Jump to letter: [
389-ds-base-devel -
Development libraries for 389 Directory Server
ConsoleKit-devel -
Development files for ConsoleKit
ConsoleKit-docs -
Developer documentation for ConsoleKit
ConsoleKit-libs -
ConsoleKit libraries
ConsoleKit-x11 -
X11-requiring add-ons for ConsoleKit
DeviceKit-power-devel -
Headers and libraries for DeviceKit-power
DeviceKit-power-devel-docs -
API documentation for DeviceKit-power
GConf2-devel -
Headers and libraries for GConf development
ImageMagick-c++-devel -
C++ bindings for the ImageMagick library
ImageMagick-devel -
Library links and header files for ImageMagick app development
NetworkManager-devel -
Libraries and headers for adding NetworkManager support to applications
NetworkManager-glib -
Libraries for adding NetworkManager support to applications that use glib.
NetworkManager-glib-devel -
Header files for adding NetworkManager support to applications that use glib.
ORBit2-devel -
Development libraries, header files and utilities for ORBit
OpenIPMI-devel -
The development environment for the OpenIPMI project
OpenIPMI-libs -
The OpenIPMI runtime libraries
OpenIPMI-perl -
IPMI Perl language bindings
OpenIPMI-python -
IPMI Python language bindings
PackageKit-backend-devel -
Headers to compile out of tree PackageKit backends
PackageKit-browser-plugin -
Browser Plugin for PackageKit
PackageKit-command-not-found -
Ask the user to install command line programs automatically
PackageKit-device-rebind -
Device rebind functionality for PackageKit
PackageKit-docs -
Documentation for PackageKit
PackageKit-glib -
GLib libraries for accessing PackageKit
PackageKit-glib-devel -
GLib Libraries and headers for PackageKit
PackageKit-gstreamer-plugin -
Install GStreamer codecs using PackageKit
PackageKit-gtk-module -
Install fonts automatically using PackageKit
PackageKit-qt -
QT libraries for accessing PackageKit
PackageKit-qt-devel -
Qt Libraries and headers for PackageKit
PAM bindings for Python
YAML parser and emitter for Python
SDL-devel -
Files needed to develop Simple DirectMedia Layer applications
SDL-static -
Files needed to develop static Simple DirectMedia Layer applications
abrt-devel -
Development libraries for abrt
akonadi-devel -
Developer files for akonadi
alsa-lib-devel -
Development files from the ALSA library
amanda-devel -
Libraries and documentation of the AMANDA tape backup system
apr-devel -
APR library development kit
apr-util-devel -
APR utility library development kit
apr-util-ldap -
APR utility library LDAP support
apr-util-mysql -
APR utility library MySQL DBD driver
apr-util-odbc -
APR utility library ODBC DBD driver
apr-util-pgsql -
APR utility library PostgreSQL DBD driver
apr-util-sqlite -
APR utility library SQLite DBD driver
atk-devel -
Development files for the ATK accessibility toolkit
atlas-3dnow-devel -
Development libraries for ATLAS with 3DNow extensions
atlas-devel -
Development libraries for ATLAS
atlas-sse-devel -
Development libraries for ATLAS with SSE extensions
atlas-sse2-devel -
Development libraries for ATLAS with SSE2 extensions
atlas-sse3-devel -
Development libraries for ATLAS with SSE3 extensions
audit-libs -
Dynamic library for libaudit
audit-libs-devel -
Header files for libaudit
audit-libs-python -
Python bindings for libaudit
audit-libs-static -
Static version of libaudit library
augeas-devel -
Development files for augeas
autotrace-devel -
Header files and static libraries for autotrace
avahi-compat-howl -
Libraries for howl compatibility
avahi-compat-howl-devel -
Header files for development with the howl compatibility libraries
avahi-compat-libdns_sd -
Libraries for Apple Bonjour mDNSResponder compatibility
avahi-compat-libdns_sd-devel -
Header files for the Apple Bonjour mDNSResponder compatibility libraries
avahi-devel -
Libraries and header files for avahi development
avahi-glib-devel -
Libraries and header files for avahi glib development
avahi-gobject-devel -
Libraries and header files for Avahi GObject development
avahi-qt3-devel -
Libraries and header files for avahi Qt3 development
avahi-qt4-devel -
Libraries and header files for avahi Qt4 development
avahi-ui-devel -
Libraries and header files for Avahi UI development
axis -
A SOAP implementation in Java
bind-devel -
Header files and libraries needed for BIND DNS development
blas -
The Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms library
blas-devel -
BLAS development libraries
bluez-libs-devel -
Development libraries for Bluetooth applications
boost-devel -
The Boost C++ headers and shared development libraries
boost-static -
The Boost C++ static development libraries
brasero-devel -
Headers for developing programs that will use brasero
btparser -
Parser and analyzer for backtraces produced by GDB
btparser-devel -
Development libraries for btparser
btparser-python -
Python bindings for btparser
bzip2-devel -
Header files developing apps which will use bzip2
c-ares-devel -
Development files for c-ares
cairo-devel -
Development files for cairo
cim-schema -
Common Information Model (CIM) Schema
cluster-glue-libs -
Reusable cluster libraries
cluster-glue-libs-devel -
Headers and libraries for writing cluster managers
clusterlib-devel -
The Red Hat Cluster libraries development package
compat-openmpi -
Open Message Passing Interface
compat-openmpi-devel -
Development files for compat-openmpi
control-center-devel -
Development files for the GNOME control-center
control-center-filesystem -
GNOME Control Center directories
corosynclib-devel -
The Corosync Cluster Engine Development Kit
cpufrequtils-devel -
CPU frequency changing utilities development files
cpupowerutils-devel -
Header files for development of cpu power utilities
cracklib-devel -
Development files needed for building applications which use cracklib
cracklib-python -
Python bindings for applications which use cracklib
cryptsetup-luks-devel -
Headers and libraries for using encrypted filesystems
ctdb-devel -
CTDB clustered database development package
cups-devel -
Common Unix Printing System - development environment
cyrus-imapd-devel -
Cyrus IMAP server development files
cyrus-sasl-devel -
Files needed for developing applications with Cyrus SASL
db4-devel -
C development files for the Berkeley DB (version 4) library
db4-devel-static -
Berkeley DB (version 4) static libraries
db4-java -
Development files for using the Berkeley DB (version 4) with Java
db4-tcl -
Development files for using the Berkeley DB (version 4) with tcl
dbus-devel -
Development files for D-BUS
dbus-glib-devel -
Libraries and headers for the D-Bus GLib bindings
dbus-libs -
Libraries for accessing D-BUS
dbus-x11 -
X11-requiring add-ons for D-BUS
devhelp-devel -
Library to embed Devhelp in other applications
device-mapper-devel -
Development libraries and headers for device-mapper
device-mapper-event-devel -
Development libraries and headers for the device-mapper event daemon
dhcp-devel -
Development headers and libraries for interfacing to the DHCP server
dialog-devel -
Development files for building applications with the dialog library
dmraid-devel -
Development libraries and headers for dmraid.
