% Part of the MetaUML manual. % Copyright (C) 2005 Ovidiu Gheorghies % % This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or % modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License % as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 % of the License, or (at your option) any later version. % % This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software % Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. input metauml; HumanInfoCopy.iDwarf(iHuman); iDwarf.width := 60; iDwarf.height := 20; iDwarf.foreColor := blue; iDwarf.shadeColor := .8blue; beginfig(1); Human.h; drawObject(h); draw objectBox(h); Human.h1; h1.n = (35, 0); h1.info.foreColor := red; drawObject(h1); Human.h2; h2.info.height := 90; h2.nw = (50,0); drawObject(h2); draw objectBox(h2); EHuman.d(iDwarf); drawObjectAt(d)(d.s = (10,-50)); EHuman.d2(iDwarf); d2.info.shadeColor := red; drawObjectAt(d2)(d2.s = (10,-80)); endfig; beginfig(2); save a,b,c,d; show "***"; show "Figure 2"; show ""; Actor.a("foo"); drawObject(a); Actor.b("Bar in debug mode", "fooling around"); Actor_setDebugMode.b; b.n = (70,0); drawObject(b); Actor.c("Student"); c.sw = b.n; drawObject(c); Actor.d("."); d.e = (30, -50); drawObject(d); label.rt("X", d.e); endfig; beginfig(3); Usecase.u("foo"); drawObject(u); draw objectBox(u) withpen pencircle scaled .1; draw u.n withpen pencircle scaled 2 withcolor red; draw u.s withpen pencircle scaled 2 withcolor red; draw u.e withpen pencircle scaled 2 withcolor red; draw u.w withpen pencircle scaled 2 withcolor red; draw u.ulft withpen pencircle scaled 2 withcolor blue; draw u.urt withpen pencircle scaled 2 withcolor blue; draw u.llft withpen pencircle scaled 2 withcolor blue; draw u.lrt withpen pencircle scaled 2 withcolor blue; Usecase.login("Log in for an eagerly", "awaiting user", "which spans the 3rd line"); login.s = (0, 5); drawObject(login); Usecase.t("foo xasdf asdf as", "asdfa"); t.s = login.n + (0,10); drawObject(t); Usecase.q("foo xasdf asdf as", "asdfa", "cru asdf asdf ygh", "Sdfg s"); q.s = t.n + (0,10); drawObject(q); endfig; beginfig(4); Actor.userA("User A2", "doesn't looks all too nice", "by today's standards"); % Any Actor object is made of two sub-objects: nameStack and human. % Each individual picture in the nameStack can be configured individually. % % However, it is not possible to configure all the lines in the nameStack at % once now, saying something like: % % userA.nameStack.info.iPict.iFont.scale := 3; % % This happens because the information above is copied into the Picture objects % in the Actor constructor (and it is useless to modify it afterwards). % % If you do want to make such global modifications of the settings, see the % next two examples. userA.nameStack.pict[0].info.iFont.scale := 1.2; userA.nameStack.pict[1].info.iFont.scale := .7; userA.nameStack.info.borderColor := blue; userA.nameStack.info.boxed := 1; userA.nameStack.group.info.left := 30; userA.nameStack.group.info.right := 5; userA.human.info.foreColor := red; drawObject(userA); %draw objectBox(userA.nameStack); %draw objectBox(userA.human); endfig; beginfig(5); save userA; % If you want to have preset a info for specific objects ActorInfoCopy.iBig(iActor); % ActorInfo contains info-s for two objects % iNameStack: for the stack representing the actor's name % iHuman: for the little human iBig.iNameStack.iPict.iFont.scale := 3; iBig.iNameStack.spacing := 25; iBig.iHuman.height := 25; EActor.userA(iBig)("User A", "on two lines"); drawObject(userA); endfig; beginfig(6); save userA; % If you want to have GLOBAL settings iActor.iNameStack.iPict.iFont.scale := 2; iActor.iNameStack.spacing := 18; Actor.userA("User A", "reloaded"); drawObject(userA); endfig; beginfig(7); save usecaseA; Usecase.usecaseA("A highly customizable", "usecase. Foo bar!"); usecaseA.info.iNameStack.iPict.iFont.scale := .5; drawObject(usecaseA); endfig; beginfig(8); save usecaseA; Usecase.usecaseA("A highly customizable", "usecase. Foo bar!"); usecaseA.info.iNameStack.iPict.iFont.scale := 1.1; usecaseA.info.foreColor := red; usecaseA.info.borderColor := blue; usecaseA.info.iShade.background := green; usecaseA.info.iShade.shift := 4; drawObject(usecaseA); endfig; beginfig(9); save usecaseA; UsecaseInfoCopy.iMyUsecase(iUsecase); iMyUsecase.iNameStack.iPict.iFont.scale := .6; iMyUsecase.iNameStack.spacing := 5; iMyUsecase.foreColor := green; iMyUsecase.iShade.background := red; EUsecase.usecaseA(iMyUsecase)("A highly ", " customizable usecase."); EUsecase.usecaseB(iMyUsecase)("Another very ", " customizable usecase."); leftToRight(20)(usecaseA, usecaseB); drawObjects(usecaseA, usecaseB); endfig; end