#!/usr/local/bin/perl -s # # take a latex AUX file and change the bibstyle to subset or subset-nocomment # depending on if the -c flag was given (-c means use comments), then rename # the modified file to references.aux, run bibtex on it, rename the file # references.bbl to references.bib and delete references.{aux,blg}. This # results in a BibTeX file which can be shipped with the latex source of the # paper. The \bibliography{} command in the latex file will need to be changed # to use the newly generated bibliography. # # assumes subset.bst and subset-nocomment.bst are in the input path # # V. Khera 07-AUG-1992 # khera@cs.duke.edu $tmpfile = "refs$$"; $outfile = "references.bib"; $SIG{'INT'} = 'handler'; $SIG{'QUIT'} = 'handler'; $SIG{'TERM'} = 'handler'; $| = 1; # make sure output is flushed after print. sub handler { local($sig) = @_; print "Got a SIG$sig -- cleaning up\n"; &cleanup; exit 1; } sub cleanup { unlink <$tmpfile.*>; } $bibstyle = defined($c) ? "subset" : "subset-nocomment"; die "usage: $0 [-c] <auxfile>\n" unless $#ARGV == 0; $infile = shift; # canonicalize the name to end i .aux. assumes file is in current directory, # even though a path may have been specified. tough noogies, i say! $infile =~ s#(.*/)?([^.]*).*#\2.aux#; die "No such file $infile\n" unless -f $infile; open(INF,$infile) || die "Cannot read $infile\n"; @auxdata = <INF>; # slurp the whole file in close(INF); # create a new AUX file with subset bibstyle specified. @result = grep(m/(\\citation|\\bibdata).*/ , @auxdata); die "No citations or data files specified in $infile\n" unless @result; push(@result,"\\bibstyle{$bibstyle}\n"); open (OUTF,">$tmpfile.aux") || die "Cannot create temp file\n"; print OUTF @result; close(OUTF); print "Running bibtex...\n"; $result = system "bibtex $tmpfile"; die "Error running bibtex\n" unless ($result >> 8) == 0; rename ("$tmpfile.bbl", $outfile); print "Output is in $outfile\n"; &cleanup;