dovecot-devel -
Development files for dovecot
e2fsprogs-devel -
Ext2/3/4 filesystem-specific static libraries and headers
e2fsprogs-libs -
Ext2/3/4 filesystem-specific shared libraries
edac-utils-devel -
Development files for edac-utils
enchant-devel -
Support files necessary to compile applications with libenchant.
espeak-devel -
Development files for espeak
evince-devel -
Support for developing backends for the evince document viewer
evolution-data-server-devel -
Development files for building against evolution-data-server
evolution-data-server-doc -
Documentation files for evolution-data-server
evolution-devel -
Development files for building against evolution
evolution-devel-docs -
Developer documentation for Evolution
evolution-mapi-devel -
Development files for building against evolution-mapi
expat-devel -
Libraries and header files to develop applications using expat
flac-devel -
Development libraries and header files from FLAC
fontconfig-devel -
Font configuration and customization library
fontforge-devel -
Development tools for fontforge
fprintd-devel -
Development files for fprintd
freetype-devel -
FreeType development libraries and header files
fuse-devel -
File System in Userspace (FUSE) devel files
gc-devel -
Libraries and header files for gc development
gd-devel -
The development libraries and header files for gd
gdbm-devel -
Development libraries and header files for the gdbm library
gdk-pixbuf2-devel -
Development files for gdk-pixbuf
gdm-libs -
GDM plugin libs
gedit-devel -
Support for developing plugins for the gedit text editor
gegl-devel -
Headers for developing programs that will use gegl
geronimo-specs -
Geronimo J2EE server J2EE specifications
geronimo-specs-compat -
Compatibility package for geronimo-specs
ghostscript-devel -
Files for developing applications that use ghostscript.
gimp-devel -
GIMP plugin and extension development kit
glib-networking -
Networking support for GLib
glib2-devel -
A library of handy utility functions
glib2-doc -
A library of handy utility functions
glib2-static -
A library of handy utility functions
glibc-devel -
Object files for development using standard C libraries.
glibc-headers -
Header files for development using standard C libraries.
glibc-static -
C library static libraries for -static linking.
glusterfs-api-devel -
Development Libraries
glusterfs-devel -
Development Libraries
glx-utils -
GLX utilities
gmp-devel -
Development tools for the GNU MP arbitrary precision library
gmp-static -
Development tools for the GNU MP arbitrary precision library
gnome-desktop-devel -
Libraries and headers for libgnome-desktop
gnome-disk-utility-devel -
Development files for gnome-disk-utility-libs
gnome-disk-utility-libs -
Shared libraries used by Palimpsest
gnome-disk-utility-ui-devel -
Development files for gnome-disk-utility-ui-libs
gnome-disk-utility-ui-libs -
Shared libraries used by Palimpsest
gnome-keyring-devel -
Development files for gnome-keyring
gnome-keyring-pam -
Pam module for unlocking keyrings
gnome-panel-devel -
Headers and libraries for Panel Applet development
gnome-panel-libs -
Libraries for Panel Applets
gnome-settings-daemon-devel -
Development files for gnome-settings-daemon
gnome-vfs2-devel -
Libraries and include files for developing GNOME VFS applications
gnutls-devel -
Development files for the gnutls package
gnutls-guile -
Guile bindings for the GNUTLS library
gpm-devel -
Development files for the gpm library
gpm-static -
Static development files for the gpm library
graphviz-devel -
Development package for graphviz
gstreamer-plugins-bad-free-devel -
Development files for the GStreamer media framework "bad" plug-ins
gstreamer-plugins-bad-free-devel-docs -
Development documentation for the GStreamer "bad" plug-ins
gstreamer-plugins-base-devel -
GStreamer Base Plugins Development files
gstreamer-plugins-base-devel-docs -
Developer documentation for GStreamer Base plugins library
gstreamer-plugins-good-devel -
Dummy package to make gstreamer-plugins-good multilib
gtk2-devel -
Development files for GTK+
gtk2-devel-docs -
Developer documentation for GTK+
gtkhtml3-devel -
Libraries, includes, etc to develop gtkhtml applications
guile-devel -
Libraries and header files for the GUILE extensibility library
gutenprint-devel -
Library development files for gutenprint
gvfs-devel -
Development files for gvfs
hal-devel -
Libraries and headers for HAL
hal-docs -
Documentation for HAL
hal-libs -
Libraries for accessing HAL
hamcrest-demo -
Demos for hamcrest
hivex -
Read and write Windows Registry binary hive files
hivex-devel -
Development tools and libraries for hivex
httpd-devel -
Development interfaces for the Apache HTTP server
hwloc-devel -
Headers and shared development libraries for hwloc
ibus-devel -
Development tools for ibus
ibus-devel-docs -
Developer documents for ibus
ibus-table-devel -
Development files for ibus-table
icu4j -
International Components for Unicode for Java
icu4j-eclipse -
Eclipse plugin for icu4j
imsettings-devel -
Development files for imsettings
imsettings-libs -
Libraries for imsettings
iproute-devel -
iproute development files
irssi-devel -
Development package for irssi
iscsi-initiator-utils-devel -
Development files for iscsi-initiator-utils
isdn4k-utils-devel -
Static library and header files for capi development
jakarta-commons-dbcp -
Jakarta Commons DataBase Pooling Package
jakarta-commons-dbcp-tomcat5 -
DBCP dependency for Tomcat5
jasper-devel -
Header files, libraries and developer documentation
jasper-utils -
Nonessential utilities for jasper
java-1.7.0-oracle-jdbc -
Oracle Java JDBC/ODBC bridge driver
java-1.8.0-oracle-javafx -
Oracle JavaFX runtime
js-devel -
Header files, libraries and development documentation for js
json-c -
A JSON implementation in C
json-c-devel -
Development headers and library for json-c
junit4-demo -
Demos for junit4
kdebase-devel -
Development files for kdebase
kdebase-workspace-devel -
Development files for kdebase-workspace
kdelibs-devel -
Header files for compiling KDE 4 applications
kdelibs3-devel -
Header files and documentation for compiling KDE 3 applications.
