% Part of the MetaUML manual. % Copyright (C) 2005 Ovidiu Gheorghies % % This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or % modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License % as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 % of the License, or (at your option) any later version. % % This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software % Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. input metauml; beginfig(1); Class.Count("Count") ("#n: int") ("+increase(): void", "+get(): int"); %Count.nw = (0,0); drawObject(Count); %Class_draw.Count; endfig; beginfig(2); Class.A("Point") ("+x: int", "+y: int") (); Class.B("Circle") ("radius: int") ("+getRadius(): int", "+setRadius(r: int):void"); A.nw = (0,0); B.n = A.s - (0,45); Class_draw.A; Class_draw.B; drawRelation(aggregationUni)(A.s -- B.n); endfig; beginfig(3); Class.Test("Test")("a1","a2","a3")("aLongMethod():void"); Test.nw = (0,0); Class_draw.Test; dotlabel.ulft(btex nw etex, Test.nw); dotlabel.top(btex n etex, Test.n); dotlabel.urt(btex ne etex, Test.ne); dotlabel.rt(btex e etex, Test.e); dotlabel.lrt(btex se etex, Test.se); dotlabel.bot(btex s etex, Test.s); dotlabel.llft(btex sw etex, Test.sw); dotlabel.lft(btex w etex, Test.w); dotlabel.lft(btex c etex, Test.c); draw Test.nw - (50,0) -- Test.ne + (10,0); label.urt(btex top etex, Test.nw - (50,0)); draw Test.sw - (50,0) -- Test.se + (10,0); label.lrt(btex bottom etex, Test.sw - (50,0)); draw Test.nw + (0,10) -- Test.sw - (0, 50); label.bot(btex left etex, Test.sw - (0,50)); draw Test.ne + (0,10) -- Test.se - (0, 50); label.bot(btex right etex, Test.se - (0,50)); drawarrow Test.nw - (25,0) -- Test.sw - (25,0); label.lft(btex height etex, .5[Test.nw, Test.sw] - (25,0)); drawarrow Test.sw - (0,25) -- Test.se - (0,25); label.bot(btex width etex, .5[Test.sw, Test.se] - (0,25)); endfig; %newAssociationDescription.association; %newAssociationUniDescription.associationUni; %newInheritanceDescription.inheritance; %newAggregationDescription.aggregation; %newAggregationUniDescription.aggregationUni; %newCompositionDescription.composition; %newCompositionUniDescription.compositionUni; %newDashedLinkDescription.dashedLink; %newDependencyDescription.dependency; beginfig(4); save X, Y; Class.X("X")()(); Class.Y("Y")()(); X.nw = (0,0); Y.w = X.e + (50,0); Class_draw.X; Class_draw.Y; drawRelation(association)(X.e -- Y.w); endfig; beginfig(5); save X, Y; Class.X("X")()(); Class.Y("Y")()(); X.nw = (0,0); Y.w = X.e + (50,0); Class_draw.X; Class_draw.Y; drawRelation(associationUni)(X.e -- Y.w); endfig; beginfig(6); save X, Y; Class.X("X")()(); Class.Y("Y")()(); X.nw = (0,0); Y.w = X.e + (50,0); Class_draw.X; Class_draw.Y; drawRelation(inheritance)(X.e -- Y.w); endfig; beginfig(7); save X, Y; Class.X("X")()(); Class.Y("Y")()(); X.nw = (0,0); Y.w = X.e + (50,0); Class_draw.X; Class_draw.Y; drawRelation(aggregation)(X.e -- Y.w); endfig; beginfig(8); save X, Y; Class.X("X")()(); Class.Y("Y")()(); X.nw = (0,0); Y.w = X.e + (50,0); Class_draw.X; Class_draw.Y; drawRelation(aggregationUni)(X.e -- Y.w); endfig; beginfig(9); save X, Y; Class.X("X")()(); Class.Y("Y")()(); X.nw = (0,0); Y.w = X.e + (50,0); Class_draw.X; Class_draw.Y; drawRelation(composition)(X.e -- Y.w); endfig; beginfig(10); save X, Y; Class.X("X")()(); Class.Y("Y")()(); X.nw = (0,0); Y.w = X.e + (50,0); Class_draw.X; Class_draw.Y; drawRelation(compositionUni)(X.e -- Y.w); endfig; beginfig(11); save X, Y; Class.X("X")()(); Class.Y("Y")()(); X.nw = (0,0); Y.w = X.e + (50,0); Class_draw.X; Class_draw.Y; drawRelation(dependency)(X.e -- Y.w); endfig; end