macrocode} \pst@cnta=#3 \multiply\pst@cnta\PstGridThreeD@YUnit \advance\pst@cnta\pst@cntg \pst@cntc=#3 \advance\pst@cntc\@ne \multido{\iy=\pst@cnta+-\PstGridThreeD@YUnit}{\pst@cntc}{% \ThreeDput[normal=0 1 0](\pst@cntd,\iy,\pst@cnth){% \PstGridThreeDYFace{#2}{#4}{\iy}}} % \end{macrocode} % % Hook at the end, if defined. % % \begin{macrocode} \PstGridThreeD@HookEnd % \end{macrocode} % % Then we close the ``\texttt{pspicture}'' environment, if defined. % % \begin{macrocode} \ifPst@PstPicture \endpspicture % \end{macrocode} % % If \texttt{PstDebug=1}, we close of the framed box. % % \begin{macrocode} \ifnum\Pst@Debug=\@ne } \fi % \end{macrocode} % % And we close the \cs{PstGridThreeD@} macro. % % \begin{macrocode} \fi}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % One face of the three dimensional grid. % % \begin{macro}{\PstGridThreeDYFace} % \begin{macrocode} \def\PstGridThreeDYFace#1#2#3{% % \end{macrocode} % % Vertical faces. % % First, Y face hook. % % \begin{macrocode} \PstGridThreeDHookYFace% \psgrid[xunit=\PstGridThreeD@XUnit,yunit=\PstGridThreeD@ZUnit, subgriddiv=0,gridlabels=0](-#1,#2) \pst@cnta=#1 \advance\pst@cnta\@ne \pst@cntb=#2 \advance\pst@cntb\@ne \pst@cntg=#3 \multido{\ia=0+-\PstGridThreeD@XUnit}{\pst@cnta}{% \pst@cntc=\multidocount \advance\pst@cntc\m@ne \multido{\ib=0+\PstGridThreeD@ZUnit}{\pst@cntb}{% % \end{macrocode} % % Nodes definition. % % \begin{macrocode} \ifPstGridThreeD@Nodes \pst@cntd=\multidocount \advance\pst@cntd\m@ne \pnode(\ia,\ib){Gr3dNode\the\pst@cntc\the\pst@cntg\the\pst@cntd} \fi \ifx\PstGridThreeDHookNode\empty \else % \end{macrocode} % % Nodes drawing. % % \begin{macrocode} \rput(\ia,\ib){\PstGridThreeDHookNode} \fi}}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \subsection{Default hooks (empty)} % % \begin{macro}{\PstGridThreeDHookNode} % \begin{macrocode} \def\PstGridThreeDHookNode{} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\PstGridThreeDHookXFace} % \begin{macrocode} \def\PstGridThreeDHookXFace{} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\PstGridThreeDHookYFace} % \begin{macrocode} \def\PstGridThreeDHookYFace{} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\PstGridThreeDHookZFace} % \begin{macrocode} \def\PstGridThreeDHookZFace{} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % For the end hook, we must avoid infinite recursion if the hook contain % a \cs{PstGridThreeD} macro! % % \begin{macro}{\PstGridThreeDHookEnd} % \begin{macrocode} \def\PstGridThreeDHookEnd{} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \begin{macro}{\PstGridThreeD@HookEnd} % \begin{macrocode} \def\PstGridThreeD@HookEnd{% \def\PstGridThreeD@HookEnd{}% \PstGridThreeDHookEnd} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % Default definition of a processor node. % % \begin{macro}{\PstGridThreeDNodeProcessor} % \begin{macrocode} \def\PstGridThreeDNodeProcessor#1{{% \psset{unit=0.3} \pspicture(-0.5,-0.5)(0.5,0.5) \pscircle*[linecolor=#1]{0.5} \pscircle*[linecolor=white]{0.2} \endpspicture}} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % % \subsection{Closing} % % Catcodes restoration. % % \begin{macrocode} \catcode`\@=\PstAtCode\relax % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} %</pst-gr3d> % \end{macrocode} % % \Finale % \endinput %% %% End of file `pst-gr3d.dtx'