kdenetwork-devel -
Development files for kdenetwork
kdepim-devel -
Development files for kdepim
kdepim-runtime-devel -
Development files for kdepim-runtime
kdesdk-devel -
Developer files for kdesdk
kdewebdev-devel -
Header files and documentation for kdewebdev
kpathsea -
Path searching library for TeX-related files
kpathsea-devel -
Files needed to build software against kpathsea
krb5-devel -
Development files needed to compile Kerberos 5 programs
lapack -
Numerical linear algebra package libraries
lapack-devel -
LAPACK development libraries
lasso-devel -
Lasso development headers and documentation
lasso-python -
Liberty Alliance Single Sign On (lasso) Python bindings
ldb-tools -
Tools to manage LDB files
ldns-devel -
Development package that includes the ldns header files
ldns-doc -
Documentation for the ldns library
libSM-devel -
X.Org X11 SM development package
libX11-devel -
Development files for libX11
libXScrnSaver-devel -
X.Org X11 libXScrnSaver development package
libXau-devel -
Development files for libXau
libXaw-devel -
Development files for libXaw
libXcomposite-devel -
Development files for libXcomposite
libXcursor-devel -
Development files for libXcursor
libXdamage-devel -
Development files for libXdamage
libXdmcp-devel -
Development files for libXdmcp
libXevie-devel -
Development files for libXevie
libXext-devel -
X.Org X11 libXext development package
libXfixes-devel -
Development files for libXfixes
libXfont-devel -
X.Org X11 libXfont development package
libXft-devel -
X.Org X11 libXft development package
libXi-devel -
X.Org X11 libXi development package
libXinerama-devel -
X.Org X11 libXinerama development package
libXmu-devel -
X.Org X11 libXmu development package
libXp-devel -
X.Org X11 libXp development package
libXpm-devel -
X.Org X11 libXpm development package
libXrandr-devel -
X.Org X11 libXrandr development package
libXrender-devel -
X.Org X11 libXrender development package
libXres-devel -
Development files for libXres
libXt-devel -
X.Org X11 libXt development package
libXtst-devel -
X.Org X11 libXtst development package
libXv-devel -
X.Org X11 libXv development package
libXvMC-devel -
X.Org X11 libXvMC development package
libXxf86dga-devel -
X.Org X11 libXxf86dga development package
libXxf86misc-devel -
X.Org X11 libXxf86misc development package
libXxf86vm-devel -
X.Org X11 libXxf86vm development package
libacl-devel -
Access control list static libraries and headers
libarchive-devel -
Development files for libarchive
libatasmart-devel -
Development Files for libatasmart Client Development
libattr-devel -
Extended attribute static libraries and headers
libbasicobjects -
Basic object types for C
libbasicobjects-devel -
Development files for libbasicobjects
libblkid -
Block device ID library
libblkid-devel -
Block device ID library
libbonobo-devel -
Libraries and headers for libbonobo
libburn-devel -
Development files for libburn
libcanberra-devel -
Development Files for libcanberra Client Development
libcap-devel -
Development files for libcap
libcap-ng-devel -
Header files for libcap-ng library
libcap-ng-python -
Python bindings for libcap-ng library
libcap-ng-utils -
Utilities for analysing and setting file capabilities
libcgroup -
Tools and libraries to control and monitor control groups
libcgroup-devel -
Development libraries to develop applications that utilize control groups
libcmpiutil-devel -
Libraries, includes, etc. to use the CMPI utility library
libcollection -
Collection data-type for C
libcollection-devel -
Development files for libcollection
libcom_err -
Common error description library
libcom_err-devel -
Common error description library
libcurl -
A library for getting files from web servers
libcurl-devel -
Files needed for building applications with libcurl
libdbi -
Database Independent Abstraction Layer for C
libdbi-devel -
Development files for libdbi (Database Independent Abstraction Layer for C)
libdhash -
Dynamic hash table
libdhash-devel -
Development files for libdhash
libdmx-devel -
X.Org X11 DMX development files
libdrm-devel -
Direct Rendering Manager development package
libee-devel -
Development files for libee
libevent-devel -
Header files, libraries and development documentation for libevent
libevent-doc -
Development documentation for libevent
libevent-headers -
Header file for development for libevent
libevent2-devel -
Header files, libraries and development documentation for libevent2
libevent2-doc -
Development documentation for libevent2
libexif-devel -
Files needed for libexif application development
libfontenc-devel -
X.Org X11 libfontenc development package
libgcrypt-devel -
Development files for the libgcrypt package
libgdata-devel -
Development files for libgdata
libgovirt -
A GObject library for interacting with oVirt REST API
libgovirt-devel -
Libraries, includes, etc. to compile with the libgovirt library
libgpg-error-devel -
Development files for the libgpg-error package
libgphoto2 -
Library for accessing digital cameras
libgphoto2-devel -
Headers and links to compile against the libgphoto2 library
libgssglue-devel -
Development files for the gssclug library
libgtop2-devel -
Libraries and include files for developing with libgtop
libgudev1 -
Libraries for adding libudev support to applications that use glib
libgudev1-devel -
Header files for adding libudev support to applications that use glib
libgweather-devel -
Development files for libgweather
libhbaapi-devel -
Development files for libhbaapi
libhbalinux-devel -
A file needed for libhbalinux application development
libhugetlbfs-devel -
Header files for libhugetlbfs
libical-devel -
Development files for libical
libicu-devel -
Development files for International Components for Unicode
libini_config -
INI file parser for C
libini_config-devel -
Development files for libini_config
libipa_hbac -
FreeIPA HBAC Evaluator library
libipa_hbac-devel -
FreeIPA HBAC Evaluator library
libipa_hbac-python -
Python bindings for the FreeIPA HBAC Evaluator library
libjpeg-turbo-devel -
