% This macro source file is from the four volume series
% "TeX in Practice" by Stephan von Bechtolsheim, published
% 1993 by Springer-Verlag, New York.
% Copyright 1993 Stephan von Bechtolsheim.
% No warranty or liability is assumed.
% This macro may be copied freely if no fees other than
% media cost or shipping charges are charged and as long
% as this copyright and the following source code itself
% is not changed. Please see the series for further information.
% Version: 1.0
% Date: May 1, 1993
% This source code is documented in 34.5.1, p. IV-70.
% Original source in file "o1.TEX", starting line 532.
\wlog{L: "orcards.tip" ["o1.TEX," l. 532, p. IV-70]}%
% This file DOES NOT belong to format "texip."
\hsize = 3.0in
\baselineskip = 12pt
\topskip = 10pt plus 10pt
\vsize = 9\baselineskip
\countdef\PageNo = 0
\CardCount = 0
\def\Card #1{% 
    \advance\CardCount by 1
    {\bf #1}
\newdimen\RuleSpace     \RuleSpace = 10pt
\newdimen\BetweenRules  \BetweenRules = 20pt
\BaseLineSkipSave = \baselineskip
\PositionCount = 0
        {\it Cards, page \the\PageNo}% 
        card number: \the\CardCount,
        PositionCounter: \the\PositionCount,}%
    \NewLineMessage{page number: \the\PageNo,
        \string\outputpenalty: \the\outputpenalty.}%
    \ifnum\outputpenalty < -9999
        \setbox0 = \hbox{\strut}
        \setbox0 = \line{%
            \CardTitle\space con't\/\dots
    \setbox 2 = \vbox{%
        \VboxR to \vsize{\unvbox 255 \vfill}
            \OutTopBox \or
            \OutMidBox \or
        = \box2
    \ifnum\PositionCount = 2


    \ifnum\outputpenalty = -20000
        \NewLineMessage{\string\supereject\space encountered.}
        \ifnum\PositionCount < 2
    \ifnum\ModuloOneAdvanceNumCond{\PositionCount}{3} = 0 
        \global\advance\pageno by 1
\output = {\CardOutputRoutine}