Headers for the libjpeg-turbo library
libjpeg-turbo-static -
Static version of the libjpeg-turbo library
libksba-devel -
Development headers and libraries for libksba
libldb -
A schema-less, ldap like, API and database
libldb-devel -
Developer tools for the LDB library
libmicrohttpd -
Lightweight library for embedding a webserver in applications
libmicrohttpd-devel -
Development files for libmicrohttpd
libmnl-devel -
Development files for libmnl
libmudflap-devel -
GCC mudflap support
libnetfilter_queue-devel -
Netfilter queue userspace library
libnih-devel -
Development files for libnih
libnl -
Convenience library for kernel netlink sockets
libnl-devel -
Libraries and headers for using libnl
libnl3 -
Convenience library for kernel netlink sockets
libnl3-cli -
Command line interface utils for libnl3
libnl3-devel -
Libraries and headers for using libnl3
libpath_utils -
Filesystem Path Utilities
libpath_utils-devel -
Development files for libpath_utils
libpcap -
A system-independent interface for user-level packet capture
libpcap-devel -
Libraries and header files for the libpcap library
libpciaccess-devel -
PCI access library development package
libpng-devel -
Development tools for programs to manipulate PNG image format files
libpng-static -
Static PNG image format file library
libproxy-devel -
Development files for libproxy
libpst-devel -
Library links and header files for libpst application development
libpst-libs -
Shared library used by the pst utilities
libpst-python -
Python bindings for libpst
libqb-devel -
Development files for libqb
libref_array -
A refcounted array for C
libref_array-devel -
Development files for libref_array
librelp-devel -
Development files for the librelp package
libreoffice-bsh -
BeanShell support for LibreOffice
libreoffice-glade -
Support for creating LibreOffice dialogs in glade
libreoffice-headless -
LibreOffice Headless plug-in
libreoffice-officebean -
JavaBean for LibreOffice Components
libreoffice-pyuno -
Python support for LibreOffice
libreoffice-rhino -
JavaScript support for LibreOffice
libreoffice-sdk -
Software Development Kit for LibreOffice
libreoffice-testtools -
Testtools for LibreOffice
libreoffice-ure -
UNO Runtime Environment
libreport-devel -
Development libraries and headers for libreport
libreport-gtk-devel -
Development libraries and headers for libreport
librsvg2-devel -
Libraries and include files for developing with librsvg
libselinux-devel -
Header files and libraries used to build SELinux
libselinux-python -
SELinux python bindings for libselinux
libselinux-ruby -
SELinux ruby bindings for libselinux
libselinux-static -
Static libraries used to build SELinux
libselinux-utils -
SELinux libselinux utilies
libsemanage-devel -
Header files and libraries used to build policy manipulation tools
libsemanage-python -
semanage python bindings for libsemanage
libsemanage-static -
Static library used to build policy manipulation tools
libsepol-devel -
Header files and libraries used to build policy manipulation tools
libsepol-static -
static libraries used to build policy manipulation tools
libshibresolver-devel -
Shibboleth SP Attribute Resolver development Headers
libshibresolver1 -
Shibboleth SP Attribute Resolver library
libsndfile-devel -
Development files for libsndfile
libsoup -
Soup, an HTTP library implementation
libsoup-devel -
Header files for the Soup library
libspectre-devel -
Development files for libspectre
libss -
Command line interface parsing library
libss-devel -
Command line interface parsing library
libssh2-devel -
Development files for libssh2
libssh2-docs -
Documentation for libssh2
libsss_autofs -
A library to allow communication between Autofs and SSSD
libsss_idmap -
FreeIPA Idmap library
libsss_idmap-devel -
FreeIPA Idmap library
libsss_nss_idmap -
Library for SID based lookups
libsss_nss_idmap-devel -
Library for SID based lookups
libsss_nss_idmap-python -
Python bindings for libsss_nss_idmap
libsss_simpleifp -
The SSSD D-Bus responder helper library
libsss_simpleifp-devel -
The SSSD D-Bus responder helper library
libsss_sudo -
A library to allow communication between SUDO and SSSD
libsss_sudo-devel -
A library to allow communication between SUDO and SSSD
libstdc++-devel -
Header files and libraries for C++ development
libstdc++-docs -
Documentation for the GNU standard C++ library
libsysfs-devel -
Static library and headers for libsysfs
libtalloc-devel -
Developer tools for the Talloc library
libtar-devel -
Development files for libtar
libtasn1-devel -
Files for development of applications which will use libtasn1
libtdb-devel -
Header files need to link the Tdb library
libtevent-devel -
Developer tools for the Tevent library
libtiff-devel -
Development tools for programs which will use the libtiff library
libtiff-static -
Static TIFF image format file library
libtirpc-devel -
Development files for the libtirpc library
libudev-devel -
Development files for libudev
libunistring-devel -
GNU Unicode string library - development files
libusb1-devel -
Development files for libusb
libusb1-static -
Static development files for libusb
libuser-devel -
Files needed for developing applications which use libuser
libuser-python -
Python bindings for the libuser library
libuuid -
Universally unique ID library
libuuid-devel -
Universally unique ID library
libvirt -
Library providing a simple virtualization API
libvirt-cim -
A CIM provider for libvirt
libvirt-client -
Client side library and utilities of the libvirt library
libvirt-devel -
Libraries, includes, etc. to compile with the libvirt library
libvirt-java -
Java bindings for the libvirt virtualization API
libvirt-java-devel -
Compressed Java source files for libvirt-java
libvirt-lock-sanlock -
Sanlock lock manager plugin for QEMU driver
libvirt-python -
Python bindings for the libvirt library
libvirt-snmp -
SNMP functionality for libvirt
libvisual-devel -
Development files for libvisual
libvncserver-devel -
Development files for libvncserver
libvorbis-devel -
Development tools for Vorbis applications.
libvorbis-devel-docs -
Documentation for developing Vorbis applications
libvpd-devel -
Header files for libvpd
libvpx-devel -
Development files for libvpx
libwmf-devel -
Support files necessary to compile applications with libwmf
libwnck-devel -
Libraries and headers for libwnck
libwsman-devel -
Open-source Implementation of WS-Management
libx86-devel -
Development tools for programs which will use libx86
libxcb-devel -
Development files for libxcb
libxcb-python -
Python bindings for libxcb
libxerces-c-devel -
Header files for Xerces-C++ validating XML parser
libxklavier -
High-level API for X Keyboard Extension
libxklavier-devel -
Development files for libxklavier
libxml2 -
Library providing XML and HTML support
libxml2-devel -
Libraries, includes, etc. to develop XML and HTML applications
libxml2-python -
Python bindings for the libxml2 library
libxml2-static -
Static library for libxml2
libxslt -
Library providing the Gnome XSLT engine
libxslt-devel -
Libraries, includes, etc. to embed the Gnome XSLT engine
libxslt-python -
Python bindings for the libxslt library
libyaml-devel -
Development files for LibYAML applications
lksctp-tools-devel -
Development files for lksctp-tools
lldpad-devel -
Development files for lldpad libraries
lldpad-libs -
Libraries for communication with lldpad
log4cpp -
C++ logging library
log4cpp-devel -
Header files, libraries and development documentation for log4cpp
lvm2-devel -
Development libraries and headers
lzo-devel -
Development files for the lzo library
m17n-lib-devel -
m17n-lib development files
matahari-devel -
Matahari development package
memcached-devel -
Files needed for development using memcached protocol
mesa-demos -
Mesa demos
mesa-libEGL-devel -
Mesa libEGL development package
mesa-libGL-devel -
Mesa libGL development package
mesa-libGLU-devel -
Mesa libGLU development package
mesa-libGLw-devel -
Mesa libGLw development package
mesa-libOSMesa-devel -
Mesa offscreen rendering development package
mesa-libgbm-devel -
Mesa libgbm development package
mesa-libxatracker-devel -
Mesa XA state tracker development package
mesa-private-llvm-devel -
Libraries and header files for Mesa's llvm engine
metacity-devel -
Development files for metacity
mingw32-boost -
MinGW Windows port of Boost C++ Libraries
mingw32-boost-static -
Static version of the MinGW Windows Boost C++ library
mingw32-bzip2 -
MinGW port of bzip2 file compression utility
mingw32-dlfcn -
Implements a wrapper for dlfcn (dlopen dlclose dlsym dlerror)
mingw32-dlfcn-static -
Static version of the MinGW Windows dlfcn library
mingw32-expat -
MinGW Windows port of expat XML parser library
mingw32-filesystem -
MinGW base filesystem and environment
mingw32-gettext -
GNU libraries and utilities for producing multi-lingual messages
mingw32-gettext-static -
Static version of the MinGW Windows Gettext library
mingw32-glib2 -
MinGW Windows GLib2 library
mingw32-glib2-static -
Static version of the MinGW Windows GLib2 library
mingw32-gnutls -
MinGW GnuTLS TLS/SSL encryption library
mingw32-iconv -
GNU libraries and utilities for character set conversion
mingw32-iconv-static -
Static version of the MinGW Windows Iconv library
mingw32-libgcrypt -
MinGW Windows gcrypt encryption library
mingw32-libgpg-error -
MinGW Windows GnuPGP error library
mingw32-libxml2 -
MinGW Windows libxml2 XML processing library
mingw32-libxml2-static -
Static version of the MinGW Windows XML processing library
mingw32-libxslt -
MinGW Windows Library providing the Gnome XSLT engine
mingw32-libxslt-static -
Static version of the MinGW Windows LibXSLT library
mingw32-minizip -
Minizip manipulates files from a .zip archive
mingw32-nsis -
Nullsoft Scriptable Install System
mingw32-pcre -
MinGW Windows pcre library
mingw32-pthreads -
MinGW pthread library
mingw32-qpid-cpp -
MinGW Windows port of AMQP C++ Daemons and Libraries
mingw32-runtime -
MinGW Windows cross-compiler runtime
mingw32-sigar -
MinGW Windows sigar library
mingw32-srvany -
Utility for creating services for Windows
mingw32-termcap -
MinGW terminal feature database
mingw32-w32api -
Win32 header files and stubs
mingw32-zlib -
MinGW Windows zlib compression library
mingw32-zlib-static -
Static libraries for mingw32-zlib development.
minizip-devel -
Development files for the minizip library
mobile-broadband-provider-info-devel -
Development files for mobile-broadband-provider-info
mod_perl-devel -
Files needed for building XS modules that use mod_perl
mongodb-devel -
MongoDB header files
mpich -
A high-performance implementation of MPI
mpich-devel -
Development files for mpich
mvapich -
MPI implementation over Infiniband RDMA-enabled interconnect
mvapich-common -
Common files used by the mvapich runtime
mvapich-devel -
Development files for the mvapich package
mvapich-static -
Static libraries for the mvapich package
mvapich2 -
mvapich2-common -
Common files for mvapich2
mvapich2-devel -
Development files for mvapich2
nautilus-devel -
Support for developing nautilus extensions
nautilus-extensions -
Nautilus extensions library
nautilus-sendto-devel -
Development files for nautilus-sendto
ncurses-devel -
Development files for the ncurses library
ncurses-static -
Static libraries for the ncurses library
neon-devel -
Development libraries and C header files for the neon library
net-snmp-devel -
The development environment for the NET-SNMP project
net-snmp-libs -
The NET-SNMP runtime libraries
net-snmp-perl -
The perl NET-SNMP module and the mib2c tool
net-snmp-python -
The Python 'netsnmp' module for the NET-SNMP
netcf-devel -
Development files for netcf
newt-devel -
Newt windowing toolkit development files
newt-python -
Python bindings for newt
newt-static -
Newt windowing toolkit static library
nfs-utils-lib-devel -
Development files for the nfs-utils-lib library
nspr-devel -
Development libraries for the Netscape Portable Runtime
nss-devel -
Development libraries for Network Security Services
nss-pkcs11-devel -
Development libraries for PKCS #11 (Cryptoki) using NSS
nss-softokn-devel -
Development libraries for Network Security Services
nss-util-devel -
Development libraries for Network Security Services Utilities
nss_compat_ossl-devel -
Development libraries for nss_compat_ossl
numpy-f2py -
f2py for numpy
nuxwdog-devel -
Development files for the Nuxwdog Watchdog
ocaml-hivex -
OCaml bindings for hivex
ocaml-hivex-devel -
OCaml bindings for hivex
ocaml-labltk-devel -
Development files for labltk
ocaml-libvirt -
OCaml binding for libvirt
ocaml-libvirt-devel -
Development files for ocaml-libvirt
ocsinventory-agent -
Open Computer and Software Inventory Next Generation client
openaislib-devel -
The openais Standards-Based Cluster Framework libraries
openchange-devel -
Developer tools for OpenChange libraries
openchange-devel-docs -
Developer documentation for OpenChange libraries
opencryptoki-devel -
Development files for openCryptoki
opencv -
Collection of algorithms for computer vision
opencv-devel -
Development files for using the OpenCV library
opencv-devel-docs -
Development files for using the OpenCV library
opencv-python -
Python bindings for apps which use OpenCV
openhpi-devel -
The development environment for the openhpi project
openhpi32-devel -
The development environment for the OpenHPI project
openjpeg-devel -
Development files for openjpeg
openldap-devel -
LDAP development libraries and header files
openmotif-devel -
Open Motif development libraries and header files
openmpi -
Open Message Passing Interface
openmpi-1.10 -
Open Message Passing Interface 1.10
openmpi-1.10-devel -
Development files for openmpi-1.10
openmpi-1.4 -
Open Message Passing Interface 1.4
openmpi-1.4-devel -
Development files for openmpi-1.4
openmpi-1.5.3 -
Open Message Passing Interface 1.5.3
openmpi-1.5.3-devel -
Development files for openmpi-1.5.3
openmpi-1.5.4 -
Open Message Passing Interface 1.5.4
openmpi-1.5.4-devel -
Development files for openmpi-1.5.4
openmpi-1.8 -
Open Message Passing Interface 1.8
openmpi-1.8-devel -
Development files for openmpi-1.8
openmpi-devel -
Development files for openmpi
openmpi-psm -
Open Message Passing Interface using InfiniPath
openmpi-psm-devel -
Development files for openmpi using InfiniPath
openoffice.org-bsh -
BeanShell support for OpenOffice.org
openoffice.org-devel -
Development Libraries for OpenOffice.org
openoffice.org-headless -
OpenOffice.org Headless plugin
openoffice.org-pyuno -
Python support for OpenOffice.org
openoffice.org-rhino -
JavaScript support for OpenOffice.org
openoffice.org-sdk -
Software Development Kit for OpenOffice.org
openoffice.org-testtools -
Testtools for OpenOffice.org
openoffice.org-ure -
UNO Runtime Environment
openscap-devel -
Development files for openscap
openscap-engine-sce-devel -
Development files for openscap-engine-sce
openscap-perl -
Perl bindings for openscap
openscap-python -
Python bindings for openscap
openslp-devel -
OpenSLP headers and libraries
openssl-devel -
Files for development of applications which will use OpenSSL
openssl-static -
Libraries for static linking of applications which will use OpenSSL
openwsman-perl -
Perl bindings for openwsman client API
openwsman-python -
Python bindings for openwsman client API
openwsman-ruby -
Ruby bindings for openwsman client API
oprofile-devel -
Header files and libraries for developing apps which will use oprofile
pacemaker-libs-devel -
Pacemaker development package
pam-devel -
Files needed for developing PAM-aware applications and modules for PAM
pango-devel -
Development files for pango
paps-devel -
Development files for paps
paps-libs -
Libraries for paps
parted-devel -
Files for developing apps which will manipulate disk partitions
pciutils-devel -
Linux PCI development library
pcp-conf -
Performance Co-Pilot run-time configuration
pcp-libs -
Performance Co-Pilot run-time libraries
pcp-libs-devel -
Performance Co-Pilot (PCP) development headers and documentation
pcp-system-tools -
Performance Co-Pilot (PCP) System and Monitoring Tools
pcp-testsuite -
Performance Co-Pilot (PCP) test suite
pcre-devel -
Development files for pcre
pcre-static -
Static library for pcre
pcsc-lite-devel -
PC/SC Lite development files
perl-Archive-Extract -
Generic archive extracting mechanism
perl-Archive-Tar -
A module for Perl manipulation of .tar files
perl-Authen-Krb5 -
Krb5 Perl module
perl-Authen-PAM -
Authen::PAM Perl module
perl-Authen-SASL -
SASL Authentication framework for Perl
perl-CGI -
Handle Common Gateway Interface requests and responses
perl-CGI-Session -
Persistent session data in CGI applications
API & CLI access to the CPAN mirrors
perl-Class-MethodMaker -
Perl module for creating generic object-oriented methods
perl-Compress-Raw-Bzip2 -
Low-Level Interface to bzip2 compression library
perl-Compress-Raw-Zlib -
Low-Level Interface to the zlib compression library
perl-Compress-Zlib -
A module providing Perl interfaces to the zlib compression library
perl-Config-General -
Generic configuration module for Perl
perl-Crypt-SSLeay -
Crypt::SSLeay - OpenSSL glue that provides LWP https support
perl-DBD-Pg -
A PostgreSQL interface for perl
perl-Date-Calc -
Gregorian calendar date calculations
perl-Date-Manip -
A Perl module containing a wide variety of date manipulation routines
perl-DateTime -
Date and time objects
perl-Digest-SHA -
Perl extension for SHA-1/224/256/384/512
perl-ExtUtils-CBuilder -
Compile and link C code for Perl modules
perl-ExtUtils-ParseXS -
Module and a script for converting Perl XS code into C code
perl-File-Fetch -
Generic file fetching mechanism
perl-Frontier-RPC -
A Perl interface for making and serving XML-RPC calls
perl-Frontier-RPC-Client -
Frontier-RPC-Client Perl module
perl-Frontier-RPC-doc -
Frontier-RPC-Client Perl module documentation
perl-GSSAPI -
Perl extension providing access to the GSSAPIv2 library
perl-Git -
Perl interface to Git
perl-IO-Compress-Base -
Base Class for IO::Compress modules
perl-IO-Compress-Bzip2 -
Perl interface to allow reading and writing of bzip2 data
perl-IO-Compress-Zlib -
Perl interface to allow reading and writing of gzip and zip data
perl-IO-Socket-SSL -
Perl library for transparent SSL
perl-IO-Tty -
Perl interface to pseudo tty's
perl-IO-Zlib -
Perl IO:: style interface to Compress::Zlib
perl-IPC-Cmd -
Finding and running system commands made easy
perl-IPC-Run -
Perl module for interacting with child processes
perl-IPC-Run3 -
Run a subprocess in batch mode
perl-Image-Size -
Determine the size of images in several common formats in Perl
perl-LDAP -
LDAP Perl module
perl-Locale-Maketext-Simple -
Simple interface to Locale::Maketext::Lexicon
perl-Log-Message -
Generic message storage mechanism
perl-Log-Message-Simple -
Simplified frontend to Log::Message
perl-Makefile-Parser -
Simple parser for Makefiles
perl-Module-Build -
Perl module for building and installing Perl modules
perl-Module-Load -
Runtime require of both modules and files
perl-Module-Load-Conditional -
Looking up module information / loading at runtime
perl-Module-Loaded -
Mark modules as loaded or unloaded
perl-Module-Pluggable -
Automatically give your module the ability to have plugins
perl-Mozilla-LDAP -
LDAP Perl module that wraps the OpenLDAP C SDK
perl-Net-DNS -
DNS resolver modules for Perl
perl-Net-DNS-Nameserver -
DNS server for Perl
perl-Net-SSLeay -
Perl extension for using OpenSSL
perl-NetAddr-IP -
Manages IPv4 and IPv6 addresses and subnets
perl-Object-Accessor -
Perl module that allows per object accessors
perl-PCP-LogImport -
Performance Co-Pilot (PCP) Perl bindings for importing external data into PCP archives
perl-PCP-LogSummary -
Performance Co-Pilot (PCP) Perl bindings for post-processing output of pmlogsummary
perl-PCP-MMV -
Performance Co-Pilot (PCP) Perl bindings for PCP Memory Mapped Values
perl-PCP-PMDA -
Performance Co-Pilot (PCP) Perl bindings and documentation
perl-Package-Constants -
List all constants declared in a package
perl-Params-Check -
Generic input parsing/checking mechanism
perl-Parse-CPAN-Meta -
Parse META.yml and other similar CPAN metadata files
perl-Parse-RecDescent -
Parse-RecDescent Perl module
perl-Pod-Escapes -
Perl module for resolving POD escape sequences
perl-Pod-Simple -
Framework for parsing POD documentation
perl-Proc-Daemon -
Run Perl program as a daemon process
perl-Proc-ProcessTable -
Perl extension to access the unix process table
perl-SOAP-Lite -
Client and server side SOAP implementation
perl-Socket6 -
IPv6 related part of the C socket.h defines and structure manipulators
perl-Sys-Virt -
Represent and manage a libvirt hypervisor connection
perl-Term-ProgressBar -
Provide a progress meter on a standard terminal
perl-Term-UI -
Term::ReadLine UI made easy
perl-TermReadKey -
A perl module for simple terminal control
perl-Test-Inter -
Framework for more readable interactive test scripts
perl-Test-Memory-Cycle -
Check for memory leaks and circular memory references
perl-Test-MockObject -
Perl extension for emulating troublesome interfaces
perl-Test-Spelling -
Check for spelling errors in POD files
perl-Time-HiRes -
High resolution alarm, sleep, gettimeofday, interval timers
perl-Time-Piece -
Time objects from localtime and gmtime
perl-TimeDate -
A Perl module for time and date manipulation
perl-WWW-Curl -
Perl extension interface for libcurl
perl-XML-Dumper -
Perl module for dumping Perl objects from/to XML
perl-hivex -
Perl bindings for hivex
perl-libwww-perl -
A Perl interface to the World-Wide Web
perl-parent -
Establish an ISA relationship with base classes at compile time
perl-version -
Perl extension for Version Objects
php-devel -
Files needed for building PHP extensions
php-pecl-apc-devel -
APC developer files (header)
pidgin-devel -
Development headers and libraries for pidgin
pixman-devel -
Pixel manipulation library development package
planner-devel -
Libraries and include files for developing with planner
plymouth-core-libs -
Plymouth libraries
plymouth-devel -
Libraries and headers for writing Plymouth splash plugins
plymouth-graphics-libs -
Plymouth graphics libraries
pm-utils-devel -
Files for development using pm-utils
polkit-desktop-policy -
Roles and default policy for desktop usage
polkit-devel -
Development files for PolicyKit
polkit-docs -
Development documentation for PolicyKit
polkit-gnome-devel -
Development files for polkit-gnome
polkit-gnome-docs -
Development documentation for polkit-gnome
poppler -
PDF rendering library
poppler-devel -
Libraries and headers for poppler
poppler-glib -
Glib wrapper for poppler
poppler-glib-devel -
Development files for glib wrapper
poppler-qt-devel -
Development files for Qt3 wrapper
poppler-qt4-devel -
Development files for Qt4 wrapper
postgresql-devel -
PostgreSQL development header files and libraries
ppp-devel -
Headers for ppp plugin development
procps-devel -
System and process monitoring utilities
ptlib-devel -
Development package for ptlib
pulseaudio-libs-devel -
Headers and libraries for PulseAudio client development
pyOpenSSL -
Python wrapper module around the OpenSSL library
pyldb -
Python bindings for the LDB library
pyldb-devel -
Development files for the Python bindings for the LDB library
pymongo-gridfs -
Python GridFS driver for MongoDB
pytalloc -
Developer tools for the Talloc library
pytalloc-devel -
Developer tools for the Talloc library
python-bson -
Python bson library
python-devel -
The libraries and header files needed for Python development
python-gudev -
Python (PyGObject) bindings to the GUDev library
python-hivex -
Python bindings for hivex
python-imaging-devel -
Development files for python-imaging
python-libipa_hbac -
Python2 bindings for the FreeIPA HBAC Evaluator library
python-libsss_nss_idmap -
Python2 bindings for libsss_nss_idmap
python-logilab-common -
Common libraries for Logilab projects
python-magic -
Python bindings for the libmagic API
python-netaddr -
Pythonic manipulation of IPv4, IPv6, CIDR, EUI and MAC network addresses
python-paramiko -
A SSH2 protocol library for python
python-pcp -
Performance Co-Pilot (PCP) Python bindings and documentation
python-perf -
Python bindings for apps which will manipulate perf events
python-pygments -
A syntax highlighting engine written in Python
python-reportlab -
Python PDF generation library
python-rhsm -
A Python library to communicate with a Red Hat Unified Entitlement Platform
python-rhsm-certificates -
Certificates required to communicate with a Red Hat Unified Entitlement Platform
python-sqlalchemy -
Modular and flexible ORM library for python
python-sss -
Python2 bindings for sssd
python-sss-murmur -
Python2 bindings for murmur hash function
python-suds -
A python SOAP client
python-tdb -
Python bindings for the Tdb library
python-tevent -
Python bindings for the Tevent library
python-twisted-web -
Twisted web client and server, programmable in Python
python-urlgrabber -
A high-level cross-protocol url-grabber
python-urwid -
Console user interface library
python-virtinst -
Python modules and utilities for installing virtual machines
qt-devel -
Development files for the Qt toolkit
qt3-devel -
Development files for the Qt 3 GUI toolkit
qt3-devel-docs -
Documentation for the Qt 3 GUI toolkit
raptor-devel -
Libraries, includes etc to develop with Raptor RDF parser library
readline-devel -
Files needed to develop programs which use the readline library
readline-static -
Static libraries for the readline library
redhat-support-lib-python -
Red Hat Support Software Development Library
redhat-support-tool -
Tool for console access to Red Hat subscriber services
rest-devel -
Development package for rest
rpm-devel -
Development files for manipulating RPM packages
rpm-libs -
Libraries for manipulating RPM packages
rpm-python -
Python bindings for apps which will manipulate RPM packages
rrdtool-devel -
RRDtool libraries and header files
ruby-libs -
Libraries necessary to run Ruby
rubygems -
The Ruby standard for packaging ruby libraries
rubygems-devel -
Macros and development tools for packaging RubyGems
samba4-devel -
Developer tools for Samba libraries
sane-backends-devel -
SANE development toolkit
sanlock-devel -
Development files for sanlock
sanlock-python -
Python bindings for the sanlock library
sat4j -
A library of SAT solvers written in Java
satyr-devel -
Development libraries for satyr
satyr-python -
Python bindings for satyr
sblim-cim-client2 -
Java CIM Client library
sblim-cmpi-base-devel -
SBLIM CMPI Base Providers Development Header Files
sblim-cmpi-fsvol-devel -
SBLIM Fsvol Instrumentation Header Development Files
sblim-gather-devel -
SBLIM Gatherer Development Support
scipy -
Scipy: Scientific Tools for Python
sendmail-devel -
Extra development include files and development files
sg3_utils-devel -
Development library and header files for the sg3_utils library
sigar-devel -
SIGAR Development package - System Information Gatherer And Reporter
slf4j -
Simple Logging Facade for Java
snappy-devel -
Development files for snappy
spice-glib -
A GObject for communicating with Spice servers
spice-glib-devel -
Development files to build Glib2 applications with spice-glib-2.0
spice-gtk-devel -
Development files to build GTK2 applications with spice-gtk-2.0
spice-gtk-python -
Python bindings for the spice-gtk-2.0 library
spice-protocol -
Spice protocol header files
sqlite-devel -
Development tools for the sqlite3 embeddable SQL database engine
subversion-javahl -
JNI bindings to the Subversion libraries
subversion-perl -
Perl bindings to the Subversion libraries
subversion-ruby -
Ruby bindings to the Subversion libraries
sudo-devel -
Development files for sudo
suitesparse-devel -
Development headers for SuiteSparse
suitesparse-static -
Static version of SuiteSparse libraries
svrcore -
Secure PIN handling using NSS crypto
svrcore-devel -
Development files for secure PIN handling using NSS crypto
syslinux-devel -
Headers and libraries for syslinux development.
t1lib-devel -
Header files and development files for t1lib
t1lib-static -
Static libraries for t1lib
tbb-devel -
The Threading Building Blocks C++ headers and shared development libraries
tcp_wrappers-devel -
Development libraries and headers for tcp_wrappers
tdb-tools -
Developer tools for the Tdb library
totem-devel -
Plugin writer's documentation for totem
trousers-devel -
TrouSerS header files and documentation
trousers-static -
TrouSerS TCG Device Driver Library
tsclient-devel -
Header files needed to write tsclient plugins
udisks-devel -
D-Bus interface definitions for udisks
udisks-devel-docs -
Documentation for D-Bus interface of udisks
unbound-devel -
Development package that includes the unbound header files
unicap-devel -
Development files for the unicap library
unixODBC-devel -
Development files for programs which will use the unixODBC library
usbredir-devel -
Development files for usbredir
vinagre-devel -
Development files for vinagre
virt-top -
Utility like top(1) for displaying virtualization stats
vm-dump-metrics-devel -
Virtualization host metrics dump development
volume_key-devel -
A library for manipulating storage encryption keys and passphrases
vte-devel -
Files needed for developing applications which use vte
webkitgtk -
GTK+ Web content engine library
webkitgtk-devel -
Development files for webkitgtk
wireless-tools-devel -
Development headers for the wireless-tools package
wireshark-devel -
Development headers and libraries for wireshark
wordnet-devel -
The development libraries and header files for WordNet
xcb-proto -
XCB protocol descriptions
xfsprogs-devel -
XFS filesystem-specific static libraries and headers
xfsprogs-qa-devel -
XFS QA filesystem-specific static libraries and headers
xmlgraphics-commons -
XML Graphics Commons
xmlrpc-c-devel -
Development files for xmlrpc-c based programs
xmlrpc3-client -
XML-RPC client implementation
xmlrpc3-client-devel -
Source for XML-RPC client implementation
xmlrpc3-common -
Common classes for XML-RPC client and server implementations
xmlrpc3-common-devel -
Source for common classes of XML-RPC
xmlrpc3-javadoc -
Javadoc for xmlrpc3
xmlrpc3-server -
XML-RPC server implementation
xmlrpc3-server-devel -
Source for XML-RPC server implementation
xmlsec1-devel -
Libraries, includes, etc. to develop applications with XML Digital Signatures and XML Encryption support.
xmlsec1-gcrypt -
GCrypt crypto plugin for XML Security Library
xmlsec1-gcrypt-devel -
GCrypt crypto plugin for XML Security Library
xmlsec1-gnutls -
GNUTls crypto plugin for XML Security Library
xmlsec1-gnutls-devel -
GNUTls crypto plugin for XML Security Library
xmlsec1-nss -
NSS crypto plugin for XML Security Library
xmlsec1-nss-devel -
NSS crypto plugin for XML Security Library
xmlsec1-openssl -
OpenSSL crypto plugin for XML Security Library
xmlsec1-openssl-devel -
OpenSSL crypto plugin for XML Security Library
xorg-x11-drv-evdev-devel -
Xorg X11 evdev input driver development package.
xorg-x11-drv-mouse-devel -
Xorg X11 mouse input driver development package.
xorg-x11-drv-synaptics-devel -
Xorg X11 synaptics input driver
xorg-x11-drv-wacom-devel -
Xorg X11 wacom input driver development package
xorg-x11-glamor-devel -
X.org glamor renderer development package
xorg-x11-server-source -
Xserver source code required to build VNC server (Xvnc)
xorg-x11-xkb-utils-devel -
X.Org X11 xkb utilities development package.
xulrunner-devel -
Development files for Gecko
xz-devel -
Devel libraries & headers for liblzma
xz-lzma-compat -
Older LZMA format compatibility binaries
yum-metadata-parser -
A fast metadata parser for yum
zlib-devel -
Header files and libraries for Zlib development
zlib-static -
Static libraries for Zlib development